Quickest way to lose 10-20 pounds?

Quickest way to lose 10-20 pounds?

Currently 5'11" 267 lbs, probably like 40% BMI (Maybe 35%~) I'm at the heaviest I've ever been.

I've always been at around 220~230 which is still overweight, But I can't really fit into my clothes anymore. I barely fit in it, so ~250 would be an ideal temporary weight.

Cutting back on junk food and soda, But I need to know what are some simple exercises that I can do to lose at least 10 pounds quick as fuck?

Going to begin with heavy bag tomorrow, Just need to get some advice on quick weight loss. Thanks.



Keto and cardio

Never heard of Keto, But after looking it up, I'm curious, Would that make me feel tired or is it still enough energy for me to do well in my construction job?

Eh, I would say give it a shot and see. I never noticed any energy loss but did hate the first week of my first cycle (flu and dying for cheesy greasy anything) and also noticed increased recovery times for a few weeks.

Ah, Alright! Thanks for pointing me in that direction.

My temptations are null in my work days, Since I'm so busy, So I'll just have to worry about my off days.

You will drop water weight for first few weeks but try adding CBT Oil (coconut triglycerides) to a protein shake (which you will probably want to keep on hand to satiate hunger) to kick start ketosis so you cam start getting rid of real fat quickly. If possible try to take a multivitamin and omega-3 to make up for possible deficits depending on the length of your cycle. Good luck

Did keto as a moderately experienced lifter after a 20% bf bulk.
Lifts were shit for the duration and I survived of caffeine despite good sleep but shit fastest cut of my life.

Just cut out all snacks and heavy bag till your completely tuckered out every day after work. I bet if you just watched what you ate you'd lose those pounds in a month

What were your total cut numbers like? Current bf% and time?

Trying to come down from 25% and am doing the soylent keto. Just starting out and wondering if the crazy stories I hear are true

40 pounds in 90 days seems crazy fast

That's what I was hoping, I gained the weight because I had been laid off and just began eating junk food out of boredom.

Just wanted to sort of "rush" it a bit more than just cutting it out of my diet.

Just don't eat for 7 days. I guarantee you'll lose 10lb minimum. Make sure you're staying hydrated though. Also do be afraid to execise the first 3 days. The first 3 days are the worst but after that it shouldn't bother you much. Depending on how much toxins/heavy metals your body has you will feel like shit because your body is getting rid of them (herxheimer reaction). Water fast is god

The bf loss was good. 20 --> 11 in 2.5 months. That was eating at a 30% deficit as I was in a rush.
I wouldn't recommend doing it if you have a good amount of muscle you want to hold onto as mine suffered but your mileage may vary. (keep in mind my deficit was too great and it's my only experience with it)

Since your not really doing a cut but a large fat loss take it slow and allow your skin to keep up.

On a non-keto related note I am a big eater and like to feel satisfied I do fasted cardio. I would recommend it to anyone trying to lose weight or anyone who just likes to eat.

not op, but do you put salt in your water at all? Or just straight water?

Not OP but should you throw in some multivits or anything else? Not eating, although undeniably effective might cause some shit with your body or does the short time period negate those problems?

I'm pretty sure I'd pass out at work. I do 10 hour days of heavy lifting.

I have dropped large amounts of weight before and never had an issue. Went 270 as a lineman in HS to my current 230 and have maintained but think at 6'2 I should be around 190-200. Basically my weight stays stable but is very hard to move up or down without drastic diet changes. I ran 2000 calories while training one summer with heavy cardio and lifting trying to lose a little off my gut so I could play tight end and the fat just doesn't move

Vitamins won't be useful in such a short time and without digestive movements but electrolytes would be

If drastic is what you need keto fits the bill. Keep up the water and enjoy the bacon and cheesy scrambled eggs.

There's no way to avoid feeling like shit the first few weeks on keto. Work will be much harder alongside everything else, but you'll just have to bear it.

That being said, keto will make you drop a lot of water weight initially and is very effective in the long run. You just need to eat more salt and electrolytes than usual.

Not every morning, a Lion wont hunt everyday. Also it's Lionesses that do most of the hunting.

>Lose weight quick
>250 ideal temporary weight
>"Cutting back" on junk food and soda
>Shitty Bruce Lee hack inspiration pic

You're either a very bad troll or very stupid. Read the fucking sticky if you're serious

The most important thing to always keep in mind is that results are very slow when it comes to excercise and dieting. They dont happen over 1 week or even in 4 weeks.

You're gonna be taking dnp

Day 1: 1.5 g
Day 2: .75 g
Day 3: .75 g
Day 4: .75 g


For your meals eat 5 cans of tuna a day and all the green vegetables you want and nothing else. Dont take more dnp than what is written because you'll already be bumping up against the lethal amount.

You'll lose 10 lbs in about 6 days.