So, the new Spiderman trailer dropped today and Tom Holland is otter mode af

So, the new Spiderman trailer dropped today and Tom Holland is otter mode af.

How long would u say it could take to get this physique?

2 pullups every wednesday

Lift for 1.5 years and then cut for 4 months.

going from skelly to this could happen in like 3 months with drugs or like 1 year natty

jfc 1.5 years? for that physique?

Dude, he's 5'5. Pushups and crunches 3 nights a week and you're there.

you don't have to lif for that shit physique lol. that's literally just low BF

Nice gyno

Lol. Gyno and low bf.
It's a shame people are lowering the body standard these days. I'd really like to see someone actually put on the 10 extra pounds it'd take to look like spiderman

wat % is that would u say?

Just do one set of close grip pullups and pushups every day and eat at a deficit. You'll collect your noob gains to enter ottermode and lose fat so your hint of muscle becomes visible.

not him but probably around 12

so many jelly fags in this thread

>so many jelly fags on this board

Veeky Forums is literally tumblr tier

i thought you were talking about tom hollander for a second and got really confused

are you mad that body is 6 months of work, yet you dont look like that after 2 years?

im so sorry user

So this is before his transformation into Spiderman?

Why the fuck is Peter still a teenager? He's always a teenager in the live action movies. How long has Spider-Man been running? He grows into a man eventually, damnit.

Took me 5 months for that

Probably market research saying teens respond best to Spiderman in general.

He was a man in the original 3 you idiot

No, you just think that because he was played by a man. Tobey Maguire's spiderman was officially a teenager. He goes to a high school.

Peter Parker has been a teenager since 1962

thats a shit body jesus. not even ottermode imo.

more like inbetween otter and skelly.

>leaning forward to make abs and pecs look bigger
>fuckin 90° side light

They are trying too hard in this scene

Ironically, left looks better.

Hows your SS + GOMAD going?

Projecting? I'm a skeleton.

In the left picture the guy looks decent, in the right he looks DYEL, mostly because of the slim waist.