Can I get advice on diet? I've read the sticky but there's no Finnish version and Wasn't super easy to understand

Can I get advice on diet? I've read the sticky but there's no Finnish version and Wasn't super easy to understand

I'm 158cm, 58kg want to lose 13kg without staying flabby, what foods should I eat? 1000cals a day I understand but if I get enough protein from protein shake then I don't need to eat it? Any other advice and tips would be appreciated too


Vedä käteen vitun huomiohuora palaa ylilaudalle siellä on ne suomeksi. Jos sä et vittu ymmärrä sitä stickyä ni luuleksä oikeestikki et sä ymmärtäisit porukan postit jotka on _samalla_ kielellä vai luuleksä et joku kääntää sulle sen vittu mongoliaksi?

and same in english,

Fuck off bitch, go back to ylilauta. If you can't understand basic ass English IN THE STICKY why do you expect you can suddenly understand it in random posts?? IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE IN THE FIRST PLACE, HOW DO YOU EXPECT ANY OF THE REPLIES TO HELP YOU? Ylilauta has a fitness board which has all of the info in finnish. This is a fucking retarded thread.

I am so sorry Veeky Forums, we have a containment image-board for these people, but occasionally they seem to leak here.

Because I can ask if I don't understand something, chill...

No. Go away. Shoo shoo gains goblin


I thought finland didn't have fatties. Guess they're packing on the lbs to appeal to the black masters

are you completely mental?
i can give you advice on losing weight, but really man, you must be skelly af

1. Post tits
2. Eat 500 kcal below maintenance (google to calculate it)
3. Do squats/deadlifts if you want to look good instead of skinny.


No, it's chubby and I'm flabby too

I eat 900cals a day and sometimes 400

58Kg and 158cm, and you want a diet? I call bullshit. Post pics and learn English. Unless you don't understand because you're under 18, in which case don't post pics.

Are you trying to keep/gain muscles at the same time? If not you can skip protein shake. Eat cottage cheese.

Btw, 158 and 58 kg, you are a skelly manlet, you should bulk or you'll be a twink


Jätä muu syömättä. Kolmesti viikossa painoja. Kyykkyjä, maastaveto, RDL, pystypunnerrus, mahoja, soutuja. Kahdesti HIIT-treeni.

Ajattele vähemmän, treenaa enemmän.

I am learning English but it was very hard to understand. And like I said I'm mostly fat. I'm 21 and a girl

I do lift while cutting, is it pointless?

Taking protein shake is mostly useful if you want to keep muscles while cutting. In your case you maybe don't care, and then you could replace the shake with a small meal instead.

Ok so both lifting and the shake are useless when cutting? Are you sure? I don't mind not eating, I mostly eat fruits cause can't cook

Today I only had tons of fruit and protein shake

No, i mean, are you trying to keep muscles/ gainz? In that case keep drinking the shakes. If you are just looking to lose weight then perhaps ditch the shake for something with more nutrition.

No I've never lifted before, but I don't want to be all flabby after I lose the weight if that makes sense

Thank you

Ain't no way you're over 14 years old. Pics or gtfo.

Why not? I'm 21 and I struggle with English

I'll help you if you post nudes.