Is it true that iraq/iran was a modern, progressive society in the 70s?

is it true that iraq/iran was a modern, progressive society in the 70s?

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yes. such was life under the evil and oppressive shah

So was Afghanistan.

you: >"I want Iran to become progressive so I can go there and rape the women! Hurr hurr!"

Get fucked, you stupid piece of shit.

People who see social dynamics before economics cannot understand modern geopolitics. It's a waste of time to even confront them. You, sir, are the greatest of idiots.

Persia is thousands of years old state and they deserve better than being an shithole?

The Islamic Republic of Iran was proclaimed after a referendum. The constitution was also passed after a referendum. Both received more than 90% in favour. While a lot of groups boycotted those referendums (communists etc) I haven't seen a claim that they were faked - and it would have been really hard to do so right after a revolution, since the Islamic Republic party didn't have full power yet.

Now on the other hand your picture isn't untrue. It just represents a really small part of the society, precisely one that the disenfranchised rural immigrants to the cities rebelled against. And it was quite popular for urban middle class to turn back to Islamic roots as a rebellion against the cultural mainstream of westernized culture - precisely the same behaviour that the young people of Iran do nowadays, but with opposite result. A good example would be Massoumeh Ebtekar who grew up in Philadelphia in a family of westernized scholars who studied in the USA. On return to Iran she bacame a supporter of Ali Shari'ati, donned a black chador, and went on to become the public face of the university students who captured the US embassy. Then she became the vice-president of Iran during Rouhani's previous term.

Now Iraq is a different story, secularism, communism and Arab nationalism were pretty big there in 50s-70s.

>You, sir, are the greatest of idiots.


back to red.dit you go

The mind of Americans are the real shithole, and Iran's current situation is the fault of USA because the Shah was betrayed by Carter's administration. He was betrayed due to no longer pricing oil according to OPEC's demands and going against the petrodollar system. The point is, the USA cannot handle an oil-rich OPEC country that is independent and not submissive. All of this stuff is just pretext covering economics, relating to importance, and Strait of Hormuz's importance.

I look forward to you American soldiers dying in the most painful fashion imaginable. I hope Iran brings back scaphism and shows you "muh glorious Ancient Persia" as the insects gnaw at your bones, snow nigger.

That's more of Spivak's rhetoric. And it was literally proven true after Trump was shown pictures of Afghan women in miniskirts which was enough to make him extend US occupation.

Khomeini was backed by Carter. It's all about oil dynamics relating to market, you faggot. USA is now trying to Balkanize Iran and split it up to gain access to oil reserves in Khuzestan province, like South Pars Gas Condensate Field.

It has nothing to do with anything else but global economics relating to oil markets.|

Can't wait to see American scum die in the most grotesque ways. I hope scaphism is brought back again.

>you: >"I want Iran to become progressive so I can go there and rape the women! Hurr hurr!"
>Get fucked, you stupid piece of shit.

Literally what? Get checked for schizophrenia my man.

Carter's administration backed Khomeini because the Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet:

It is fairly clear from the linked document and several other declassified papers that elements of the US government were actively conspiring against the Shah from the mid 1970s until his fall. The Shah kept pushing for oil price hikes at a time of economic weakness in the West, and just after the US domestic oil production peaked. With that revenue he was embarking upon ambitious development programmes. Eventually, the US managed to get Saudi Arabia to undercut the official OPEC oil price and therefore undercut the Shah. Revolution came shortly afterwards

The USA began distancing itself from Iran since William E. Simon's 1974 petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia.

Also, Carter's ambassador to UN also called Khomeini a saint.

Khomeini was in exile in France. He made promises that he would support western and American interests (oil). The U.K., France, U.S. all arranged for Khomeini to return to Iran and believed his return would bring stability and a continuation of the status quo. The Carter administration through CIA operated to amplify human rights abuses and grievances of the people. Khomeini lied and upon his return went hard towards islamic extremism rather than serve western interests.

USA thought Khomeini would be like the Saudis, oppressive towards their own people, but liberal and happy to play ball when it came to oil and arms and making money.

Stfu, I hate Americans who try to discuss anything pertaining to the Middle East. Just fuck off. The ME's current destabilized and messed up situation is your and UK's fault, and still, you have the audacity not to give the true narrative.

The true narrative was given here:
I also left out the part how UK was using BBC to spread propaganda supporting Khomeini on radios before the revolution. Most Iranians bought into his Utopian lies, which initially didn't really tie into extreme Islamism. He was a snake. The Shah was a snake too for different reasons.

This doesn't contradict what I said.

Also nice try mr Iranian diaspora, you're literally repeating the regime's arguments, except in reverse.

>Stfu, I hate Americans who try to discuss anything pertaining to the Middle East. Just fuck off. The ME's current destabilized and messed up situation is your and UK's fault, and still, you have the audacity not to give the true narrative.

Huh? Are you alright? Like are you legit mentally deranged? Im not American. Nor do I have an ulterior motive by asking a question. You're a paranoid schizo my man.

Get your mentally damaged brain checked my man.

It is an unspoken rule between both USA and the regime to not speak the truth. What is the truth? That Khomeini was backed by Carter, that he was given a platform by BBC purposefully to spread deceptive propaganda, and that ALL of this conflict ties into oil and its market.

If the ME weren't oil rich, then it would be more stable.

