I fucked up fit

i fucked up fit

i am super drunk right now

just returned from a party with my company

ate probably 3000 calories from that shitty fucked buffe, everything from meat

drunk tons of beer, tons of wine, tons of fucked jack daniel type drinks

i just fucked up

how to recover from this tomorrow?

suck dicks

Trips don't lie

you have to start from square-one.
Should've had more self control bud

Dude it's one night. Stop acting like a fucking autist.

3k calories is nothing just drink a fuckload of water and hit the gym with lots of energy 2morrow. u will be fine bby.

>hitting the gym after he got wasted
Just drink shit tons of water and rest tomorrow, going to the gym with a bad hangover is a bad idea since you will feel like shit

kek is that pepe?

Relax, it's all part of muscle confusion. It's actually a good thing. Your body thinks you're going to eat some chicken breasts with broccoli and brown rice - boom! Go out and get shitfaced and eat a fuckload of unhealthy food. Next day, your body is prepped to go to the gym - boom! Just sit in your room watching TV and eating chips. Maximum muscle confusion achieved. The more you do it, the more gains you make.

Are you a woman, OP?
If no, shut the fuck up and look forward to taking a shit for 2 hours tomorow.

I'm going to buy a fifth of shitty whiskey, drink it all and eat pizza tonight. I will be smiling at the end of the night, then I will go to the gym on Sunday.

Stop lifting forever. You ruined your bones with alcohol. Unless you wanna break your shit, you can never safely lift again.

hq post

you should probably kill yourself if you're this autistic

he literally ruined monthly gains, anyone in his position would be autistic about the situation

That sounds dope. You should be able to go apeshit in thr gym for the next few days.

>jack daniels

Enjoy your killer hangover tomorrow OP.
There's nothing you can do, you'll be dying whole next day.

I ate like 5k calories for Thanksgiving and I'm on a cut and have a 1.7k BMR. Fasting today, eating light for the weekend. Don't be a fucking pussy, 3k is nothing.

why don't you stop being such a boring little bitch, that might help

you could try eating less fucking faggot. I'm struggling to reach 3000 cal daily while you disgusting pigs can't close your mouth

maybe you two can meet up and drink bleach

Well spotted newfriend

Wow, user spent a night socialising like a normal, well adjusted adult?

Truly terrifying.

what a faggot

it can't hurt

Lots of water
Go to the gym tommorow, have a lower intensity workout
Eat a nice healthy meal
Continue to drink water

and you'll feel fine bud
