Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread /QTDDTOT/

I'm coming out of an episode of food poisoning that I've had for four days where I lost 13 lbs. I squat 275x3 and OHP 115x6 at 6'3" 195 lbs(182 now), how much strength should I have lost in that time?

im that gorilla dick nigga i make dyke pussy wet

Don't load up to max senpai why the fuck would you do that anyway do some warmups with low weight and see where your strength is you should get back your original lifts in like 2 weeks.

I.. I'm not gonna say the n word

how do i zangief mode?

I've had a stomach flu for a couple of days, but didn't really lost any strength

Actually need help guys, I workout 3 times a week and im about a month into it, however I cant seem to make myself sore any more. The first couple of weeks I could barely walk the day after my workouts now the only muscle I seem to be able to make sore is my tris, is no pain no gain a meme or am I doing somethine wrong?

I injured me knee like 8 months ago, I was doing some weighted lunges and my right knee gave out

Now I can't do any heavy weight bearing exercises or else my right knee hurts like crazy and it just gives out. It's been 8 months, oh and I can't do leg extensions either - too painful on that right knee

Someone tell me what I did plz. I can walk without feeling knee pain but if I squat or lunge it hurts

Been lifting for awhile and I'm currently on a 4 day upper/lower split. I'm thinking of switching to a 3 day full body routine to cut a day out of the gym due to time constrains. Will I lose strength and size from the less overall volume per day or will the extra day help me maintain?

I'll focus a day on each major group as the primary but target every muscle on every workout. So one day go hard on pulling, next on pushing, then third on legs.

how do i get gf

You are sore you just don't realize it. Set a timer to 15 minutes, put on some ear buds and listen to some meditating sounds, like some rain falling or river flowing or some similar shit. Then take the time and breath into every part of your body starting from the top of your head. Like as you breath in focus on that part and go lower step by step, Like see how every part of you feels. 5 minutes in you'll realize how god damn sore you are.

Or you might really feel rested. If you get great sleep and take a serious amount of protein combined with the right amount of test maybe you just regenerate like crazy.

Same here bro. I work out about 5 times per week though and for about 2 hours per day. Make sure you are taking BCAAs and a sufficient amount of protein. I've been doing this new routine for about 4 months now. Currently From morning to night for me: BCAAs + Fishoil > 1/4 Creatine Scoop > Preworkout > 1/2 ADA2Bolic > 1/2ADA mid workout > BCAAs late workout > full scoop Creatine > Protein > BCAAs before bed

Pretty loaded up on shit right now and sometimes have 2-3 protein shakes per day

6'2 200lbs on a bulk

Someone decide for me pls

I slept through lunch today but ate shit for dinner and now im a bit hungry
Should I have something now or wait until morning for breakfast?

Cringe worthy

Eat cereal for those night carbs brah

>reasonably fit because of work
>trying to get to 100 pushups
>push to failure
>take a few days off
>start exercising
>try again
>exercise more for a week
>try again
>numbers until failure keeps dropping
>went from almost 40 to 13 now

What the fuck is happening.

how? lmao are you mad you can't afford half of the shit I take?

Shit man, I literally just found one of those single serving bags of cereal in my room
thank u psychic bro

What barbell do you guys have? I'm about to hit the weight capacity on the barbell that came with my weight set, and I'm looking to upgrade.

i was looking at the ATX ram bar
any recommendations?
What do you guys use?

I just did cardio for the first time after bulking up to 190lbs, when previously I had done cardio months and months ago at around 160. I became sore in the lower back and legs and my joints got sore as well.

I was wondering, since I basically put on a weight vest and started running since last time I ran, if I continue to do short term cardio(a mile or two), will my body get stronger at this weight, adapt, and when I cut one day to 160 or 170, will I feel lighter? Will i be more explosive?

Rest properly. 8 hours or more of sleep, 48 rest period. Eat more. Idc if you eat mcdonalds, eat more. Plus pushups suck. use resistance to gain muscle

How specifically should you train during a cut?

