How much weight does a barbell have to have on one side on a squat rack to tip over and fall?

How much weight does a barbell have to have on one side on a squat rack to tip over and fall?

Oh boy, Somehjng I can speak authoritatively on! I don't know the minimum but I do know, 2 plates IS enough.


A little more than one plate.

Which makes sense, if you think about it, it would be difficult to unload otherwise without help.

Little over 3 plates

Wow bro i just tested this and youre right. Its like theres some invincible forces playing magic on me.

Thank Veeky Forums

2plates is 90 pounds dipshit

2 plates is 225 dickfuck

I hope youre trolling. Look at the OP topic. Were talking about plates on one side

I always only leave 30kg max each side
i've had bad experiences before

3 plates on one side. Did this shit in HS after I hit a 3 plate squat for the first time. Surprised I didn't bend the Damn bar. Coach laughed and called me a dumbass.

It has to weight more than the bar, also it depends on how close the weight is to the point where it's supported so if you have the weight further from the rack it will need less weight to flip over

I have also experienced that 2 plates on one side and 0 on the other makes it fall, but 3/1 doesnt

yeah 2 pl8s on one side is 90 and 2 plates on the other is 90 plus 45 for the barbell.

that's 225lbs and that's how much it takes for the barbell to tip over

The threshold is basically if the bar is racked unevenly and there's a 2 plate difference on the longer uneven side then it's partial to flipping

but where is the fulcrum in this picture?

I try to never go more than two plates, usually just try to do one side at a time. You can get away with three if the bar is racked unevenly but favoring the rack on the heavy side (like collar touching the rack close). I've never seen it happen in person but the danger is very real.

It also depends on how wide the plates are that you're putting on as the wider they are, the longer the moment arm is (the weight added being equal)

About 2 and a half plates

I've seen bars catapult with 90lbs before.

on racks in my gym (pretty wide) 2 plates are just about balanced. Saw 3 plates on one end flying once.
u wut? I tried calculating with fulcrum at 410 + 30 +55
with 3 * 1" plates
assuming uniform bar weight got about 30kg
I conclude that bar ends are heavier than grip part or I fucked up

Gave me a subtle kek

Of course they are, but how much heavier is unknown.

There are too many unknowns to solve this problem without experiments.