Next week after btc fork

> blockchain release
> wallet release
> masternodes release
> what the fuck are you doing with your life user? why are you still poor?

be very cautious of the yellow menace

And nothing will happen.

it was priced in before they actually released the news, the first pump to 150k


> here are the 3 steps of poor people mentality
> denial
> denial
> denial
> WTC goes 200k satoshi
> denial
> denial
> denial
> WTC goes 400k satoshi
> cycle continues
> poor people stay poor
> smart people take the opportunity to invest

meh faces nice thighs

>priced in

the ping pong people are gonna make us rich

Easy 2x


nah I cant do that stupid fud like all the other aspis here. Im just waiting this weekend to dump my (mysterious cryptocoin) at its high, to buy WTC. Please let it under 6dollars

All in since September 1. We are going to do a several x mid term.

>be very cautious of the yellow menace

now is literally the time to buy up all Chinese coins.

why aren't all of these asians ...... girls?

is it just me or does anyone else think of fucking walmart every time i see this coin

already priced in

priced in at 12

your mum is priced in breh

I don't, since im not from burgerland.

$175m market cap
everything about them is unprofessional: the videos, the lack of english, even the fucking t-shirts
Don't trust these chinks, at least VeChain have a working product (i dont own any)

everything you said is pretty dumb. I should elaborate but I won't

Bought Nice 100k

Walton overpriced, hype is over, people gonna sell the news soon

typical dumb american kunt
>unprofessional because they don't employ muh western standards

kys fag they have like 4 phds, a bunch of award winners, ceos of huge businesses and are backed by a massive conglomerate. who are you to tell them how to be professional?

WTC has their own RFID patents and garment industry (septwolves).

WTC has the hardware, the software and the market

And what does the token do?

this could be the NEO of china