I've been losing weight for a few months now but for the last 4 weeks my weight has almost stayed constant...

I've been losing weight for a few months now but for the last 4 weeks my weight has almost stayed constant. Haven't changed my diet in any way that I am aware of. Any advice?

did you recalculate?

What does that mean?

exercise more or eat less

your tdee changes as your weight goes down. when you started losing weight your required calories for weight maintenance was higher than it is now.

what was your starting weight and how much calories did you eat?

That makes sense.
I was 172 and then started eating 2k a day.
now I'm 157

you're probably eating at maintenance calories now. gotta drop it lower again. sucks but that's how it goes.

are you a girl or short? 150 seems low if that's your target no offense

yeah you are probably eating at maintenance now. just recalculate your TDEE and lower the calories again and the weight should start going down again,

just keep in mind that TDEE calculators aren't that accurate. if your weight doesn't chance in 2 weeks you are most likely eating at maintenance.

Best answer.

>just keep in mind that TDEE calculators aren't that accurate

This so hard. I lost 100 pounds (355 to 255) recalculating the entire time. Went from 1900 calories a day to 1600 and I couldn't really get or stay below 240. So even though I'm at 1600 calories a day I still had to go lower.

Because of the holidays (and at the advice of a trainer) I'm doing 2200 calories a day and maintaining around 255-260. Everyone tells me I should be losing but, yeah, bodies are fucking weird.

1600 calories and not losing weight at 240...

Gr8 b8 unless you just sat in bed all day

I'll be the first to admit I'm not active at all. But my story is 100% true.

Unless something is being calculated wrong somewhere I think you just beat physics

Different user. Was 201 before thanksgiving. Ate at 1500, no change for like 3 weeks. Absolute bullshit. Now I'm like 207 because 3 days of bulksgiving? Frustrating as fuck.

Low as in high or low as in too low?
I'm a 5'11 male with barely any muscle


Also how closely were you tracking your calories during the 3 weeks you didn't change. Lastly how much exercise were you doing a week

Yeah see and that's the issue. Anyone I tell this to doesn't believe me or tells me about starvation mode which we all know is a myth. If I put on a few pounds I seem to re-lose them quickly, but sub-250 slows to a crawl.

Right there with you user. Super quick to gain, slow as molasses to lose.


I've got a construction job, but it generally means I push a wheelbarrow a little bit, walk a little bit, carry stuff a little bit, but then sit in my work truck most of the day. Pretty sedentary, but that's the setting I put myfitnesspal on anyways. Maybe I should go to 1400, but everything I've heard says anywhere near 1200 is a bad idea. I've got like 30 lb to lose, but it feels like I'm eating like a Lanklet

when a button stops working, press it harder

5'11" at 150lbs? What the fuck, I think you belong on Veeky Forums

>getting visibly thinner
>weight stays the same
What the fuck is going on?

Calculating your TDEE your BMR alone is 2K.

Are you positive you were tracking your calories perfectly? It's easy to grab a Gatorade, snack etc. and not think about it if you're doing manual labor.

Still have like 19% bf

I have the opposite.

Its called gaining muscle mass.

I thought muscle mass gain was extremely slow, even compared to fat loss.
Scooby said so.

Feels good, though.