Veeky Forums, I have a very honestly question for you

Veeky Forums, I have a very honestly question for you.

Have any of you suffered from nihilistic, 'Who the fuck cares, lmao?' problems.

Like, the answer to virtually every question in life re: You should better yourself can be answered with 'Who the fuck cares, lmao'.

>You should work out, you'll get fit.

Who the fuck cares, lmao.

>You should work out, you'll feel better.

Who the fuck cares, lmao

>You should work out, you'll get laid more.

Who the fuck cares, lmao

>You should not be a piece of shit, because you'll not feel like a piece of shit.

Who the fuck cares, lmao

How do I overcome the sense that absolutely none of this matters when the objective truth is that none of it matters. So fucking what if I die early, fat, and unattractive? Who the fuck cares, lmao.

Other urls found in this thread:

While you're not wrong that one day you'll die and it won't matter. The fact is you're stuck in this body on this planet with these people until you die or an hero so you might as well make the best of it and stop moping like a little bitch

I'm not necessarily mopey at all. Nihilism does not imply 'being mopey', it moreso implies a 'Who the fuck cares lmao.' attitude, in fact it's pretty implied in nihilism and a large part of the misunderstanding of Nihilism is that it's 'mopey'. Anyway I'm not here to defend that position at all, but just looking for some sort of reason beyond 'Just do it!' or some other fucking cringey motivational sports-type reason to actually get fit. I haven't found a single statement for getting fit that satisfactorily refutes the 'Who the fuck cares, lmao' statement.

nihilism is just a narcissistic excuse disguised as depth to encourage you to give up on your dreams

you are afraid of failure and you jump through more hoops to justify and rationalize it rather than getting up off your ass and seeing your goals accomplished for yourself

go for a run right now you dumb faggot.

You should care. It's your consciousness inside that body.

The fact that it ends gives life meaning. If time was an infinite resource then there would be no meaning, but because it is limited it is up to us decide how we utilise it. You have to identify what it is you want to work towards and how to achieve it.

>who the fuck cares
you... you should care you fucking autist

With that shitty attitude nothing will ever satisfy you with this philosophy why even live why not just kill your self. who cares lmao

That feeling will pass around year 13-14, right after you leave atheism behind.

Read the Myth of Sysophis. It's about your exact feel, except written after living through the nihilistic hell of WW2 instead of teenage ennui.

Here's a link:

Getting fit is good for your mental health, it makes you feel better all the time. you don't get tired easily etc

Used to feel this way. Its a classic fear response. What you're likely feeling is nervousness and fear about the concept of failure. You fear failing to stick with lifting, getting laid, making money, and it comes out as nihilism. Realize this and conquer it. Pro tip: Be busy. Nihilistic thoughts come when you just spent your 3rd hour of the day on Veeky Forums. If you're putting in long days of good, hard work, these feelings won't have as much room to get in

I actually have absolutely no real fear of failure. My life is a long line of them. I just don't care. I'm also 30.

you're pathetic

You obviously have fear, given that you bothered to ask for philosophical advice on a Vietnamese sock knitting forum.

If none of this matters kill yourself. If the answer to that is "but I like to live even if it doesn't matter" then getting fit will help you to live longer and unlock other pleasures, both bodily and spiritually.

>30 yrs old
>tries to disguises pathetic and parasitic ways as "nihilism" to prevent feeling bad on inside
>is no better than someone doped up on heroin, just leeching off hard-working individuals while pretending reality doesn't exist

I care that I lift

I care that I'm fit

I care that I feel better

I care that I'm getting laid more(I'm not, but soon my brehs)

I ask "who the fuck cares, lmao" and the answer is "me, lmao"

>when the objective truth is that none of it matters

fedora's first attempt at philosophy? All of it matters to me, therefore objectively it does matter.

Not caring whether you're happy and healthy sounds like you hate yourself, I mean I don't know about you but I want everyone to be happy and healthy besides the people I hate. I'd work on building a bit of self-respect then you can start pondering the big questions lil buddy.

I'm 30 as well.
What theses guys don't understand is that life is progression.
You will fail, over and over again. Nihilism is you telling yourself your dreams don't matter. You tell yourself this so you don't get hurt again. This attitude is stalling progress. Understand that anything worth going after can and will come with pain.

You finally get that qt3.14 gf?
She'll probley leave you at some point.
Who cares take what you learned and find another one.

Finally get that body you want?
Life will find a way too take it away.
Fuck it, learn from your failure and move on.

Don't give up. We're all gonna make it.

