Let's get a good calisthenics thread going lads

Post whatever you like as long as it's calisthenics related.
Weighted dips and pullup bros welcome too.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/HemingWeigh-Heavy-Duty-Pull-Up-Push-Up-Sit-Up/dp/B00KY4C8ZW/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1481232481&sr=8-4&keywords=door pull up bar

trying to achieve planche, front lever, freestanding handstand and back lever now
supplementing with dips and chins for conditioning

Looking for calisthenics or body weight exercises for external rotation of the shoulder that I could possibly do at work. The highest resistance bands are still too weak.

What progressions are you on?

advanced tuck planche
one leg front lever
full back lever but want to increase hold time and rigidity
handstand sucks - can do plenty of wall handstand pushups but without wall support i cant even stand for second - doing headstand now to practice stability

-tuck L-sit
-free standing handstand
-about to move to RTO ring supports
-tuck front lever
-tuck planche
-one leg back lever

Will achieving sick show-off moves like flagpoling be easy/easier if I spend my time with the weights first?

Work calisthenics movements into your weights routine.

Do back lever with a close-ish grip and protract your shoulders as hard as possible. I did this and got it on my first try without doing any progressions.

A little bit but not significantly. You need to have good pulling strength with the top arm which will be the only thing weights will really help with.

Still trying to rehab my left wrist and my left leg.

Anyone have any experience with getting good flexion in a knee that's had reconstructive surgery?

I only managed front lever after I bought weights and started doing some heavy renegade rows
combined approach ftw

I want to train calisthenics but I still have a lot of weight to lose, so even the basics are challenging as fuck. What should I do?

If you wanna get good at a thing your best bet is doing that thing.

The owner of the gym I used to go with had knee surgery.
After that he slowly built up to pistol squats, then light barbell step ups, then very light squats and after a year and a bit of carefully building up to it he was squatting 2 and a half plates.
While he did all this he foam rolled and stretched like hell.

how long until i can do a muscle up

my pullups are weak as fuck. last session did
3,3,3,3,4 all deadhang to chin above bar

my max is 5 maybe 6 without strict form

any tips to get my pullups up? i can only do them about 3 times per week

You will build more muscle doing the basic as a heavier guy. Even if they are challenging keep doing them. As you get stronger and lose weight they will get easier over time.


I can already squat 3 plate.
I just want enough flexibility to do a pistol.

Anyway, thanks for the information bro. You've been a big help.

i have one but my new apartment doesnt have the proper door

At 6 pull ups you still have a long way to go friend.
I think you need at least about 12 to muscle up but nuscle up isnt just compromised of a pull up. I remember i could do 15 but couldnt do 1 muscle up. You need to learn how to pull the bar to your chest and shift your bodyweight forward which is the hardest part.

This, a big guy who can do skads of basic calisthenics exercise will be stronger then most men.

i know this feel.

it's just collecting dust in a corner. my pull up count has gone to shit.

why does your number matter if it's a different movement

i feel like since i can do one it matters more about explosiveness than reps

also i could do about 8 chin ups, pull ups seem to be harder for some reason

also how the fuck do i pull the bar to my chest, should my calves be in front of me instead of behind? i couldnt find a chest to bar tutorial online

Thanks for the encouragement. I used to be able to do pullups pretty well, then I put on 120 lbs. Now I can't even do them incline (Lowering from a chair or whatever). I'm afraid of snapping my shit up. Also, dips are probably going to tear my shoulders apart. Any tips for how to build up into these exercises? At the moment I'm pretty much just doing planks, push ups, squats and lunges.

No prob man.
Good luck.

You need 10-12 pull ups to have strength to explosively pull yourself up for that 1 muscle up.
To pull up to your chest use false grip for one and secondly tilting your body like you said makes it very easy.
Like I said transition is the hardest part and its also hard to explain. You just gotta go out and try it more than anything.

How well do weighted pull ups and dips carry over to one arm pull ups and a planche respectively?

Weighted pullups/chins carry over well as long as you're doing the progressions along with it

Weight pull ups and 1 arm chin up go hand in hand because its the same movement.
Weighted dips on the other hand have very little in common with planche. You might build some bent arm strength but thats it. I had a 90lb weighted dip and when i started planche training i couldnt do tucked.


anyone know off any good door pull up bars which dont need to be nailed or need holes putting in the wall?


really? not bolted in any way?
and link to buy?

amazon.com/HemingWeigh-Heavy-Duty-Pull-Up-Push-Up-Sit-Up/dp/B00KY4C8ZW/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1481232481&sr=8-4&keywords=door pull up bar
I have one for my door as well but I barely use it now.

The one pictured is the iron gym. It only cost me around $20. I've pulled on it with almost 300 lbs of body weight and the door frame shows no signs of damage at all. Yes, no bolts or anything.

what about a handstands bro? I also do dips pushups pullups... (run and lift as well)


This is awesome. Thanks for sharing.

When I do compression exercises I feel it all in the abs and nothing in the hamstrings like other people report is that okay or am I doing something wrong?

Whats a compression exercise?

does anyone else just fucking love to do pull ups god damn i get get a boner just thinking about pull day.

I meant these. sorry compression exercise isn't very specific I know.

Yo gymnastbro here. 10-12 pullups is a good recomme dation but unless you can flip the transition without any previous momentum you dont have a muscle up. The trick is having the strength to turn the shoulders in at the top. Skipping the transition by using momentum to fling yourself over should be considered cheating for training purposes

Pullups, squats, bench, dips, sprinting, box jumps, tire flips, ropes. Fucking love all of mang

That was my problem at first. I saw the videos on youtube saying "Use momentum at first so you can learn"
I eventually got 1 muscle up and ever since I would only do 1 or 2 reps at most while kipping a lot. Then I learn about false grip and started doing real muscle ups and could actually do them for reps/training sets.

nail a 2x4 into the wall above your cuckdoor. Wtf is wrong with you guys? Never used a hammer?

>make sure to nail into the studs.

Maybe your hip flexors are already strong enough so they are not the weakest link but your abs are.
The video didnt say anything about hamstrings.