How much volume and how much isolation work should you do?

And should you train for failure?


Should I cut bros? Or continue the bulk?

neither. Eat at a small (250kcal) surplus and do some cardio

What is the most isolating glute exercise there is?

What's better for lats- strict wide grip full ROM pull-ups, or lay pull-downs?

As your body grows accustomed to excercise it will adapt and soreness go away. You should still feel some soreness, but if you hit a certain muscle twice a week it should be limited.

Doctor. Knee fuck up will haunt you for life.
You can make fine gains on full body. Try Texas method. PPL isn't full body.
You'll get better at it once you cut but probably not very explosive (unless your cardio is doing explosive sprints but that's not cardio).
Train for strength not volume. Low reps of heavy weight to preserve strength.
I'm sure there are more but barbell lunge are pretty good.

lunges mostly work quads

Not at wide stride.

What does your home gym set up look like?

Glute ham raise or hip thrust/glute bridge

My legs give out in 15-20 minutes when jogging. I know your legs get used to it but I think it's because I had slightly fucked up legs as a baby.

Should I switch to walking?

my routine called for 1x5 diddlys
but my gymbro started shouting like a mad cunt and motivating me, so i said fuck it, i'm doing 10
so i did 2x10
it took me a full 20 minutes to completely recover from that holy shit, and pauses at the bottom were noticeably longer

will i be bedridden tomorrow?

Im doing a ppl split 6x a week as a beginner lifter. My push / pull compounds are increasing but ive been stuck at 1pl8 squat since ~week 5 (almost 3 months on the program). I thought I wasn't hitting legs hard enough so I started doing this on leg days

Squat 3x5
Romanian Diddly 3x5
Leg Press 3x10
V squat machine 3x10
Leg curls 3x12
Quad Extensions 3x12
Standing Calfs 4x12

But I'm still sucking at squats. Did 155 this morning and i made 3x5 but some were half squats. Is this too much volume for legs in a ppL? I don't deadlift on pull day I do rows

Please don't feed me the SL/SS bullshit I have a pyschological need to be in the gym daily and time is no issue. It is the only thing i look forward to.

Depends, some girls like to ride you on the sofa instead but there's still a chance.

ha ha ha ha
ha ha
u so funny a non


If I roast/bake a chicken breast in the oven how many calories are in it?

Don't worry mate, you'll be fine, it's all gains.

For now, yes.

You should see a doctor too. Unless you don't want to run anymore
Won't make much of a difference. In the oven the fats usually don't leave the meat

pretend you' are 6ft 170 lbs. how long would it take you to reasonably grow your biceps from 12 inch to 13 inch? How long from 12-16?

Find it out yourself. It really depends on your routine, sleep, eating pattern etc. Muscle growht differs so much per person.

each inch will be slower than the last

how do i train out my gag refle? i want to be able to do great BJs.

if you want to squat more, squat more

fuck the leg press, fuck the V squat machine

knowing that you have to do those exercises later holds you back psychologically on your SQUAAAAAATS

deload to 145 and do 5x5


if you can't get full deep reps LOWER THE WEIGHT and DO MORE REPS OR SETS

Just had a chicken and bacon slice for lunch, should I wait around 45 minutes - 1 hour before lifting so I don't feel queasy?

You know your body best

start sucking small cocks and gradually work your way up

When I run, I go to fast. It feels like I am running at around 80 miles per hour, this scares me a shit ton. Got into a argument saying I am faster than mopeds with the other kids at school and ran against a moped. I lost and my speed is seemingly around 9 miles per hour.

How does one increase your speed and dont give me just sprint every now and then. I want to be the fastest version of myself.

I also like blue if this helps.

Can you just drink glasses oil for bulking ?
I suppose not but I'm retarded I want to be sure

You've got to start lifting before you worry about bulking little guy :^)

I remember one user who shotted olive oil to hit his macros

You could but it's a shit idea.

Carbs are the best macro to increase for bulking.