Nobody is going to care in your stead. You can take solace in your failures knowing that you're just a falling leaf in the breeze (and IT IS your perceived personal inadequacies that are the cause of this. Don't make the mistake of thinking you're Nietzsche and that self-actualization is paralysis under the weight of triviality). If you let it end there though, the only person it could disservice is yourself. You have to decide what happiness is worth to you.

Notes from Underground is a good read if you feel trapped and without agency.

you know shit all about nihilism if thats your statement describing it

be the homo superior instead of the homosexual that you are now senpai

You're under no obligation live out a healthy life, nor are you obligated to pursue anything which brings you joy.

If you don't care, then that's that. You don't have to do anything you don't want to OP.

Pic related

Myself being a Nihilist conflicts with having goals in bodybuilding. Life is pointless/no meaning to it, but I take that as a challenge to MAKE my own purpose. To build a piece of art.

Life gets funnier when you're fit rich and getting laid constantly lmao

You're confusing nihilism with stoicism.

Stoicism says, "I am responsible for my actions in the face of a unknowable fathomless existence."

Usually, people who actually accept responsibility and agency like this will try to better themselves in a tangible way. That can mean raising a family, starting a business, writing, getting swole af, etc. Don't be a bitch about it. Go read some Seneca or Epictetus.

All of this will be forgotten.

if things make you feel better, you should care about them, because the only thing you have is your own subjective experience. if you arent even going to try to make that experience better, then offing yourself would save you the trouble of shitty experiences

>I haven't found a single statement for getting fit that satisfactorily refutes the 'Who the fuck cares, lmao' statement.
You probably never will since the core of nihilistic thought is based upon an almost purely subjective judgment (what defines an action as mattering in any sense is almost always in the eyes of the beholder).

So I ask 2 things: on what grounds can you argue something as meaningless outside of your own perception/consciousness, and why is the creation of a personal actualized meaning invalid if the lack of meaning is essentially the same thing based on source?

Just read some krishnamurti OP, it will pass

Nihilism is one of the greatest threats to the west and it's for this very reason. Congratulations on being one of many men in the modern age who are too weak minded to break free from the meaninglessness of nihilism. I don't blame you, I used to be like that too. It wasn't until a few years ago that I broke out of that shit, and it was because I was sick of failing everything that I was interested in.

Sure you could respond to failure with "lol who cares if I fail what does it matter" but you know it hurts every single time you recognize that you've spent another x amount of days simply existing. Even if you won't admit it, that shame is there.

You say "Who the fuck cares, lmao" but the answer to that obviation is that you care, but you're too dense or scared to admit it.

Nihilism is fucking lame.

Everything I do, I do for the greater glory of God. And if that's not good enough for you, for some reason, then trust that what you do has impacts on your loved ones and your society. Do them proud.

Deus vult.

That isn't enough for nihilists. Their family will all die one day and so will they, so what does it matter? Everything they do will be forgotten.

The answer of course is that they're the pilot of their own lives. No matter your circumstances, every action you take is what you choose to do. Inaction is also a choice. Nihilists try to distance themselves from responsibility by claiming that everything is without meaning, but that's simply an excuse that they parrot so they can continue being sloths.

There's a reason sloth is considered a deadly sin

As far as "nihilism," that can mean a lot of different things, but none of the philosophical meanings suggest not having personal preferences. The word you're looking for is "apathy."

And I do think it's shitty when people are dicks to others for not being fit, so if you're happy being out of shape, that's fine. But in that case, why are you asking about it on Veeky Forums?

If you do care, then do something about it.

If you feel like you care, but also feel like nothing you do will make things better, see a shrink. That should help.

Yes I had this exact problem. I took it to it's extreme conclusion. I discovered that everyone around me cared, and most importantly, I cared. I desperately cared. I tried to convince myself I didn't as a defense mechanism, but I really cared.

You'll be ok bro. Just wait til your 23rd birthday.

This is a very flawed understanding of nihilism. The way it is written and intended, nihilism is an extremely self-affirming philosophy. It frees you from the bounds of self-doubt. It tells you: nothing matters, so grow into the ubermensch and be the best you can be.

Anybody that thinks nihilism is just "life is meaningless, and so is trying to have a good life" is an edgy high schooler that hasn't read any philosophy.

You're a retard if you think that the teachings of nihilism and the effects of nihilism are the same thing. Sure the philosophy might be that nothing matters so lmao do whatever you want, but the actual effect is "nothing matters, shit". Nihilism in practice breeds apathy which leads to sloth.

>you're a retard if you actually read

What did he mean by this? Tbh going on Veeky Forums makes me want to stop lifting because half of you are this dumb.

