God tier cutting food

Recovering from thanksgiving binge, I heard one user bring up water and a shit ton broccoli.

Pickles have really few calories

Broccoli with a little melted butter.
Frozen Peas/Corn/Carrots, 500G a day with butter.

Plus animal protein.

I like beef Jerky and once in a while Those Sasquatch sticks. 300 calories and im good for several hours.

Peas and corn have a significant amount of calories I would weigh it out.
Broccoli, cauliflower, CABBAGE are safe though. As for proton Greek yogurt and chicken.

Beef jerky is heat as long as you don't get one of the sugary kinds. Super expensive though which sucks.

> thanksgiving binge
> not just taking all turkey meat

coffee black.

Really? Jesus I thought they were fine based on looking it up ages ago.

Back to Broccoli it is.

don't fall for the meme.

1 cup of peas is only 118 calories.

Just do cardio. Lots of it.

I like Peas and I can easily chuff down a 500kcal + of them as a snack. Peas are fucking good. Broccoli is not that good.

has anyone tried soylent for a cut?


Just fill your plate with turkey and vegetables at Thanksgiving.


Good advice for 363 days from now.


Arctic Haddock

Seriously why aren't you just throwing in a fasting day?
C'mon, depending on your size you will be able to counteract binge eating worth of up to 3600kcals..
It's so fucking simple, and no your muscles won't disappear, just like you didn't gain a pound of muscle by bingeing in the first place

Tastes like shit but helps.

Lentils, chicken + leek + mushrooms. Spice it up and you're good for a couple of hours. p.s. the more spicey you make it, the earlier you feel done eating.