Fictional goal body thread

fictional goal body thread
isn't he the ultimate Veeky Forumsizen?

Johnny Bravo was the original Zyzz

He inspired me as a young lad

"HU HA" - Johnny Bravo

>looks swole
>fails to attrack women
He's like a textbook Veeky Forumsizen.

Yes he is fit incarnate.

Isn't his swoleness meant to be his own delusion of how he looks.


I think gashi gashi did that one.

I'm pretty sure he's just meant to be swole and socially retarded.

>looks swole
>textbook Veeky Forumsizen
pick one



only real answer

Guess I'd better start drinking some fucking mad tea

this Tbh


Also manlet

The true OG

Johnny Bravo gave me body dysmorphia

Also if I couldnt take Tex Valor, Johnny Bravo would be the backup

Non fiction

If anything Veeky Forums is a reverse Johnny

bruh thats the most fictitious thing on this thread

How can anyone say no to those neck gains and jawline