Of course people are going to turn nihilism into an excuse to be lazy, if nihilism didn't exist there would be another scapegoat. The point is that educating people about the philosophy and getting them to think it through can elevate their manner of thinking and encourage them to act above their base instincts.

Great question OP. I've been a nihilist for a long time, went through a super depressed phase that lasted my entire teens etc. You may grow out of it, you may not after all, the pessimist sadly tends to be correct most of the time. There are a few things that over the years of thinking about have helped me accomplish meaningless* tasks. (no one outwardly would know I'm a nihilist btw).

Nietzsche is obviously the easiest answer. He proclaims yes life is suffering but suffering and joy are not mutually exclusive. An individual can find joy IN suffering. He can STRIVE in suffering. Suffering is the default condition of humanity so it's actually better to be pessimistic so long as you arent controlled by it. A pessimism of strength. He claims that the meaning of life is BECOMING WHO YOU ARE, that is to say, being true to yourself as an individual, not giving into the temptation of the mass man, society, etc. No one can really give you as an individual a system of valuation, its up to you to interpret the world around you, if that means everythings value is 0, so be it.

I'll go into a tangent now that probably wont be coherent: every proposition or belief is comprised of TWO elements: the core and the doubt. Doubt is a very coherent stance since the one thing humans can do is doubt, I think therefore I doubt, etc. A religious persons sentiment is almost devoid of doubt, which I think is an worthy existential conclusion, kierkegaard tells us some things are worth doubting (he does not include religion here). Anyway the religious doubt is still there no matter how hard the person tries to eradicate it, its just the nature of ideas: [core + doubt]. Nihilism is a very profound source because it is [doubt + doubt], there is no necessary core, because the nihilist doesnt attribute any value. But in the nihilists doubt emerges meaning because he doubts, doubt. So its almost like [doubt ((belief) [core + doubt) + doubt] over and over.

>nothing matters
>so go do this thing that doesn't matter


Isn't that existentialism? I thought that nilhism was pretty explicitly either mopey and/or eat, drink, and be merry because lmao who cares, while existentialism was more like what you said; there is no particular point to existence, but there *is* existence so create your own personal framework for it.

That's still a work in progress but I'll add a little more Nihilism >>>> PROGRESS because nihilism is doubt rechecked ad infinitum, the nihilist has almost no option BUT to progress in order to solidify his nihilism because he by the nature of doubt MUST doubt it. The whole stance is fundamentally rooted on no roots.


the only person who cares is you user, and if you are happy living in a blob of a body
chase dopamine nigger


may I ask why the 23rd birthday specifically?

Lastly one thing that also helped me. I've studied the american revolution a lot. Many of them are deists and would probably be atheists if darwin had been around. That said, they all have this weird but seductive notion of a god which all civil men worship and his name is THE PUBLIC GOOD. Most references to god in the founding documents are in this fashion. Have whatever religion or belief you want but all men must obey the public good. This really helped and motivated me. These are brilliant men, the watched horrible atrocities, they know how meaningless life is, yet they contribute, they persevere, they thrive.

I was gonna put 19th to imply you're an immature, angsty kid, but I thought 18 might be a little too young and you'd still be happy you finally away from my parents at college phase, so I went a couple years ahead.

You will be going down a deep rabbit hole looking for "objective truth".
When you say you don't care if you die early, fat, and unattractive, why is that? If nothing matters, why do you err on that side and not what others consider healthy?
To be honest it is hard to care sometimes, because caring is work. But I think deep down everyone cares enough to try to make themselves happy, whatever that means.

well user, you seem to care so much you had to post on a mongolian bodyboarding forum about it.

Now that i got you in a contradiction what you gonna say? That you don't care right? Ypu're just being a delusional faggot

>fell for the postmodernist meme

My gott. You're not unique. You have a classical case of postmodernism. And so on

>Leaving atheism behind

Remove the lmao and you get depression.

I read most of that in slavojs voice, the "honestly" typo really drew me in.
The LMAOs ruined it, though.

Ultimately, every hierarchy of value has arbitrary axioms that are presupposed. One of the strangest things about me resolving my only Nietzsche induced nihilism, is it is requiring me to have faith. Not in God or religion, but in community ritual.

Im a nihilist since 12 yo age. People told me I would grow out of it, (sadly) im here at 25 and not much changed - except the idea maturing.

Nihilists dont even have to be pessimistic. There is one simple fact;
If nothing matters, then the fact that nothing matters also does not matter. If nothing has sense, then having sense also is senseless. There is nothing right or wrong, therefore you can do as you wish.

Why would you do that?
who the fuck cares, lmao

Just do it, or do not. There is no why.