So Veeky Forums, is there a work-out plan + diet that would make me visibly thinner by next Sunday?

So Veeky Forums, is there a work-out plan + diet that would make me visibly thinner by next Sunday?

quality bait


What. Is this a bot?



Be careful user, don't die

Take vitamins dont eat run 1hour a day drink the lowest possible amount of water

I don't want to be ripped or lose all fat in a week, I just want to look at least somewhat thinner than I look at the moment.

I don't know, bro, I think I should still eat. And I'm looking for an in-door exercise routine, because it's winter.


why are you doing this whyyyyy

you're weird. and you're the one baiting me into explaining that I'm not baiting. I saw through the baitmaster's tricks.

>i want a crash diet that'll change my body in 7 days
>i wanna eat
>i dont wanna work out that hard

hahah nice bait bro!!! unless ur just that retarded

>not eating the whole week
>running in winter

quit baiting

assuming you have a TDEE of 2000 calories and you ran for 10 miles per day (assuming you're an average sized man) you'd lose 5-8 pounds

if you ate literally nothing

any form of low intensity cardio combined with eating something will cause you to lose 1 pound, maybe 2 at best, during the week (not including water weight, etc)

2 pounds is nothing if you're overweight


I didn't know that not eating for a week was a thing.

I'm looking for some high-intensity in-door (winter) work-out routine.

let's pretend your TDEE is 2500 without cardio

if you ate 2000 calories per day (500 calories deficit) and ran ~4 miles, you'd be losing 2 pounds per week (1000 calorie total deficit per day)

but I can't go running in winter.


so you spend the same amount of time running but instead doing a high intensity indoor workout routine

you are now at a 600 calorie deficit per day

congratulations you are losing 1.2 lbs per week

so what high intensity indoor workout do you recommend?

i recommend starting a long-term program because if you haven't realized this by now it's literally impossible to do what you want without going robot mode, starving yourself while doing literally constant cardio, and even then i doubt you'd see the results you want

ok, I wanted to start doing regular work-out to lose my belly completely anyway. So if at least somewhat visible change before Sunday cannot be achieved without doing something extreme, I will just start with the long-term program now. Can you recommend me something in this regard? I'd like to lose fat and become fit.

You do realise that quick solutions like these are not recommended, as you most likely, after you slim from a "Shrek XL" to "Shrek Large", will go back to "Shrek XL" mode. However, answering your question, don't eat food.
Former detective.

read sticky

Keep chumming the waters boy-o they're biting like crazy!

Fasting. Water only.