So what is all this Morocco is America meme?

So what is all this Morocco is America meme?

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Basically I have friends who believe that America was originally morocco and that the Moroccan empire used to rule everything, and that these "melinated peoples" were the people of the sun. They say that the Moroccans ruled the world in peace until white people descended out of the caucus mountains because they were "Neanderthals" and "troglodytes" who finally evolved somewhat and came down from the mountains with, basically, the intelligence of a nigger. They say that the white man manipulated and abused the melinated people's and rewrote history to make it seem like they're the winners, and that in reality the Moroccans/"melinated people's" are the true founders of everything.

Going more towards the fringe, they believe that white people and everyone else are two different peoples, sayig white people evolved more into "Neanderthal troglodyte caveman" and that everyone else was a different species that was touched by the alien annunaki or whatever at some point of evolution and that they are advanced beings while all white people are troglodytes and primitive. They say if white people weren't here we would all get along and there would be no greed or primal desires because these are traits of neanderthals.

I posted here because I thought you guys would be learned about if this had any credibility to it or not and wanted to see what you guys thought.

the standards of evidence are low

if you find the ruins of a city dated to the time of troy at the location of troy attested to by several sources you can say with a high degree of certainty that it is troy, you have a variety of evidence, some of it pretty solid, and nothing contradicts it, all roads lead to troy so to speak

what we have here are loose similarities in pronunciation, there are alternate explanations like the name amerigo is a corruption of morisco, or maybe it is a corruption of the germanic emmerich

rather than all roads leading to "america = al murruk" we have a lot of speculation, none much more valid than the other

a new level of WE WUZerry

Sounds gay

>find two similar words in different cultures
>make up elaborate theories

>Going more towards the fringe,



I know Morocco was one of the first countries to recognise the US (Largely because of its piracy). I've never seen anyone claim that America was heavily populated by Moroccan people.

This sounds similar to what it boils down to. My friends believe that the native peoples of America were actually Moroccans and that Christopher Columbus basically came over here and pillaged and raped them and took their land when the Moroccans were just trying to be welcoming to their visitors. They believe that when the continents were all connected, that the entire Pangea-continent was the Moroccan empire and that they ruled everything first. They believe that our economical system is based on all the Morrocan gold we stole and that America is actually a corporation of Morroco. Also that Islam literally means Peace or Law of Nature or something and that religions are just a copy of the original Islam while the modern Islam is just a perverted version so they can "slander muslims" on the news, which is all part of the agenda to destroy the "indigenous peoples."

They say this represents itself in all our monuments and history throughout time and that Morocco is the originators of basically everything. That history is all a lie and that most of that stuff did happen, just not like it's told, and that it's all tied in to this Moore shit. That 'melinated' peoples are the people of the sun and the chosen people by the annunaki, who touched them thousands of years ago and made them advanced beings, while the white man was yet to form from a different common ancestor we all share.

That literally we wouldn't have greed, corruption, or evil acts done to each other period if it was just melinated people because these are only traits of those who lack melanin. I mean this stuff is pretty radical, I don't believe it a bit. I was hoping to read a book on this or just learn something that either shows its true or BTFO. There's people on YouTube who talk about this shit all the time and are self-proclaimed scholars on the subject. I just feel like I can't be the only person who browses Veeky Forums to hear of such shit.


So it's like /pol/tards with Jews where they're genetically inferior and also much smaller of a group but they still apparently won out. Makes sense.

Also false friends/cognates happen all the time. There is an Aboriginal Australian language where the word 'dog' means exactly the same thing as in English but by pure coincidence(which we know because the sound of it fits with the sound changes that affected other words in that language)

More plausible than anything from le bible

Now this is some next-level WUZ

I come to Veeky Forums for quality shit like this


Your friends are delusional, and sound like they’re irl trolling you.

Dude they aren't. I could post youtube videos that they seriously watch, they try to show me this shit and convince me and tell me other shit. Like I feel like there are a sect of people who for real believe in this shit and I thought you guys here would know why it had some truth to it or why it was complete dog shit. I don't believe in it at all but every time I see them they act like they found more information that further backs up their claims. Like I really want a refutation to their claims that will btfo the whole argument.

this shit... there are long ass videos and other shit on youtube but for the sake of time this is basically it. Like where they're talking about the fez, my friends say that we do this in all graduation ceremonies because we stole it from the moors because it was the only way known of ascension, that basically we stole all their culture and just claimed it. I don't know all the points because I don't believe in it but I have had multiple long discussions with them about this and not gotten anywhere.


thank, i love this kinda shit

>Basically I have friends who believe that America was originally morocco and that the Moroccan empire used to rule everything, and that these "melinated peoples" were the people of the sun. They say that the Moroccans ruled the world in peace until white people descended
kek, I've been to Morocco and some Berbers look white, they are fair with light eyes.

Morocco was the first nation to recognize the US, they are proud of that and will tell you if you visit (assuming you are American)

Then they will scam you with long taxi rides and fake hash