Supplement Stack Rate Thread

Post your stack!

why not just a few vials of test you fucking cuck


Breakfast - 5 g Creatine, 2 Orange Triad, 1600 mg Beta-Alanine, 500 mg L-Carnitine, 1 scoop of Gold Standard Gainer

Lunch - 1 Orange Triad, 500 mg L-Carnitine

Pre-Workout - 1600 mg Beta-Alanine, 9 g Citrulline Malate, 1 scoop (5 g) BCAAs, 1 scoop of Gold Standard Whey

Post-Workout - 1 scoop of Gold Standard Whey, 5 g Creatine

Dinner - 3 Orange Triad, 500 mg L-Carnitine

Before Bed - 3 ZMA, 500 mg L-Carnitine, 1 scoop of Gold Standard Casein (1 hour after ZMA, to avoid calcium interference)

0/10 your're a faggot

I don't have any problem with people taking gear if they choose to do so. However, until it's legal and there's a 0.0% chance of prison time for purchasing/using/possessing it, I'll stick with my "natty" supplements. If that makes me a cuck, so be it.

Yes, let the hate flow through you. Stay salty, bud! I'll be over here enjoying my gains while you shitpost in random threads on the internet.

We're saying use gear not sell it m8
You arent going to prison for using gear lol, how big of a deal do you think this is. It's technically lower schedule than Marijuana

I Kek out loud. This must cost you so fucking much. Taking bcaas and protein at the same time? Prob the stupidest thing I've read, but then again it's why I visit this shithole. For retards like you.

Possession of anabolic steroids can be prosecuted on state and federal levels. The penalty is up to a year in prison, and a minimum of $1,000 in fines. I'm not saying that it's LIKELY that you'll get busted for using gear, but it's still a crime, and I'd rather not risk my freedom or my future/career for some gains in the gym. Personal preference, man. Gear is amazingly effective and I don't see any problem with people using it, but until the government gets rid of the idiotic laws that make it illegal, I'm not taking that risk.

im just taking the old school superpump 250 and protein. Its good stuff dont let people rage and say LE ROIDS LE ROIDS. even the people the bodybuilders on roids still take the shit ur taking too lol.

megadosing glutamine helps with recovery dramatically.

Im a cop. The penalty is fucking big but people still do it. Lot of SWAT guys get RX for it.


Freeform BCAAs are more rapidly absorbed than even whey, so why not take them pre-workout for extra support while you lift? I also take that particular product for the agmatine and CLA complex, not just the BCAAs.


Y'all are crazy. I take creatine and a multivitamin. Thinking of getting some amino acids for cutting but fuck if I know if that's a waste of money

You probably buy from a reputable source and all but jesus those labels look sketch as fuck.


Oh, fuck off. He works just as hard as anyone else and if he wants to risk his health a little to gain an edge then that's his business.

extra support? for what? why does you body need "extra" amino acids while you lift if you're already eating them at various other points throughout the day? just because "it couldn't hurt", right? that's what the whole bullshit overpriced supp industry is founded on... "eh, it couldn't hurt."

Beside protons and somewhat creatine, everything else is a meme.


Creatine in pill form.. tisk tisk

all you need is whey and a multivitamin lmao. Get cucked

Not him, but:
>Op might be in a country that suppliers won't go near
>May not have enough cash; some countries charge a shitfucktonne
>May be in a situation that roids are impractical; like travelling, since Test U is expensive and hard to get
>May be in a situation where normies will interfere
I had somebody try to throw out my creatine because they "care about me". I had to explain what it was. THey thought it was literally roids. Now imagine how they'd react to collectibles. And imagine if they did that to your PCT, or your AI. You'd be fucked
>Bloods are hard to get in some countries
>May not be at a point in his training where roids are a good idea

THere are a few reasons, m9. I can't roid, and probably wouldn't even if I could, because of the above.

Can't get a picture right now, but:
Only when I'm really fkn rushed and have no time for real food
>Vitamin D

Considering dropping the zinc and vit D, since I don't think it's doing much.

ANy particularly good stuff I should consider trying, brehs?

How many scoops?


>ctrl + f
fish oil

0 results.

Any supps besides whey/casein or creatine on MyProtein? I want to pick up some extra stuff for the free shipping/black box.

Also curious about anything for penile health/sexual performance, if you guys know of anything (whether supps or foods you've noticed significant differences with).