Do you use a belt for squat?

Do you use a belt for squat?

Yeah that's fine, just remember to take it off before you fuck your boyfriend

Only when I start getting to my heavier weights because I have short legs and a long torso as well as the fact I slipped a disk a while back so I need to be careful.

>use belt for squat, deadlift, and heavy OHP
Is this fine?

it doesn't take away from the workout does it? I just want to keep my lower back from rounding


It wont stop your back from rounding. Look up how to use a belt/what it does. Not saying they aren't good, in fact I use one, but they wont help your fucked form.

To stop your back from rounding you're better off dropping the weight back a bit and going through the weights again. I've worn it since I did my back in because it helps tighten my core and puts less stress on my lower back. If you're rounding you back it's more likely because you're not engaging your lats and your hips are too high.

You should squeeze your shoulders down and back throughout the entire lift, extending your chest forward from the very start.

I do but ibly when I have to. It is incredible how much propper use of a belt increases a squat, so I imagine it is very good for your legs (because you are squatting more weight) but not as good for your core strength seeing that it is essentially a cheat code for core strength.

No because I'm only squatting 2pl8 for reps. Maybe when I get to 3pl8.

Only for 3pl8 + anything lower than that you need to be working on your flexibility and form. Learned this method from a competitive power lifter who was my first lifting coach.

>not as good for your core strength seeing that it is essentially a cheat code for core strength.
that's where you're wrong. the main point of the belt is that allows you to engage your abs better by giving them something to push against, so you actually get a better "core" workout.

it's not about weight lifted. you can, and probably should, start using a belt whenever you have the unbelted form down and start having trouble staying tight. what weights this happens at varies from person to person

Lol belt babby

I feel like it's just be a crutch till I start lifting truly heavy. I'll pass.

Err this is wrong.

Anyway, when you get to a 4 plate squat and 5 plate dead you should consider using a belt. The belt does not magically fix shitty form and your 2 plate squat nor stop your back from rounding on your 2 plate deadlift. Proper form will take you far. I made it to 4.5 deadlift and 3.5 squat without squat shoes or belt or any of that nonsense.

The people who slipped a disc or another injury should be wayyyyyy more concerned with form than anything else. My physical therapist told me more people get injured again using a belt thinking its magic instead of just going back to square one and learning the basics and strengthening your core and low back.

t. Slipped a disc playing handegg.

I used one at around 95-100kg squats for a couple of times when I started stalling and missing too many reps just to get past the hump, but I later switched to low bar, started bracing better and haven't used one since. At 130kg now and I don't feel like I need it.

what type of animal is this

I started using one when i got to 2.5pl8


>go into gym as year 12s finishing school (end of exams), and uni is finishing up too
>spot a couple of young regulars, one does a bb routine, other more powerlifting and compounds, bros to each other and nice dudes
>bb'er is doing squats @ 85kg or something
>with a belt
>good form though
>every now and then bro no. deux rolls on up between sets
>'hey dude you need a spot? do you need a spot man? that looks really heavy'
>'shut up dickhead let me squat'
>'lol I bench more than you squat dude'
>they begin to banter over the merits of their styles of lifting for 30 minutes in an otherwise empty gym
never thought I'd see something so endearing in my little 24/7 gym

use a belt for literally everything or you're a meme victim

better be legitimately fucking heavy or everyone will be judging the shit out of you

Worked up to 215, then failed 225.
Then did 5x3 at 195.

I hope those numbers are for the "heavy ohaychpee" user

What do you think I mean, faggot?

Then no that's not heavy enough to be using a belt. And I say that as a pretty skinny dude who started using a belt around 3 plate as to grass

How is an almost-2pl8 OHP not reason to wear a belt?

Reading comprehension not a strong suit 4 u? I'm talking about squats in Hur dur my as to grass OHP guys

Why the fuck are you talking about squat? The question was about OHP you fucking moron. I quoted 3pl8 because you are a weakling.