Its not covered in sticky so are there any calisthetics/bodyweight routines you can recommend? what effects?

Its not covered in sticky so are there any calisthetics/bodyweight routines you can recommend? what effects?

there's a reason for that not being covered in the sticky you faggot
lift or not gonna make anything

Is that an OC?
It'll make a fine addition to my collection.
Anyone else making collection gains lately?

Calisthenics are not recommended

My routine

Lower body + core
- Ab wheels
- Squats
- Walking Lunges
- Side Lunges
- Plank
- Unilateral calf raises

Upper body
- Pull-up
- Push-up
- Windshield Push-up
- Chin-ups
- Dips
- Front rows with 2 25lbs dumbells (or you cold do Pike Push-ups)

Now post your progress pics

Not OC but quite rare, enjoy

gimme a moment

I'v been cutting for quite a while, already lost 50+ pounds and still have more to go.

for how long have you been doing this?

holiday exclusive pepes usually gain in the months after or leading up to holidays.

there has also been a resurgence of hillarypepe since they are so easily used to troll /pol/

the memeball market is skyrocketing though, take advantage before knowyourmeme regulations hit

For a little less than a year. I'm going for the long run so i don't worry too much about losing fast

>Watermarking pepes

Cringe S M H

sick hourglass figure brah

>not taking necessary precautions against pepe thieves

>Being this autistic


And this is why you shouldn't do callisthenics

Dont listen to people here, calisthenics is a pretty fun approach to exercise that if done correctly provides: progression, fullbody training, balance, and strenght.

It sure will shield differents results than pure weightlifting, but some people (as I) prefeer it over the classic training. You certainly can achieve a really aesthetic body.

good luck.

Go over to >reddit bodyweightfitness and read the Recommended Routine. It suggests you squat and deadlift though, which are agreat exercises when added to a bodyweight routine.

Looks like all you did was take off your shirt. For an entire year this is really bad.

Get a gym you autist

Post your body

Push ups
Meme curls

Just been at it for 2 months. My goal is to preserve muscles and build a gym base while I cut from 27%bf.

This is a good place to start. I really liked their routine. It's fun, it's easy to get friends to do it with you too.

Honestly, the simplest routine I ever did was buy a doorway pullup bar that adjusts to your doorway (I got the Perfect Fitness one).

I already worked a physically active job in college, I did landscaping. A lot of hauling dirt, mowing lawns, and walking roughly 10 miles a day, so when I got back from work I'd be way too dirty to go to a gym. When I wanted to bang out a workout real fast, I would just:

Run 1-2 miles then hop on the bar and do 10 pullups s/s 20 pushups for at least 3+ sets.

Honestly, that'll give you a good workout. Rest however long between sets. I'd throw on Futurama in the background and just zone out working out. After that, I'd take my shower.

How many pull ups can you even do

what does my body have to do with what I said?

Like i said, i am 20+ kg lighter than the first picture and still focusing on losing weight, not gaining muscles. I'm completely happy with my results, even if they took a year to achieve. So no, i'll continue with my routine since it's working. But thanks for the hard truth :)

In one go, 10. But then again, it's a good evolution from the first picture because at that time, i couldn't do more than 4 with terrible form

You said not to listen to bodyweight detractors, so it would be nice to see your results.

everything I said is a fact that you can check for yourself within 15 minutes of reading about calisthenics.

Didn't even say I look good, didn't even say it's better than anything else.

Ok, thanks

Don't listen to these guys. Calisthenics is a perfectly viable alternative to weights.

It can get extremely challenging and you can make great strength and muscle gains. However, this could take around 3 years if you're working from a shitty base.
If you just want quick gains then weights is better. If you're patient enough to learn all the cool things like planche, flags etc then calisthenics is fine.

>Claims to lift to get stronger
>Too weak to do something as basic as holding a handstand

Calisthenics can get you pretty far if you find a way to add external weight to your exercises when they get easy. If all you care about is maximum muscle gain you should lift for the isolation exercises. Personally I do both. I like doing weighted dips and pull ups over something like a bench press but still do isolation moves with weights.

So far we have one progress photo ITT that looks like no progress at all, along with a guy who is so bad he wont even post a pic.

I won't believe anyone who says calisthenics is worth a shit until they post a progress pic.

too much retardness in one picture


>Normalfag detected

>what is the military for 500

I did Neila Rey's "Batman" exercise for a while and was making some progress. This also meant doing 10 rounds of her routine. So, 100 pushups and 100 sit-ups, etc total everyday... Also, I was on a strict-diet and very disciplined for once in my life. Anyway, I've started the routine again. I might switch to weights eventually, but I don't know. 5'10" and 160 lbs.