There are people literally selling below ico price

>there are people literally selling below ico price

whats the point? why would you invest in something and then dump it for less than you paid for it?

Other urls found in this thread:

literal dumbfuck pajeets and eurofags

brainlets who got scared by the burger FUD

It can be worse.

low iq fags
can't see the link between burgers fud and why

because it could always be worse

100% > 50%

Praise the pink wojaks for another shitcoin is born. Hallelujah.

like ive been posting in every one of these threads: the ico price was 0.00016 for anyone who wanted in on the pre-ico.

People who got in at the pre sale paid less.

after you buy on etherdelta how long should the transaction take? it's just sitting in the pending box :(

did you get called "burger" or "pajeet" buy reqtards?


I just bough literally 100k, it will go up quickly when pajeets weak hands get ouf of the game and usa wake up.

There wasn't sold alot of coin on pre sale. Majority is sale. Highly opposing to airswap

Because they're anticipating higher returns elsewhere, either by just holding eth or buying another coin.

10% of the tokens have been sold to etherdelta. they are the ones selling now. don't be fooled

>early retirement club

the one i enjoy the most is when people say "stay poor", when i know i probably own more crypto than almost anyone else here.

maybe if there were any buyers to be found, but there arent so its going below ico price.

hedgefunds who got it at 30% discount and who are dumping it on your stupid normie ass. How can you still invest in a rigged field ?

Link and kyber the only successful icos in the past month

Both still well above ico price but not exactly doing great either, golden age of icos is over

literally below ICO price

ycombinator wasn kidding when they were agressive with burning this ship with no survivors

What was the presale price? Have we entered the era where the only profits to be had are from getting into presales?

buy high sell low, it's the Veeky Forums way

On a serious note, bought 300k REQ under ICO price. This is probably the comfiest I've been in a while. If you have doubts about the project just read:

H-how much crypto do you own? Care to give me some tips?

average is about $15MM this month, trending downwards because i'm overexposed in ethereum and its been taking a slow shit all month.

my advice is avoid "funding tokens", or "fee tokens" like request, or chainlink, as two popular Veeky Forums examples. and if you do get involved in these things, realize that they are for short term trades only, none or very very few of these new coins are viable long term holds, and its a complete gamble as to which ones are until its been a few months since they've launched.

dont be scared to miss out on 3-4x gains in the short term to feel confident in getting 10-20x in the long term by waiting for coins to prove themselves before rushing into the ICO.

20% price bonus for presale

(0.0002 / 120) * 100 = ~0.00017 eth

Impressive (the girls nice too)

Any projects you recommend for long term holds?

Bullish on TAAS myself!


where does one get the custom token info so as i can add this thing to myetherwallet?

>"funding tokens", or "fee tokens"


nothing has really interested me lately, some older projects look good, maker is one i'm interested in because a decentralized stable pair for trading is absolutely necessary for these decentralized exchanges, especially when there are so many coins coming out and barely any getting listed on centralized exchanges, which causes a lot of liquidity to move onto things like etherdelta.

it's a very generic fee token with a staking element for nodes, but the staking element for nodes is a big negative for oracle platforms in my opinion.

nevermind i have it guys!!!!!!!

You niggers, it's been like an hour. Who cares? I don't even own Request, just everyone is so crazy about it tanking on ED. Just wait a few days and until it hits other exchanges. If it doesn't do well there, then you pay panic.

most people are just poking fun at all the shillers who were calling for 3-4x out of the gate.

thank god I was so worried

guys it is back to ICO levels now!!

what was ICO price?

0.0002 or about 0.00017 for the few on the pre-sale

nice now I know where to set my lowball bids. hahah ya'll got REQed lmao


I gathered 100k REQ at 0.000175 ETH. You fucking cunts are seriously stupid. Thanks for the free money.

(I need it to mitigate my LINK losses anyway.)

america is about to wake up.
all these poor fellow eurofags have no idea what is about to hit them

Oh, I thought that was pajeet teams. Seemed manufactured.

Can you elaborate a bit on why you think staking is bad for nodes?

it encourages the data to be centralized and kept behind lock and key, because any public data will be scraped and offered by the "whale" nodes, getting bigger in the process, and crowding out smaller data offerers, which are necessary for a trustless system.

Yeah since link needs a centralized entity to keep all of them in check, if all the nodes are controlled by whales then they can report the same wrong information right? I can see why that would be a problem maybe the team will address this.

its not so much an issue of false information, but one where the truth of it is simply unknown, because there's only one source of it, because nobody is incentivized to make the source public.

thanks for this explanation

give it a couple days and then consider again.


weak hands about to cry twice

>dump it for less than you paid for it?

Reminder that there are less than 10k bitcoin nodes, mostly located in China. None of this shit is truly decentralized

Alright I understand what you mean now thank you for explaining

no, there aren't, those are public nodes, there are significantly more nodes that aren't public but validate the blockchain from tampering just the same. if it was truely centralized the chinese wouldn't be desperately trying to centralize it via s2x right this minute.

