Was Mosley a puppet of Hitler?

Was Mosley a puppet of Hitler?

No, he was just a naive dickhead

How so?

He thought Hitler was reasonable and wouldn't start wars

He drank the blood of Aryan children

Sorry who? Oh right, that irrelevant anglo that only ever gets discussed on Veeky Forums

Like nobody give a fuck about him during his time until the war started.

I don't know about Mosley specifically.
But it is well documented that the NSDAP government had their tendrils in many governments, trying to udnermine democracy and make peace with Germany easily.

Mosley fits that profile perfectly.
That being said most of these people, whom I am referring to, were of Germanic descent. Mosley wasn't? He was really just roleplaying

He was closer to Mussolini

worse, he just acted exactly like his puppet even though Hitler didnt give a shit about him.

Sorry user, I have to vent/blogpost right now because you mentioned Mosley & Hitler. I'm in high school and I took a mini-quiz today. My teacher asked us to name two "authoritarian leaders" besides Stalin. I put Hitler and Mosley, and he fucked me on it because "durr he's not a leader" but the dude didn't specify head of state. Mosley was still a leader, he led the BUF. What a stupid fucking question. He obviously had no idea who Mosley was because he was showing us YouTube videos later on and I could clearly see "Oswal..." in one of his tabs. Yet somehow this asshat is qualified to tell me who does and who doesn't fit his narrow definition of the broad word "leader."

I'm consistently top of the class but now my entire grade is a 75 because he made that quiz four fucking points. I fought him on it and he had some excuse like "oh well in that case everyone would be a leader" and I just wanted to leave so I conceded and thanked him for hearing me out.

I had to explain to this guy a few weeks ago that Kaiser Wilhelm I wasn't Willy's dad. It's an 1870 and onwards class but I wrote my entire semester exam on shit like the French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars and British 1842 retreat from Kabul just to piss him off. Got a B+

What should I do at this point? Funny guy, I love him as a person, but what an awful fucking teacher.
>I'm 18 by the way

tell it to the judge pal

Fuck you

am the only who can't take someone who wears black turtleneck seriously

he obviously meant Mussolini you mega autist


how is this allowed

Is this pasta


If this isn't a pasta already I will be very disappointed

Mosley reminds me of myself: intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

pic related, it's the image on my body pillow


No, that might have helped him, though. He thought even after the war that Anglo lives weren't worth losing over Jews or Poles or Russians.

god he so fucking smug for being so irrelevant

It's not a pasta this just happened yesterday

>you gotta be this tall to be prime minister

no, mos was right about everything

>M O D S

if by "a puppet of Hitler" you mean "a hero who was right about literally everything" then yes

Just remember now that every time you see someone on Veeky Forums claiming to be a historian or on Veeky Forums claiming to be a postgrad they're really a highschooler who can only make friends on Veeky Forums.

I'm 18

Would you prefer to talk about celebrities instead?

>my entire grade is a 75 because he made that quiz four fucking points
>American education

>"how tall do u want to be lads"

That's what they all say

that mustache makes me wet everytime

Name one issue he was wrong about
>you literally can't

Mosley is the gay embodiment of a celebrity so obviously not