1,77m (5,80ft), 50kg beta male here. My hand wrists and arms are very thin...

1,77m (5,80ft), 50kg beta male here. My hand wrists and arms are very thin. Started going gym 4 months ago and using weight gainer+whey. Gained 7 kilos in this 4 months. What to do? Should I continue to gym or go to a dietician? I feel extremely thin.

haveee youu triess russiannn horsee hoerrmoness?

I didn't even hear them? Are they really useful and what they do?

No point in going to a dietitian. Just track your calories better and keep adding more calories if you can't grow. 15.5 pounds in 4 months isn't horrible either. Just stick with it.

First of all, don't continue to call yourself a beta male.
Just keep up the progress bro! It's going to take time but as long as you keep eating it will happen. Up the calories if you don't feel as if you're gaining enough. It's much easier to drink your calories than eat them fyi

Thank you for your tips! But somehow I can't eat that much to gain calories.

Give it time. Your body will get used to eating more. For now focus on calories dense food (nuts, dairy products, Google them) and yes, keep on counting calories, every day.
By the way 1,77 cm is not 5'8

As others have said, track your calories. For most people, eating enough to bulk while working out frequently is hard to do naturally. I would imagine you are eating 200-500 calories less than you think you are every day.

Former skelly here. Keep it up, 7 kilos in 4 months is 21kg per year. Going to the gym is part of your lifestyle now. Just keep working and progress will come if you are lifting hard and getting enough calories.

Eating gets easier too. Your body adapts after a while.

1.77 is like 5"9 senpai

Eat more, lift heavy, and read the sticky thoroughly.

Don't bother mate.

You gained weight. Good job.

You have proof on the scale (and probably mirror) that what you are doing is working. So keep it up bro.

As you gain more weight, eventually the amount of food you are eating will stop being enough to gain weight. So you will need to up the food intake gradually.

I suggest replacing water and juice with milk. Milk is an easy to consume source of calories and protein.

Honestly, it's for people like you that GOMAD is for. You should drink more milk, it's super easy calories with lots of protein. Maybe don't drink the entire gallon, but drink milk instead of water with your meals.

You gotta eat big to get big cmon god damnit

this me just do it

He used feet as if they were a measure in the decimal scale, (see "5,8" ft)

Eat more. Your arms will look better just by putting some fat on them.

Any advice from you guys on how to eat more food if you can't eat a lot? For example I feel sick a lot of the times if I eat too much or a food I'm not in the mood for.

Keep it up son.
I'll name some excercises for your arms: tricep extensions (obvious but important), reverse curls (strengthens the brachialis under the bicep which makes it pop up), hammer curls (works out a different bicep head to get thicker and the brachioradialis of the upper forearm), wrist curls, reverse wrist curls (don't neglect these), finger curls (dont move the whole hand on these, just the fingers, these also shouldn't be neglected because they're the closest muscles to the wrist), hand-gripper (grip strength will make desdlifts and pull-ups easier), and finger abductions (you don't need weights, but you can use a rubber band).

These seem like a alot of excercises, but you don't need to train these too much because most of these muscles are already weak and a few sets will take you to failure. You'll make it, man.

I'm a fellow hardgainer, I found that if you want to not feel as full, eat standing up. I can eat 30% more if I do this. Good luck!

Eat more carbs. Grains, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. Sugars of all kinds.

Those are the primary fat makers. White bread in particular.

Peanut butter
Concentrated whole milk, you can buy it or you can make it with powdered milk
These have a lot of quite healthy calories for their volume


this bait thread

Do what? Get on gear?

You don't need to eat it all at once. Snacking + having 5 or 6 meals instead of the normal 3 or 4.

>1,77m (5,80ft), 50kg

5.8 feet not 5'8"

Fucking americans, I swear

Did you skip bench?

smelly and a mallet, never gonna make it

If you are going to translate into burger units you better do it properly peasant

feet are a separate measurement from inches you mong
how fucking retarded do you have to be to not understand your own measuring system

are you literally retarded?

>durr y dont u write 1m and 72 cm instead of 1.72m i cant tell the difference r u retarted :))

Why are you getting upset over the fact that you don't know how feet and inches are used to measure height? Are you clincally retarded?

You can express your height in feet, inches or both together, same way how you can use either meters, centimeters or both together, you fucking asshat
How fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand how measurement units are used in general
Take a basic fucking course in math before talking shit senpai, or get behind the wall, fucknut
Might as well fucking write thousandths in your height measurement since your that fucking autistic

Nobody refers to height like this. (5.8 feet instead of 5'8"). Just because the concept is alien to you and you're too retarded to grasp different measuring systems isn't my fault.

>how high are you
>lol im 5 feet 8 inches 2 tenths 6 hundredths and 8 thousandths :^^)))

No, you say 5'8" like any non-inbred person would. You fucking mongoloid.

And that is the common way, what you're saying is that it's wrong to just express your height in feet, which is where you're wrong, you sperglord

>what's your height
>5.80 feet lol

And that is a completely valid way to express your height, just like you can say you're 1.75m, you asshat

It's not wrong, but incredibly uncommon. It makes it seem more like a measurement taken in a lab than a casual statement made in everyday life.

Give me one example when saying it like that, people wouldn't look at you like you're autistic.

When you're saying it around people who have finished primary school and didn't fail mathematics

>By the way 1,77 cm is not 5'8

Or I guess you'd prefer if I said I'm 5 feet and 9 69/100 inches

thats a fugly body.

why did you only train your shoulders and arms?

You have zero chest which is what most women look at

Aight senpai, you're very smart because you refer to height in an uncommon way.

See It's a pretty autistic way to present the data... it's like you're a foreigner visiting a country and you try and make a sentence by simply translating words 1:1 from your native language.

ex. a native English speaker going to a Spanish speaking country and wanting to say
>What is your name?
and they say
>?Que es tu nombre?
instead of
>?Como te llamas?

Yeah, I don't know how to type accents or upside down question marks -- and my example sentence is stupid since it uses the casual 'you' form in which case you should already know the person's name.... but that's not the point.

No you fucking retard, I'm smart because I know it's not wrong to say it like that even though it's uncommon
You're basically saying that if something is uncommon, it doesn't exist, which is completely false

You are literally who GOMAD is made for.

I went from about 125lb to 260 lb (now back down to 230) by drinking a container of ice cream daily & gradually eating more. Took about a year and a half but you can easily break 4-5k calories a day doing that

5.8 feet is not 5 ft 8'

stay fresh lmao

Except m and cm are not two separate units, the c stands for a hundredth. We can say or 1.72 or 1m72 because it's the same number in both cases. Whereas 5.8 is different from 5'8'' because the imperial system is retarded. This is why we can use any notation and everyone is on the same page whereas burgers get irritated when you use 5.8 as it doesn't really translate to anything they know. What is .8 feet? They don't know because they use inches for anything under 1 foot.

If there's one thing I'm glad for, is not having to learn this mess

>literally retarded units

But 7kg in 4 months is great.
Just now up the calories when you are getting bigger.
Don't drop at the point when you already made some progress.

>he can't think in base 12


I can gain 7 kilos in 2 weeks, lad. Eat more.