Is this lordosis or an apt, how do i fix this. I used to work out about 3 years ago, gained some decent muscle...

Is this lordosis or an apt, how do i fix this. I used to work out about 3 years ago, gained some decent muscle, had a few injuries, but because of depression i stopped and my health and body went to shit, i've been working abs for a month and arms, lats, chest, and shoulders for two weeks, i'm wondering if this is fixable, it wasnt like this when i still had all the muscle. I've lost a solid 15 pounds of muscle btw.

nigga you look like a slinky toy

lmao you dont need to tell me

srs i wanna get rid of this asap tho

Go see a chiropractor, your shits fucked up.

For real, see a chiropractor, stand up straight, sit straight, eat 2x as much as you currently are, talk mass bulk shakes each day

that is me standing up straight lmao

Literally just stand straight until you've conditioned your body into doing it naturally

Whats so hard about that?


I literally said that the post above yours

Stand against a wall and try and get your lower back to touch the wall

it cant

Do it.



You might have scoliosis. Your hips aren't tilted down, which is what lordosis is. I chiropractor might not be able to help you, you might need a surgeon...

Don't do something that hurts unless a doctor tells you to. These people have no idea what you have or what's going on.

i'm fairly certain that's an issue with tight hip flexors, which causes atp.

anyone that's had atp or lordosis in this thread?

Start doing bridges.


Looks like a posture thing, I could be wrong tho.

My shit isn't perfect either due to having asymmetrical pectus excavatum but I've drastically improved my posture over the past few months, it's just become habit to straighten my back / make sure I'm sitting upright whenever possible. I also like to slide the back of my hand down my back towards my pelvis to drum the idea into my head that my back is straight and my form is good which leads to me correcting my posture whenever I sit down

doubt its as fucked as mine, also i should mention it's not always this bad,

Get a standing desk for your PC. I made one out of some planks a couple weeks ago, it's the real shit. Already made posture gains and adonis belt starting to show.

Are you doing a JoJo stance?

GO SEE A DOCTOR, please :(

trust me you're not standing straight, your lower back is fucked

Saved that Jojo lmao.

could also be lower stomach bloat. drink water, eat fiber first before doing anything else
also you've got some fucked posture in addition to whatever autism you have

i doubt it, i dont eat dairy rly, and all i drink is water and coffee.

For real, go and see a chiropractor

You'll have back problems in later life if you don't fix your shit and soon

It'll take a long time to fix that, I won't lie, but it's better than looking like a noodle and being in pain for the rest of your life

It's not lordosis. It's kyphosis.

Is this an over-reaching arm?
Or is this compassion?
Is this a handout undeserved?
Or a just reparation?

what is it backwards kyphosis?

explain how it's kyphosis please

thoracic and cervical vertebrae are tilting forward rather than lumbar

You look like you've been trying to stand like a cool anime protagonist for yout whole life but more just have a fucked back

you are wrong

looks pretty kyphotic in that last pic, and his pelvis isn't tilted

any tips to get rid of this without surgery?

there are some upper back and neck exercises you can try, generally a conscious effort to correct your posture will help, you look pretty emaciated so probably some lifting in general

Don't worry about it, it's normal for your species

my arms longer than that, i could prob beat your ass and you couldnt even reach me manlet.

I may be short but i suck a mean dick, fagboi