What can I achieve working out from home with this 50kg weight set? I am skinny but want some muscles

What can I achieve working out from home with this 50kg weight set? I am skinny but want some muscles

with some curls and triceps extensions at the end
>Follow program fully

Damn, I used to do that one like 2 - 3 years ago, good times

Is there a simpler version

That is the simplest version of working out if you want muscles fuckface

buy bench from store, learn the basics from bodybuilding.com videos, out grow it, either get a gym membership or build a home gym. the end

No it doesn't make sense to me

Why are weighted pistol squats considered easier than normal ones

Can you read english or are you illiterate?

I am from pakistan sir

Then fucking gas yourself you 3rd world rat

Not much. That amount of weight is fuck all for squats, deadlifts and even bench, but it might be enough for OHP and isolation exercises for a while. Use it to gain some beginner strength, but after a few months (maybe weeks) you're going to need more weight.

You aint gonna become a super soldier if you dont use this, user

>find funny picture
>want to share it with Veeky Forums
>find the first thread that looks vaguely related
I've done that too

day one:
>bench press
>chest flyes
>lateral and front raises
>triceps extensions

day two
>biceps curls
>hammer curls
>forearms curls
>reverse flyes
get a pullup bar as well

day three
>squat and deadlifts although those weights arent enough, still better than nothing until you can find a proper gym or get more weights
>lunges maybe
>ab work
>do HIIT cardio to hit your legs at least

twice a week (ABCABCx)

Lets make this a home gym thread!

I was in exactly the same position - you can't do fuck all with such shitty weights. It'll take 2 weeks tops to be able to diddylift/squat 50kg, and you can't do any isolation exercises of that weight without strengthening your core.

That looks a hell of a lot like reddits ppl

>bench press

He didn't say he has a bench.

Someone post the Scooby Intermediate Workout pic. That shit tided me over pretty well while I was confined to my home for 2 months.

You can "bench press" without a bench, user. In fact, is kind of safer.

How does it work?
Doesn't your elbows hit the ground?

Do 4x12-15 instead of 5x5.

the different kind of pushups seem like a good way to injure your shoulders....

So? You just control the weight.

Seconding this, nearly identical to mine.

But don't you need the full downward movement for an efficient workout?

Like this the bar would never touch your chest.

A fairly standard dumbell PPL that I did for a while, worked pretty well:
>Floor Press
>DB Press
>Skull crushers
>Lateral raises
>Reverse wrist Curls

>DB Rows
>Rear Delt Raise
>Wrist Curls

>Single Leg Stiff Legged Deadlifts
>Single Leg Hip Thrusts
>Single Leg Calf Raises
>Russian Twists

Normally you'd do flies and some other exercises to compensate, it's not ideal but you gotta make some compromises with minimal equipment.

Or you just lie on a narrow but sturdy table or ottoman and use it as a bench.

Use this for chest, you don't need much weight to do it.

I have a similar set, and a bench. I'm doing fine, but I'm reaching a point where I can't clean the weight to my shoulders to do my squats. I can't get a squat rack yet. Any suggestions to keep making squat gains?


Split Squats.

Or Step Ups, depends.

weight acts as counterbalance

>you don't need much weight to do it.
And I'd recommend not using much, at least at the start. Popped a fucking rib doing this when I was starting out and fucked myself for weeks.

You need to be a turboidiot to get injured by doing push ups.