
Not giving false hope yet to bagholders like myself, but there's some green movement and increased volume. 18BTC sell wall just got chewed through. Maybe some 5-10% gains to be had in the next hour?

Other urls found in this thread:

Slow and steady..Til tonight when the shit breaks the roof!

This is the native asset of hyperledger.

So IBM will want to ensure lumens remain as cheap as possible.


I could've sold 100k of this shitcoin at 850 sats

But instead I held and went to bed, only to wake up and find my life in pieces

You right dont buy it

The IBM news is still fresh, the stock rallied hard yesterday, many hedge funds are probably only know gathering the money together to invest in what will be a top 5 cryptocurrency for years to come. Don't worry, moon will come.

We broke a pretty strong trend in the last 2 hours. Already entered into a long trade.

Instead of being a faggot, why don't you explain why it isn't in IBM's best interest to keep a cap on the lumen price? Maybe you have an angle to offer that I haven't considered.

you don't make eth tier gains by selling on the first green candle bro

Maybe, maybe

It's down almost 50% from Tuesday.
No one is buying it.
If it was such a sure thing that lumens are going to be that valuable in IBM's hyperledger solution it wouldn't have dumped like it did. There is simply no way to spin that shit.


Jesse Lund wrote an article in May.
"The problem with the Digital Asset model is confidence (or lack thereof) in the underlying digital asset itself. Legitimate questions arise about who controls exchange rates for digital currencies, resurfacing fears of FX market manipulation and concerns for liquidity provision. Across the multitude of “altcoin” alternatives that might satisfy the digital asset requirements for this design pattern, only a few are actually viable. One of them is Bitcoin (BTC), but concerns about reputation and scalability, along with a limited money supply (only about $45 billion),"
Hes saying bitcoins market cap of $45 billion was too small.

Then yesterday on twitter he said this:
Japan likes Bitcoin; positive sign for cryptos? Nice to have a native asset in Hyperledger now with Stellar!

Dude forget it. Don't even argue with these idiots, I tried and failed to get any point across. These retards actually believe that this is an exchange token. Which it isnt. Here's what it says on the official website

> As of 2016, one lumen will cover 100,000 transactions.
> The base fee is currently set to .00001 XLM.
> The Stellar network has a built-in, fixed inflation mechanism.
> New lumens are added to the network at the rate of 1% each year.

Then these retards will claim that you will need X amount of Lumens to do a cross asset transfer on the network. So to send $ to EUR for example, companies will need to convert to XLM first. And again from the official website:
> The Stellar distributed network can be used to track, hold, and transfer any type of asset: dollars, euros, bitcoin, stocks, gold, and other tokens of value. Any asset on the network can be traded and exchanged with any other.
> Any asset on the network can be traded and exchanged with any other
> Any account can issue assets on the Stellar network. Entities that issue assets are called anchors. Anchors can be run by individuals, small businesses, local communities, nonprofits, organizations, etc. Any type of financial institution–a bank, a payment processor–can be an anchor.

So XLM is only used as a stabilisation token. Which makes complete sense. And I actually think this is a great use case for the blockchain. Yet these retards are fucking blinded by their bags. They'll scream IBM, IBM, IBM thinking they own shares in the company or something. Not realising that owning a fucking token =/= being a fucking shareholder

finally someone with a brain

delet this

so if you can transfer bank->bank one billion pajeet bucks for 0.00001 XLM... and you never have to actually obtain more than .00001 XLM why are there a fucking trillion or whatever of these things and why is it inflationary

sounds like the total supply has no reason to be more than 1 XLM kek

Read the fucking website you fuck. XLM acts as a stabilisation token of the network. Every pajeet out there will need at least 20 of these fuckers in his account, to receive money or to send money. It says it right here:
> Lumens work as a security token, mitigating DoS attacks that attempt to generate large numbers of transactions or consume large amounts of space in the ledger.
It needs to be inflationary because of fucking Veeky Forums pajeets, or do you think banks, etc would risk an exchange rate on a fucking volatile as fuck currency held by a bunch of retards?

Meant to say "fee rate" not exchange rate

If btc's marketcap is too small then maybe in three or four decades lumens will have capitalized enough to meet his criteria.


so what the fuck is your estimate of fair market value for this shitcoin and what should marketcap be

>Initially, Stellar will provide the network and digital asset to facilitate the settlement of transactions cleared on Hyperledger.

BTW get help you spaz. You sit around all day calling everyone idiot and retard.

To be fair, it is being used as an exchange token in the South Pacific but how much that is really worth and how long they will use lumens for cross-currency bank transfers is very uncertain, hence the dump I'm guessing.

Maybe you should get some help. How does this
> Initially, Stellar will provide the network and digital asset to facilitate the settlement of transactions cleared on Hyperledger.
disprove anything I wrote? Dumb fucks.

Do you not know what settlement means?

Ok dude you do you, I'm getting the fuck out of this thread. I know what settlement means, you just assume that settlement will be carried out against XLM for some reason, and not directly. "facilitate" is the keyword here.

ETH went from $20 to $7. For months some faggot spammed this board with "eth is a mess" threads and people were saying that it will never recover. Stop being a short sighted retard.

because lumens and ether are basically the same thing right? Classic pump tactic is to compare it to the true moon of this year. you don't have to look far at all to find people promising "ETH 2.0"

This. We all know the only true next ETH is LINK.