Let me rephrase: If you're a part of the Anglosphere, then your opinion on ME doesn't matter. Iranians who know their history WELL absolutely detest Anglos. Anglos are a disgrace to the Indo-European tradition, they are a disgrace to everything that is good about mankind. Go eat shit, Anglo-scum.

>Let me rephrase: If you're a part of the Anglosphere, then your opinion on ME doesn't matter. Iranians who know their history WELL absolutely detest Anglos. Anglos are a disgrace to the Indo-European tradition, they are a disgrace to everything that is good about mankind. Go eat shit, Anglo-scum.

Lol? Im not even white you paranoid schizo. Nor do I live in the 'anglosphere'. Nor did I give an opinion. I asked a question. The funny part is that you dont even realize how schizophrenic you're being. I doubt you function at all in real life.

>repeating the regime's arguments
You are illiterate and scum of the Earth. How is anything I am saying good for the regime? I want those fucking back-cable communications between Khomeini and Carter declassified, not distorted and redacted one bit. Until then, everything you Anglos have to say about Iran is pure filth, just like your minds which are shit all the way down. It is an iterative cycle of shit, your entire minds. You don't have Buddha nature, you don't have anything special, you are filth, like the sewer.

I don't give a shit about the opinions of people poorly read. I'm sick and tired of seeing these images and the conflict being reduced to surface-level readings of sociological phenomena. The real underlying factors to all of these are market dynamics relating to oil. USA's sanctions are just used to bully Iran into being economically submissive once more (e.g., petrodollar recycling mechanism).

Jesus christ are you retarded or just american

Literally what the fuck are you talking about?
Jesus christ. Get a life you dysfunctional loser.

You lack reading comprehension. I gave sources here: Here's more background info: The US dollar's value is largely backed by the petrodollar, that is by oil being priced exclusively in US dollars:

William E. Simon's 1974 petrodollar deal is also why USA is allies with Saudi Arabia. Shah disagreed to this deal:


The USA's goal is now to break up Iran because it wants the oil of Khuzestan province, with oil reserves like South Pars Gas Condensate Field.

What I am arguing is, based on the sources provided, Carter's administration backed Khomeini because the Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet.

More background info: "Many people grossly underestimate how critical the petrodollar is to the survival of America as we know it, and by extension much of the global economic system. Its entire economic structure; everything it does is now dependent on it. The main support for the value of the USD is the demand for it created by the petrodollar system, which allows money-printing and deficit-spending on an insane scale, without which the entire US empire would vaporise. The entire system is hopelessly dependent on debt and new debt can be created without acute effects on the value of the currency because most countries are spending huge amounts of it on oil and many other transactions. With that in mind, it's easier and cheaper to spend trillions on wars that flatten problematic strategically-important nations than abandon the system, which would also allow others to take over."

Yeah, remain silent as your entire narrative of progressive civilization vs. regressive civilizations is destroyed. You were the retards that propped up and strengthened all of these Islamists in the first place. What's really occurring is ensuring petrodollar recycling system remains afloat by bullying OPEC countries via intervention vs. letting the petrodollar system dissolve and risk other competitors stepping in via non-intervention.

The referendums were obviously rigged with 99% of the population supposedly supporting them.

Compared to what it is now, absolutely.

>you: >"I want Iran to become progressive so I can go there and rape the women! Hurr hurr!"

i would legit fug the middle and furthest left

2 skanks left of mid i would probably only let suck my cock

And this why Whites will be a minority soon enough. Honestly, I prefer Jews over Anglos.

Thy dont deserve life
This dravid-mixed mongrels must be used as canon meat in wars with turkic
Turkic people must live on Altai or die

i bet the women are as easy to pick up as you're easy to troll

Iran being split up or falling into a racial civil war that CIA backs are not good for it.

Man that's some MS-paint level retardation.

Why do these regions extend so far beyond their ethnic boundaries?

Why are Gilan, Hamadan, Markazi, and Tehran in Southern Azerbaijan? They don't have majority Azeris in there.

Lorestan in Kurdistan? Wtf?

Khuzestan is majority non-Arab.

Qashqaistan in the heart of Persia, lol... they make a small minority in these regions. Fars province is vast majority Persian.

Hormozgan (Arabistan in the south) is vast majority Persian.

Southern Turkmenistan is not majority Turkic at all. Places like Mashhad and Golestan are Persian. In fact in North Khorasan there are more Kurds than any other ethnic group.

Idk but I can speak for Afghanistan from amanullah to daoud (late 10s-late 70s), which was rather similar to Iran and especially towards the end.

Compared to other states during the same era it was not really modern, progressive etc. It was MUCH better than the shitholes of the world though. Arguably nicer than certain parts of Europe. The cities were solid for the most part, and while the countryside has always been shitty at least back then the bumpkins knew one thing. Do. Not. Fuck. With. Americans. Americans would drive in their hippy cars all throughout the country, and while people weren't super friendly they wouldn't

If I had to compare quality of life to a modern day state, I'd say one of the safer regions of Africa? Or one of the shittier balkan states? I don't know, it was no modern Johannesburg but it wasn't always akin to modern Tripoli.

I fucking hate commies, my dad had to live under the provisionals for roughly a year, but I have to admit that in the end it would have been much better if the goatfuckers just conceded. Look at Tajikistan. USSR was done for anyways and it would've built on top of the modernization that pres. daoud had started.