Forgot to add people already envy my pure speed. When ever I enter a classroom people say things like slow down there speedy. I just want to get as fast as humanly possiable.

Any tips please

Pls explain.

and remember I'm retarded

Dont ban me for underage. Yes I am in high school but I am 21 years old.

tried swimming?

I want to get into more rowing exercises for back work. I have access to barbells, seated rows with weight and rowing cardio machine. Are there any workouts that I can add to my current stuff?

Also, how good is the cardio machine for rowing? Is it better cardio than elliptical or running?

Okay so you understand the concept of "caloric surplus = gain weight"

Now we finetune it with the macro composition. What kind of weight are we trying to gain? Lean weight, not fat weight.

How does the body gain muscle? Stress the tissue, supply the amino building blocks, supply the energy needed to add those blocks to the chain. Making proteins is an energy intensive process! A key determinant of protein synthesis is ATP availability! Carbohydrates provide the most readily available source of ATP. You have more energy available in your triglycerides (several back to back marathons' worth) but it is not accessible at the same rate.

How does the body store fat? Any dietary lipids that are not immediately needed for other processes such as making hormones, building cell membranes, etcetera get made into triglycerides and then stored as adipose tissue! The body only needs about 50 g/day lipids for optimal hormone function! That's 450 calories already.

Overfeeding (caloric surplus) studies show that overfeeding with carbs and protein results in much less fat gain than when overfed with lipids! And these subjects weren't even training!

Yes de novo lipogenesis occurs but VERY RARELY and it is calorically inefficient!

No need to ever add oils to your cooking. Cook with water, get fats from whole food sources, and eat more beans and potatoes!!!

Answer me plz

the rowing machine is natty as fuck, you can pretend that you are a greek warrior on a trireme at the battle of marathon or some shit. great way to boost gains

mirin this sick muscle wizard knowledge

Rowing is fantastic cardio. Remember the heart is a dumb muscle so anything you do to raise the heart rate and hold it there for a period of time is beneficial. When considering cardio types you should be thinking about, what ELSE is the cardio doing for me besides training my cardiovascular system? Rowing does add an upper body element which elliptical and running lack. Elliptical generally has heart rate monitor which is nice, and lower impact which can be good or bad. Running you can do outside, which is nice.

Barbell row--pick one variant and train it for at least 3 months. I suggest overhand bent over paused row pausing at the top of the will be using "sissy" weight but you will actually be using and growing your back without relying on momentum...

Is PPL effective 3 days a week?

thanks man I'm a senior in exercise science and i'm trying to get my CSCS and coach at a strongman gym. it's not much but i've been focusing a lot on learning this stuff since 2011

I do it every day, but take rest days every now and then so it equates to about 6 days per week. But i'm NEET so yeah, i have some spare time.

The only reason that it wouldn't be if it were an overall decrease in volume and you were coming from a more advanced training state. That being said, the literature supports training muscle groups twice a week as being about twice as superior as hitting them once a week, so if you can only train 3 days a week I would consider a full body split or at least a 2 day split, instead of a 3 day split like PPL.

I actually switched to a PPL from a full body split. I was too sore with the full body routine. Having said that, my lifts have gone up 3 weeks after switching.

OK I will drink glasses of carbs instead thanks Mr Science

How do I quickscope?

Hurt my back doing deadlifts, ironically while turning toward the mirror to check my form. Even 2 plates causes me lower back pain so I'm probably done dead lifting for the next six months. Squats are fine though.

Today I'd normally be scheduled to do deads. What should I do instead? Front squats, power cleans, or try dead lifting with a belt?

breh don't lift if you have an injury. go for a walk or something instead

Sorry to hear that, learned your lesson the hard way.

What are your goals and what does the rest of your program look like?

What do you guys do for abs that isn't just hip flexor work?

I tried it the first time yeresterday and Im in North Dakota so everyone except me is scandinavian so I pretended I was a viking and it was a lot of fun.

ok this really helps thank you. My upper body is lagging. I do see a lot of people doing rows with momentum so I will definitely try to avoid that. Im not going to have access to the gym over winter break and the only thing I have is a barbell that doesnt reach my deadlift or squat weight but I figured I would start a rowing regime so sissy weight is no problem.

