Tfw don't know if ugly or just so handsome that I'm intimidating

tfw don't know if ugly or just so handsome that I'm intimidating.

no friends, always sit alone, khv,

doesn't even matter if I become fit, I'll be in the same position.

I literally just browse Veeky Forums on my phone at college.

if you dont know whether youre handsome or ugly, youre an idiot. If you have no friends, its because you chose to be anti-social looking at your phone all day

You're definitely ugly. You sound like a typical ugly loser.

Post a pic of your face. We'll tell if you if your handsome or ugly

and get doxxed? fuck off

Its not like you have any friends that will care

Its not your looks, probably the fact you're not talking to anybody

Just take a new pic right now, you faggot. How are we gonna dox you if the pic only exists here and no one talks to you?

It's not an issue if looks, you're just anti social

This isn't /b/. Worst case cenario someone will just use it to jack off.

Seriously. No one gives enough of a fuck to dox you. All we're trying to do is either fill up our spank banks or get in a good laugh at some uggo who thought he was so handsome that it made him godlike and unapproachable.

delete exif data, cover your eyes if you want

statistically you're probably just average looking with poor social skills but unaware of it. You can improve them though. but this board is fitness so post your face or fuck off

>I don't have friends
>must be because of my looks!
kek, Veeky Forums never changes

1.) say hi or smile to every girl you walk by at your college. It doesn't matter if you don't know them because after you've done it two or three times they'll figure they know you and they might even say hi or smile first when you walk past. What this does is people will start to recognize you and see you as a friendly guy that knows a lot of people (even if you don't).

2.) Join as many student organisations as your schedule will allow. The more the better. Seriously, I cannot emphasise this enough. If you're able to play your cards right (that is, you're not autism) you can be banging the hottest girls in your uni even if you're fuck-ugly yourself, just because of the social proof.

Personally I'm VERY busy because of the high demand of my degree and I'm also running my own business, but I'm able to fit in working as a bartender for this huge club/bar/party place once a week for a few hours that's operated by students, for students which is great because EVERYONE recognises me and I'm introduced to friends-of-friends all the time. Seriously, I'm one of the most popular guys at my campus because of this. Also I'm in a frat which is obviously a good thing for socialising, and I'm a volunteer freshmen-week coordinator or whatever you wanna call it. Basically I'm one of the first guys all the new freshmen girls in my program meet when they start.

Seriously I'm a 6/10 AT BEST but you wouldn't believe the quality and quantity of poon I get just because of my social proof

>Social proof
This sounds like some PUA horseshit

So desperate I'll risk my dignity and pride. POO PEE POO LOL

You're not hideous but you're average at best.

Welcome to the club, you halfnigger

you might get memed, but you are extremely unlikely to get doxxed




Wtf does doxxed mean?

ill take what is google for 100 plz


like why would you ever think you're handsome?

no jaw, no cheek bones, no chin, nigger

You're pretty average, probably around a 6.
+ Good fashion/ style and muscles you could be a 7
+High social skills you could be an 8

You gotta learn, women respond more to how you make them feel than how you look. Men and women's brains are not the same

>so handsome that im intimidating

lose weight, if u had a jawline u would be prettty attractive no homo.
also lift u fucking faggot beta eksdee

How can someone that looks like this look in the mirror every day without realizing that they're hideous?

>You're pretty average, probably around a 6.
He's like a 3 or 4.

>tfw don't know if ugly or just so handsome that I'm intimidating.

I'll go with the former.

New it gonna kms but before then ill jsut continue on. I just wanted to justify my asocial behaviour. Guess ima a robot after all.

>just so handsome that I'm intimidating


new people instinctively liking you because they see all their friends and all the cool people liking you is somehow horseshit now? I was gonna call you autistic but then I realized you actually might be and it wouldn't be funny at that point

Well you don't need to worry about people jacking to your picture.

Not ugly but not good looking. Just average.

You're ugly. Now get shredded.

Nah mate, if you have facial symmetry, a normal shaped face and clear skin you are automatically above a 4

Im talking about the term "social proof"
Sounds like some shit made up by some dude writing a self help book for spergs like yourself.

I'm just gonna leave this pic here and tell you watch some RSD videos

laso, please stick to fitness topics in the future

/thread MODS delete it. Was gonna start gym but whats the point. Just gonna get a waifu again, jack off and watch anime. The memes were true.
I downloaded that models book but I guess I won't be needing it now.

He literally has a crooked nose with a weird ugly mulatto shape, so much for symmetry.
>normal shaped face
He has LITERALLY ZERO (0) bones in his face. And also has absolutely no dimorphism, looks like a complete and utter fucking subhuman cuck.

This puts him at 4, then subtract one point for being ethnik, and he ends up at 3.

It's true, you idiot.

This guy fucks, listen to him op

Fucking chill, you crybaby. You'll be fine. You have a fat little cherub niggerface and you're still in the 4-6 range (average) depending on your eyes. If you work out you'll be a decent looking guy. Not a Greek god by any means but attractive in passing to most women.

Honestly, man, it sounds like to me you need to work on your social shit first, though.Go out. Meet people. You might be an aspie at first but you'll adapt.

Read that shit. Mark Manson is the Dad you never had.

>weird ugly mulatto shape
>then subtract one point for being ethnik, and he ends up at 3
which one of the Hodge Twins plowed ur girl? I bet it was Kevin

idk where I first heard it but it's the perfect word for it. You're being given the benefit of the doubt every single time by new people because of the fact that their friends already like you. People go "well I like my friends and if my friends likes this guy I guess he's pretty cool". In other words, you have people "vouching" for you or "proofing" you. Social proof is a good term for what's going on imo. I don't see why you're so hostile and bitter though, I've only given you information that can benefit you.