Alright Veeky Forums let's get a skub thread going

Alright Veeky Forums let's get a skub thread going.

Lifting gloves: For or against and why?

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For, I feel like they really helped my lifts go up. Also they fit perfectly in my purse

Can't feel the metal in your hands
Grip strength weakened
Costs money

Keeps your hands soft for when you jerk off your boyfriend

for i need soft hands so i can finger my boyfriend asshole smoothly to insert my 2 inch erect penis

for, the metal is cold and hurt my hands and mommy says it will give me tetanus

and I'm sure your boyfriend thanks you for that

There's no shame in wearing lifting gloves they are a big help when I go heavy for getting a good grip on the bar and also keep my hands clean when I'm fisting my boyfriend
just watch the first like 45 seconds of this

ITT: Faggots who don't know how to catch 'em all

I wear them. No fucks given about what people think of me. I'm there to work out, not win a popularity contest

We understand and respect your sexuality, you go girl.

Thank you. Want to go get brunch tomorrow?


Don't use them, but I have a beat up old pair.
If I'm at the end of a workout, and my callouses are really starting to get pinched and sore enough to affect my grip, then they go on for those last few sets. They're not useful for more than getting those last pullups in.

Now wrist wraps are a fucking godsend. Long day at work, sore all over & can't keep them tight? Wrap 'em, deadlift, then eat. Never ashamed of that.

Cons -
weaken grip by effectively thickening the bar
look a bit faggy
cant use chalk and the knurling doesnt work
dont actually prevent callouses

Pros -
can be useful for covering injuries (torn calluses etc) after theyve been taped up
nice in winter if you lift in a freezing cold warehouse gym with no heating

thats about it

Ah yes, brunch. The gayest of all meals.

I wear them and still get callouses.

I like them tho and feel naked without them. It all boils down to what you are used too. I used to train Tae Kwon Do barefoot, and doing kicks and stuff with shoes on felt so weird and awkward to me.

gloves can create blisters
so no nigga


All these faggots talking about callouses its your fault for having a wrong/shit grip

source: me, I learned the wrong way but now my forearms are bigger my grip is stronger and the callouses are no longer an issue, pumice stone also helped

Helped a ton with my calluses but I never use them with deadlifts and other heavy pull exercises where grip is essential.

Oh look at you, just reached your 1 pl8 1RM ey?

Against. They make it harder to grip the bar, they look stupid, they're one more piece of equipment to lose, and I prefer the feel of bare metal on my hands.

How much do you deadlift? I'm going to bet sub 500.

The only time I used them was in the winter at my high-school weight room in the winter. I live in Canada so and my school would turn the heat off in there for the weekend, so it would be sub freezing. -10 metal us hard to touch for more than a few seconds

I have to wear gloves because my hands sweat so much that I slip off the bar when benching

>never get scabs
>never get open wounds and lose gains/get an infection lose your gains for months
>no pain
>instant callous grip in 1 second
>girls appreciate soft baby hands grabbing them
>only virgins have callouses

It's literally the first they will complain about if you grab their ass

>he thinks lifting more weight, while sacrificing form and grip is good

You get calluses from NOT sacrificing form and grip at high weight you utter dyel retard.

as with any piece of gym equipment, they show that you do not train properly and know proper form. Part of the training in resistance training is holding the proper form.
It is cheating your way up by making vital muscles mostly unused, so you can pretend you lift more then you can.

>what is chalk

>implying that any modern gym keeps chalk

Gay nothing, brunch is the meal of fucking winners. Either A) you slept in and are getting a late start to the morning, but as a god damn man of leisure you can enjoy a relaxed meal with your friends and lady and have no pressing business for the rest of the day or B) you still woke up early, killed your run and reps and after a nice cool down and shower are ready to enjoy a relaxed meal with your friends and lady and have no pressing business for the rest of the day.

Brunch; classy as fuck

For the price of a can of soda you can get chalk for like 6 months.

I go to a 24 hour chain gym and they have chalk, what shitty gym do you go to? Planet dyel?

my gym won't allow it because i'm not the one it cleans

I live in south america

using chalk would mean paying for someone to clean, i think that they can't afford it

Learning to grip a bar properly can avoid a lot of callous formation