Can anterior pelvic tilt be causing extreme lower back pain and make it difficult to do squats right and can it be fixed answer me

Weighted planks, ab wheel

A little momentum is fine but yeah driving with the legs and back and then throwing your torso down to "complete" the motion seems like wasted effort if your goal is to train the back. Glad I could help.

If you lack weights to add to the bar, and are sick of adding reps, you can always just change the variation of the exercise to make it harder. Deads--stiff legged, deficit, snatch grip, etc.
Squats--front squats, paused squats

Yes and yes

It's not in my nature.

Lifting day A: Squat, bench, accessories (curls, dips, bench rowe, push ups, chins, abs,upright rows).
B: Overhead press, deads, accessories.

Accessories vary based on how much time I have. I also sprint, run stairs, and box.

Goals are strength, cardio, and boxing I guess.

Thank you. Should I even try to go workout right now with my apt I've always had it or should I focus on streches


Yes. Deadlifts, front squats, chinups, pushups

I made the same mistake literally last week. Hurt my back doing DL, went to squat two days later and blew my lower back out.

Don't make the same mistake as me user, take a week break at least.

Not trying to be annoying but when I did those lifts back in October I hurt my lower back very badly where I could not bend over or sit long without pain. Is that normal for apt

I'm 18 5'7 and 150 lbs, I did a cut in January which lasted until about may and lost 40lbs. Should I cut again to lose excess chub or continue to lift and eat at mantience. For refrence bench is 195 and ohp is 125

Are {5x5 strict OHP and 4x8-12 lateral raise}x2 a week enough volume for delts on a PPL routine? If not, which accessory to add?

I've already taken my break for a couple weeks and Thanksgiving. Dead lifts hurt but nothing else does. Just need a substitute.

Okay so I would just go ahead and turn chins into a primary movement on B day. Weighted, if you can, to increase the intensity. This way you are still including a strong pull movement without bothering the low back (where I assume the injury is), and improving your weighted chinup and squat will drive your deadlift up without even training it.

I would also chill on the sprints/stairs for a bit, and do some dedicated hamstring accessory work.

>If you lack weights to add to the bar, and are sick of adding reps, you can always just change the variation of the exercise to make it harder. Deads--stiff legged, deficit, snatch grip, etc.
Squats--front squats, paused squats

Yea I intend on trying front squats for first time, as well as stiff legged and really hit the back, as well as some running as I also have a treadmill. Thanks for really good input.

It's "normal" in that it happens frequently to novices with poor form but it's not "normal" such that it's an accepted part of training those lifts.

Deload, work on form, progress your technique, do more research

Always bulk from a lean state. Maintenance is a waste of time unless you have other priorities in life and are simply aiming to not detrain imho, I suggest cutting

A rear delt specific exercise is never a bad call.

Front squats are your best bet. Throw in some planks for core work.

I love front squats, prefer them to back even. I advise elevating the heels by standing on some 5 or 10 lb plates, and only stabilizing the bar with 2 fingers per hand so you can keep your elbows high.

Never even occurred to me to do weighted chins, but that's a good idea. I'll give that a shot. I'll add glute ham raises to day B as well. Thanks user!

Yea Ive seriously neglected rows and front squats lately and Id like to add them into my rountine. Ill work on my form over break so I can hopefully hit it hard when I come back in Jan.

You're welcome brah, good luck

Ty, I'll work some rear delts in

Started on Stronglifts, switched to greyskull lp.
Starting to stall out on all lifts now and progress is becoming a real grind.

Should I change programme and if so what should I consider? Texas Method? 5/3/1?

I should add I have done a few deload cycles as well so I'm not just randomly thinking about changing programme.

what the fuck is up with retards like this.

seriously just go to the fucking doctor? how can you not realize this is severe.