If both the Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis say a global flood happened, doesn't that make it even more true?

If both the Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis say a global flood happened, doesn't that make it even more true?

Maybe both Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh are two historical records of an event that actually happened? Why do people say Genesis borrowed from Gilgamesh?

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>>a historical event
>>even though there is no geological evidence for a global flood.
>>even though there isn't enough water on earth to completely cover the surface.

If you lowered all the mountains and raised all the valleys, there would be enough water.

Also, Noah in the Epic of Gilgamesh is known as Upnatshim, and in other references, the Salty One.

The sooner you realize that everything in the bible is true, the better off you'll be.

>>>even though there isn't enough water on earth to completely cover the surface.

What is the blue on the map?

What is the upheaval of Pangaea breaking into continents, and drifting?

What is the water in the crust of the earth?

Just sit down and shut up, idiot. Nobody needs your bullshit here.

>Stupid creationist don't believe in climate change, can't they see that the ocean levels are rising?
>A global flood is ridiculous, the Bible is full of crap.

It's ponderous, isn't it? The scream hysterically that a 0.5 degree C rise in 100 years will vastly effect us, yet our warnings about their sudden 2,300 degree C increase in their future, apparently meaningless.

literally no one who believes in climate change claims the earth would be completely flooded
epic strawman bro

And if all of the volcanoes erupted, and all of the fountains of the deep opened, and if the entire canopy of water surrounding the planet took 40 days to fall as rain.

Beware of global warming! Not that much, though.


You idiot.

>Guys climate change will cause ocean levels to rise so much that whole islands will be swallowed!
>Actually never mind no one really believes that.

>If both the Grimm brothers and Disney told us about Snow White, doesn't that make it even more true?
>Maybe both Disney's and the brothers Grimm's version are historical records of an event that actually happened? Why do people say Disney borrowed from the brothers Grimm?

>some people claim climate change will increase sea levels and flood beaches, coastal areas and small islands (maybe)
>this is comparable to the entire fucking world being swallowed up by the ocean
holy fuck strawman harder

Never go full retard dude.

The past and the future are the same.

Damn you're dumb.

Answer me this, idiot. Was there an ice age before mankind? Was there a non-ice age before that ice age? Was there a non-ice age after that ice age?

Did mankind have anything to do with any of those things?

>duuuuuuuude if climate changed before that means humanity has no affect on climate
so what you're saying is that nothing particular can lead to climate change, but pumping out pollutants into the atmosphere would have no affect? How does that even fucking make sense?
If climate is sporadic, than a climate affected by industry would be EXTRA sporadic.

>Comparing Disney to the Bible
>The absolute state of this board

I know you're a baiting Christianfag, but given that in the time of Gilgamesh not a whole lot about the world had been explored, there was a possible great flooding when the black sea was created; this could very well have been seen by the people living there as a "global flood"
The Bible, and therefore genesis, was written a few millennia after the Gilgamesh epos, so that's where the borrowing probably comes from

>If climate is sporadic, than a climate affected by industry would be EXTRA sporadic.

Pulling things out of your ass isn't helping your case

The climate is remarkably stable. Almost as though someone finely tuned it for your dumb ass to live.

>No way God could have told people what happened. Noah either. Nor Ham, Shem, or Japeth, the fathers of all people alive today. No way Shem could have told Abraham, who lived 50 years before Shem died. No chance people kept their own histories.

Because you know everything.

Because you have Google.

It's not rocket science you idiot. You literally claimed (rightfully) that climate can change without any particular acute reason. You correctly cited the ice ages.
However, you fail to understand that the corollary is that if nothing acute can still lead to climate changing, that implies climate is inherently unstable and easily changed, and thus powerful effects (like 7 billion people throwing trash away and pumping CO2, both of which are objective facts) would change this unstable system EVEN more so.
If 1+1=2, then 1+50= 51. But you would only look at the former and forget the latter.

This is your brain on christardation. Don't be a christard, or you post stupid things like this.

Yeah, who? God?

>>Noah either. Nor Ham, Shem, or Japeth, the fathers of all people alive today
Wow man and I thought the Habsburgs were inbred. How the fuck did a gaggle of complete retards write all this shit down after the fact exactly?

Oh wait, magic.

Nevermind, you're an idiot.

They're comparable in that they are both fictional. A global flood is not possible.

I fail to see the problem actually.
Both are a collection of fairy tales with talking animals that some people take way to serious.

>In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

You don't take advice well. Never go full retard.

That's not true, and didn't Noah LAND on a mountain? Thus proving there were mountains during the flood?

>there are people in the current year who believe stories that are based on this cosmology

Flooding the extremely populated coasts would be a very big problem moron. He water doesn't need to reach random ass empty valleys in montana to be a threat.

Read this hereSee how stupid it is? This is called christardation.

>Small islands flooding is comparable to the entire fucking world flooding in the span of a lifetime

Whoops, shouldn't have linked to this guyMy sincerest apologies.

Im telling ya! Anunnakis!
Ea spared Noah whilst Enlil launched his final solution.

