Calisthenics to weights transfer & vice versa

Any bodyweight fags switch to weights?
Were you pretty strong starting out?
Did you feel like a pathetic weakling?

Same for lifters, were you shitty at calisthenics?
Did you progress fast etc

I only used dumbbells and did pushups for a long time, and recently got myself a pullup bar. The pullup bar makes me feel like a weakling.

I need to get me a pull up bar

and a door that won't break...
In old ass apt that I fear will fall apart any moment.

>Be weakling
>Put in pullup bar yesterday
>Realize you never know how much you use your lats in daily life until they start to hurt

Op here.
I did basically the same as you but I found my pullups progressed fairly well.
Went from 2 shitty reps to 13 perfect form in 4 weeks.
But if you don't train them you WILL lose them so be careful.

anyone try this
any success?

Street workout mane here, I recently switched to the gym because of the cold weather. My bw is 71kg and I'm not doing any lifts over my bw (don't ask me why, idk), and also no one rep maxes.

personally i hate it but my routine is probably even worse
i do only one armed pushups and one armed pullups and sprint

you will lose them as quick as you lose any muscle

I lift exclusively and just started using a chinup bar I got 5 Christmases. 1/2 of one chinup and I am sore... I can pretty much pull my weight on a lat pulldown though so wtf need to cut

no you just need to stop doing pulldowns and start doing pull/chin ups instead of them

My pull ups are strong and have been shooting up along with my other lifts, but there's something about the bodyweight rows that never seem to get stronger. I do them in the Smith machine with my ankles kept on the ground. Any body have any experience? I'm waiting to strenghten up my abdominals before I attempt to do it from a complete hang.

I used to do some basic calisthenics stuff for about a year and it transfers pretty well

They are an endurance exercise, so you just have to do more of them. But why are you doing them? I used them as a finisher workout after sets'n'reps or between sets of pyramid pullups

I did it for a few months, got to
>one-legged squats
>(did OHP instead of handstand pushups)
>hanging straight leg raises
>uneven push ups
legs elevated, one leg extended row
>arm and leg lift side plank

On both one-legged squats and full dips I always felt like I was grinding my joints away and got some pain, my form was probably shit though. I think form is harder to police for this sort of exercise as opposed to barbell compounds. My goal was to get front lever, one-arm pullup, one-arm pushup.

I ended feeling sort of "this is fuckslow progress and I look like shit" so I went back to weights, but that's just a personal thing. I figured I'd be better off getting strong lifting, cut, and then add calisthenics in as accessory work, since most of it is skill training (as opposed to strength).

Front lever is both skill and static strength exercise, and so is one arm pull, both have to be practiced pretty often in order to progress. I can hold front for 4-5 sec and it keeps getting better

Did a lot of calisthenics (at the time my main hobby was martial arts, so it was great)

Best I managed:
- one-arm pushups on each hand
- front lever
- a proper muscle-up (not that shitty swingitysqung crap)
- Straddle planche (managed to hold a planche as well, but the form was lacking)
- Pistol squats
- L-stand

Then i had to stop doing martial arts due to problems with headaches (a punch to the head could case me a headache for days). Also broke up with my ex and had a lot of stress from exams (doesnt mix well with headaches), so I lost some weight. After that, I decided to get those muscles back, and I focused on strength, bought myself a couple of weights to use at home. Gained enough weight back to screw up my planche, but otherwise remained fit.

Decided at some point one-leg squats are just not cutting it for me anymore, so now i'm doing squats and deadlifts (for about 3 months).

I think it more or less comes down to what you ultimatively want to achieve. If you want strength, then start squatting, deadlifting (and whatever else you want to) and be prepared to start rather low. I only got my 1-rep max deadlift to 170kg (problems with grip), so not good enough.
It's different. Don't expect you can squat 200kg just because you can do a one-leg squat. And just by lifting, you'll never be able to do a planche.

Oh, i do OHP 1 plate for reps with little difficulty tho. So some strength does carry over nicely.

Calisthenics transfers to weights a little bit, but it won't give you that brutal strength and size that lifting will. lifting doesn't transfer that well to calisthenics. if you want to be good at calisthenics then you need to do calisthenics, it's simply way too specific.

lifting is more useful in general and transfer to pretty much every activity except long distance running. calisthenics is more specialized, but it definitely has some cool stuff.

another important thing: if you want to be good at calisthenics then you should do some lifting as well. you'll benefit from the finely tuned, planned progression that's possible with weights, and you can use that strength to be better at calisthenics. they are not mutually exclusive.

>step into the gym 4 years ago, being unable to even do 10 push ups
>fast forward to now
>90 kg, 184
>160 kg bench for a couple of reps, 250 kg diddy, 200 kg squat, 110 kg OHP
>did 5 muscle ups first try
>took me 30 minutes to learn to stand on hands and do standing push ups
>took me a couple of days to learn to hold my body horizontally

There's no fucking reason to start off with lifting. Weights never fucking lie.

to not start off*

I remember when i started working out i couldnt do more than one chin up.....after lifting weights for a few months I could do around 8.

Lifting weights def helps your calisthenics...

Lots of people learning how to do a one legged squat and really advanced calisthenics movements, almost always with the help of weights or because of weights.

No pics. Never will be pics.

Thread is entirely bullshit and filled with powerlifting faggots shilling their sport.

Op here.
Thanks for all the responses guys.
I've decided I'm gonna try out weighted dips, chinups pistols etc along with calisthenics skill work for about 6 weeks.