Hit basic gf standard of 1/2/3/4 lmaopl8

>hit basic gf standard of 1/2/3/4 lmaopl8
>still no gf


Haven't you heard its almost 2k17 all the ladies are after the chads who 2/4/6/8 lmaopl8

That only applies if you can do it for 12 reps, and if want a qtpa2t you need 3/6/9/12

Did you fill out the appropriate paper form for getting the desired gf? You need to inform the gf agency about your 1234 status. Typical noob error to forget this.

How much time should it take to hit 1/2/3/4?

Also, I want a qt3.14 white girlfriend, do I get to choose or am I just handed one?

depends on where you start

if you're benching 1pl8 because you did physical activity in youth, probably 3-6 months. if you start as a couch potato benching the bar like 9, 12 if you're a skeleton

Who cares - go, do some assistance and a buttload of benching and you will be fine.

Chads don't squat more than 2pl8, and they certainly don't deadlift at all

I was more successful with women when I was chubby

Can sort of confirm
I had a gf when i was skinnier and now that im juicy im dying for some female attention

In Freshman year my bench went from 95 to 135 in about 9 weeks, then a year later (no working out in between) it went from 125 to 165 in about the same time. 2 years later (again, no working out in between) it went from 165 to 210 in about 16 weeks.

My Squat was 195 at the end of Freshman year, and went up to 290 at the end of my senior year. Does that sound like decent progress?

You can apply for a eastern european gf for half that much and the promise of a greencard down the line, although a friend of mine sadly got a gypsy


I had 4 gfs before I started lifting.
No sex in 2 years since I started working out. Sufffer from depression though

The basic gf standard has since been raised to 2/3/4/5. Try again when you hit these weights.

By then, the standard will have been raised to 3/4/5/6.

95 -> 210, 115 lbs change in ~31 weeks

I did SL starting with the bar (that's all I could do lol) and ended at 170 after 25 weeks, 125 lb change

sounds reasonable

1/2/3/4 and no GF? wtf m8, is your form off or something? how many scoops?

believe it or not, its because women want control

they want 2 things sexually in life
>Chad to fuck them
>Dave to take care of them/ give them "experiences"

BUT women want BOTH Chad and dave feel a sense of desire and thus she has some form of control.

If you act like you don't want her or are willing to fall for her bullshit, all she sees is
>chad who she cannot tame.
>Dave who will leave her to provide for another stacey.

My advice, act/be like a nice/chill/cool guy, who looks like a chad, act like you have standards, and that she meets them and that you're willing to play ball for that reason. After all relationships are nothing but negotiations.

relationships are negotiations, act like she has something you need, and she will admit you have something she needs.

Em i suppost to take more than one a day?

don't worry senpai, just wait until trump gets inaugurated and makes anime real. Free 2D gfs for all citizens
since you already pass basic gf standard you'll be getting a class B at least (get your preference form in early though!!)
shame that the DOQTs is getting held up with all of this. that's politics for you though


Em i suppost to take more than one a day?

Thats too much money

Do you want to make it? Do you want that QT GF we promised? At least 3 scoops CMON!!!

> finally hit 1/2/3/4
> getting easy peasy hookups, but no girl with gf material
I guess it's half true?