It's very possible that this event kind of actually happened in the Black Sea basin. The theory goes that 5600BC the Bosporus strait suddenly broke (for example because of an earth quake) and the black sea was deluged with water from the mediterranean. It is probable that the basin, before it was flooded, was settled by humans. Unlike the natural rising of the sea levels, the Black Sea deluge would have been a real flood of biblical proportions, that probably destroyed all settlements in the basin.

Well that's nice and everything but that isn't what the fundie retard in this thread is talking about. Still, got any reading about this stuff you could recommend?



I am willing to compromise here.

Jews are really just retarded after all?

>If temperatures rise then that means that the glaciers will melt and pour into the ocean. The extra water will cause sea levels to rise
>Liek OMG Athiest actually believe this shit but they don't believe in this mythological flood story which apparantly left no geological evidence whatsoever

Stop just stop. You're being retarded and I mean special needs kid level of retardation.

>a big flood happened therefore don't eat pork, checkmate atheists

But weren't there a large global flood at the young drayas around 10k years BC?

Also pic related.

The entire globe is covered in layers of dried sediment from the flood.

Kind of hard to miss.

It includes the entire known fossil record.

great floods are a recurring theme among various unconnected mythologies, just like how ALL mythologies have some sort of creation-of-the-world section.

debatable, a lot of floods definitely happened though and the sea level definitely rose and swallowed a fuckton of land

some floods may have been significantly more voluminous than others

There isn't even a reason reason to tie the stories into the Black Sea region, though. There's recorded history of a massive flood happening in Shuruupak that seems to have been the inspiration for the Mesopotamian stories.


>low lying areas being covered by water during sea level rise is the same as the whole world flood to the highest mountains

The mountain was only created after the flood.

Sumer and Canaan aren't far away even if the stories were independent. Surely a real global flood would be remembered in myths from around the globe, not just the middle east, and also be corroborated by geological and archaeological evidence.

>5600 BC

According to the Jewish calendar the Flood happened in 2102 BC (1658 on their calendar).

No it just shows that the middle east had a really big flood at one point.

It was the flooding of the Persian gulf, which used to be dry land in the past.
The Sumerian creation myth takes place in Dilmun which was an ancient civilization that got mostly flooded and was located pretty much where modern Bahrain is (Bahrain is all that's left).

Probably this. Of all things to have a historical basis, the flood is an easy one since all the middle eastern traditions mention a big flood thus it's logical to say the region got flooded at one point.

Global flood- no

Regional flooding of a river that could have wiped out towns- possibly.

entire sub-continents, whatever

>doesn't that make it even more true?

Kids this is your brain on religion, now you know why religion is for losers (anti drug ad ends).

Ive always been fascinated by this sort of thing, I like to think that some kind of catastrophic flood happened in the early histories of the people who wrote these stories but until that point, it was mostly oral history since they hadn't developed a written language yet. What we see is what got passed down for generations, of course its going to sound epic or mythical after all that time. Are there any other instances of something like this happening in other cultures/civilizations?

Aztec, Mayan, Inca, and many more meso and Eskimo civilizations have the same myths

>historical records
Dont apply modern standard of history to ancients baka

>people finally start to realize that a flood happened

When the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Holy Bible, Plato's dialogues, and the Qu'ran all agree a flood happened along with scientific findings, you have got to be fucking kidding me to say it did not.


Very funny post. In all honesty, no I don't think oil is good. I think though the real cause of problems is the intellectual culture that makes us want to get around so quickly. We have entire industries based off of transportation, just for the sake of consumption. Yet, I think this economic model flawed morally.

Yeah a mass flood happened, just not a divine global one

Well, after the last ice age a lot of coastal land had drown, maybe we can consider this a "great flood"?

Considering this happened ~10000 years ago, and this gilgamesh story has a couple of thousands of years, maybe from that "flood" to the day the epic was written, there was an oral tradition, saying about the great flood generation after generation.

Maybe local floods, like

The rising of the sea level is hardly what you would call a "flood", considering that it rose by like a couple of centimetres every year.

This is the most retarded thread on his right now.

nah, the holocaust denial one takes that title

>I don't know what greentexting is

Look it up

It is possible that there was a flood though, but "global" can literally mean just the area that bronze age peasants thought was the entire world e.g parts of the Mediterranean, North-Africa and the Middle-East.

This is the best thread because it calls into question what we decide is history and what we decide is myth. Here we have written evidence from multiple civilizations saying that it happened, plus some scientific evidence.

What's the difference between this and the Trojan war?

How do we decide what actually happened and what didn't? If we decide to forget about it did it even happen at all?

that flood is canon


>it rose by like a couple of centimeters every year
that's what they want you to think.

>a real global flood would be remembered in myths from around the globe
is this not the case?


Certain translations of the bible have actually been confirmed to be corrupted by the devil; king James bible is a solid translation if you use that one you are good.

Also the best Quran is the Marmaduke pickthall one just FYI.


One has to be delusional to ignore to mounting evidence for the flood.

Just a thought but the receding coastline of the Persian Gulf could be due to the flood

>some bibles are eeevill!!
>that's why I choose king James!
O I am laffin

I was thinking when the ice age came to an end all the water from the inland ice must have flooded areas where people lived, a legend was created and then oraly spread until it was written in various religious text

Why would you read a translation? You can download original Koine from the internet these days.


>not believing you live in the world cave
how antisemitic of you!

Nothing to do with Bible