How buff will I get if I do this ever single day for a month:

How buff will I get if I do this ever single day for a month:
-500 cruches
-150 Pushups
-50 Pull ups
-100 Dumbell lifts (12 kg)
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you won't get buff, you'll just get better at crunches, pushups, pullups and dumbell lifts

What to do to achieve fit then?

Dumbell lifts

read the sticky retard.

also you're 30 days too early to be here, fuck off back to /v/

what's your goal? Youve simply posted exercises and numbers.

theres a fine line in b8 like this, its either too obvious and hilarious, or too subtle and just kinda sad. if this is real do it op, any exercise, if performed to exhaustion, will put on muscle.

dunno no exercise called cruch or dumbbell lift

To get buffer, sorry I'm from his. I don't know how this board works

Try it and see what happens

I'm not baiting, I can do a before and after picture if anybody wants. I'm interested into a heavy workout with the equipment I have.

yeah exactly if it's bait it's not every funny because it could totally be some poor guy with no fitness knowlege at all looking for advice

doing anything is better than nothing but ideally we'd like you to get into a gym and start barbell training

not very buff. you should just sign up to a gym and read the sticky. Get a decent diet, high in protein on a calorie surplus and lift heavy things until they're no longer heavy.

I live in a dead place where they have no gyms. The closest is approximately an hour with the fucking train

also user I feel compelled to tell you that getting "buff" takes quite a long time... you can expect some small progress in a month but you won't look like this

a lot of people have expectations that they will make huge progress in a month and it just doesn't work like that... so they quit after one month and they *never* get the bodies they want

I don't necessarily want to look like that, I'm slightly build already. And I got HGH injections, also just turned 18. So I have slight belief.

It depends on your goals user.

First of all, you don't really make very much progress in one month. At all.

That doesn't mean it's not worth doing. The routine you're describing will after some time leave you looking better than you are now

that's what counts

>approximately an hour with the fucking train

if there's a will there's a way

>hgh injections

prescription or sourced online?

If prescip why/how

anyways if you're on growth hormone definitely work out lol

I already tried, I resigned after 2 weeks. It's too far mate.
I want to achieve abs, is it possible in a short time?

Read the fucking sticky cunt

I'm a manlet, and I have doctoral connections.
They said if I don't train, I'll get fat as fuck

Try it.

Also if you're overweight fix your diet, if you are underweight eat more.