What kind of lifting/diet do I need to do to get here?

What kind of lifting/diet do I need to do to get here?

before entering the horse race, you should ask yourself: "am i a horse?"

I feel like I have his body type. Tall and wide.


go to kroger, get a gallon of milk....gallon a day

thats a permabulk

OK, so eat like a horse. I assume powerlifting is the way to go?

You're in the club and this guys slaps you in the prostate with his finger.

what do you do?

bend over and spread my cheeks

Powerlifting... Plus a bunch of other movements. Like overhead press and heavy carries. I would also add other health and fitness stuff (not immediately cosmetic) like sprinting, jumping, and HIIT workouts.

While your at it, make sure you can move your body well. A good calisthenic base will always be helpful in life and for looking buff.

How do I get a bf like this?

Hard to tell from photo but those traps don't look natty to me.

It's a big time and money commitment though, you have to spend about $2000 a year on milk

>$2000 a year on milk

strongman routine
a lot of food
and some steroids

That's okay. It only seems like a lot because it's easy to distinguish milk as a non-food item. If you think of it in terms of macros however then it's a good deal. A gallon is over 2000 calories and almost 200g of protein I believe. You're not going to find a meal as convenient and easy to ingest as a gallon of milk for $2.50.

>dat gyno

Lots of ohp, squats, deadlifts and milk

>when has barely any nipples

the fuck is wrong with you?

You can't just keep doing the same thing, you gotta invent new ways of working out, you have to shock the body.
Do kickers, do fucking twisters and shit

ask him if it's swollen.

To get there, you need to train heavy 4-5x a week, eat 200+ grams of protein a day (along with your other macros), and do all this year, after year, after year. It's a long road. Just remember, to acquire strength, it's a marathon, not a sprint

>Quoting WP

Holy shit, you guys are exactly what I need in my new gym. I called it GUY HEAVEN. no girls allowed.