Town Crier will enable trustworthy oracles. Chainlink is just a network for TC nodes

They are stupid. No other reason.

Cause hands are getting tired of holding bags

Wanchain is coming

it's been 4 hours how tired can you be

>literally bought 100k

U are talking shit.Was in crypto from 2009 and still amused by idiots like u ,wonders how u even made those peanuts

>Request has no use case at all

Classic Veeky Forums pajeet


YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

There isn't a lot of volume on ED either.
Presale can easily crash the price. Don't forget they got 30% bonus, so they are already making some nice profit.

Yes, I unironically did so.

Also you fucking pajeets, don't forget this is EARLY and any price is currently a bargain. Wait 2 weeks and see nice gains when it is added somewhere else. That is why we have ED, to keep normiefucks out until it hits binance, bittrex and polo. Just don't be so impatient imbeciles and wait for 200% gains in 3h.

Good rule of thumb in the current market is don't buy into an ICO that has more than 15% presale bonus on a short time frame (50% bonus a year before crowdsale would be ok for instance). Best is no bonus at all.

Also avoid whitepaper ICOs, prefer working business.

I also invested in this, same as airswap and request. After 2 bad starts, I doubt Wanchain will be different.

remember that the crypto normies despise ED (just look at the people who keep buying 0.0001 REQ for 60 ETH, though that may be bots)

having said that, they will be unhappy about the start req's had so growth will be slower

It's pretty obvious what is happening here. Whales didn't get to buy their desired share during the ICO so they are crashing the price on purpose to shake out the weak hands. Put in sell order for low price -> fill it themselves. Noobs see low sell price and panic sell too. Easy accumulation for whales

maybe, but I feel like they'd be much better off keeping the price a little above ico

this makes the coin seem unstable, and holders very anxious to sell on smaller gains

req holder here, I doubt burgers waking up will change much. The market is straight fucked due to btc fork and thats all. No one is gonna fomo at this point. Why would they? It's pretty steadily dropping at this point, we most likely have 10%+ to go. I don't even think about selling this shit before 2018 regardless of what happens but I honestly don't think it'll rise above ico proce in the comming days, maybe weeks

Like link?

the appearance of an unstable coin is what they want, otherwise no one in their right mind would sell at a loss. Once they are done accumulating we will see the sell book disappear and prices rocket

>you have to buy at 2x on ED they said

Burger here. Thanks for the cheap tokens. I knew you guys were kidding with the 5x deals haha!

>Don't worry, salty burger. You'll be able to buy at 3x ICO price.

Ikr yuropoors are such bros, buying req at a high price to sell to us for cheap god bless.

haven't seen this pasta for about 24 minutes

try hours

we'll see

it was not the yuropoors it was the pajeets. Pajeets put their families life savings of 1ETH into this ICO's. when they panic they scatter like rats. Thats why the price is still below ICO.

lmao selling bellow ICO price on the first day, those guys will always be poor

Jesus Christ just scrolling through the order history on ED looking at fuckups is hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time.

I'm a pajeet and I'm holding my 100k REQ and 50k LINK. Dont bother about selling these for anything less than 10x from ico.

how many more excuses are you going to make!?

so how does it feel to be a street-shitting subhuman?

Just wait 3 months. All the ADHD millennial "investors" will never understand anyway. I made so much money from just holding (good) coins I bought early, even though the ride may be bumpy sometimes. Having the same amount of REQ and LINK btw. Feeling comfy, no matter what. The huge selloffs are over and it would be idiotic not to buy NOW.

you a real pajeet or an American one?

I really wanted to believe you until you mentioned link

This market is fool of 16 year olds who are trying to get rich over night. The price doesn't 4x so they freak out and sell. Everybody who is accumulating right now under ICO price and holding / doing the odd trade to increase their stack will be the winners.

Is the age of ICO's 5xing out of the gate over?

That is pretty much what one should do anyway. Buy if you think it is cheap and wait until you can at least not sell for a loss. What do you have to lose by just letting this sit in your wallet for a year? I don't care in the slightest.

But yeah, if you go all in on a shit coin and can't pay your living expenses and your life revolves about lurking for Veeky Forums moon missions to pay your rent, then you're fucked.


No. Too many 'icos' are over selling their pre sale. icos are now too late. pre sales are the new icos and you need to be a devious whale to get in

I think most people on Veeky Forums put all their money into one coin and are relying on that coin to moon in order to make money. When it doesn't moon they look for the next trending coin on Veeky Forums to moon. Dumb-asses. Buy coins with good potential / good teams and good backing and hold.

now this is autism


this is what you guys get for excluding burgers and calling us salty burgers! we're not buying your fucking bags now out of spite!

every new ico is going to exclude americans, the alternative is for them to waste time on a bunch of regulatory bullshit, and still not be able to implement the functionality they would otherwise be able to.