Why arent you vegan?

why arent you vegan?

milk, eggs, and meat taste great and dont make me fat

but theyre destroying the environment and your body

You have to eat a shit load to get the same amount of protein in a piece of chicken.

Not true. even when i wasnt lifting and ate a completely raw diet i got more than enough protein

my body will eventually give out no matter what i do so i choose to enjoy life, and its mostly just cattle that are bad for the environment but we will soon be able to make cloned beef. actually that brings up a question, will lab-made meat be vegan?

> will lab-made meat be vegan?
Very interesting question. No animals are harmed, and it doesn't technically come from an animal. So there should be no problem eating it.
At that point it comes down to preference instead of silly morals.

Animal product consumption is also detrimental to one's health. Numerous medical studies have pointed to such. The silly morals is only half of the issue.

Im also curious to see how the direction of "meatless" meat will go , but judging based on previous GMO path science has taken with food, would be best to avoid that as well.

Because I hate animals and it pleases me to know they had to die

Because I can reduce the damage I do to the Earth just as much or more than your average vegan by eating locally raised meat products and getting my produce from the farmers market. Even not supporting corn and soy production is a huge boon for the environment, which is something both SAD eaters and vegans do to a huge degree. Of course this is a lot easier for me because California's grow season is pretty much year round, but someday I should do an in depth comparison between my carbon footprint and that of my vegan friend.

No reason to change when I achieve the same or better results without harming my health, brain, or gains. I have no desire to be a slow witted, unhealthy, skinny vegan faggot.

>judging based on previous GMO path science has taken with food, would be best to avoid that as well.

GMO is one of the best things to happen to human agriculture ever. It rivals artificial fertilizer for the huge increased yields, disease protection, and improved nutrition it promises. Companies like Monsanto may be misusing GMOs and abusing patent laws in evil ways, but there is nothing wrong with GMOs in the slightest. Science/technology isn't good or bad inherently, it's neutral. How it's used is what's good or bad.

Claiming GMOs are bad is on the same tier as saying vaccines cause autism or that climate change is a hoax.

Unrelated, but is keto or paleo worth it?


Because the moral high ground isn't worth the narrow shoulders and lack of strength

>theyre destroying the environment

i don't think anybody actually cares about that

Mainly because I'm an omnivore

no point in doing so
it's worse for the environment than meat, also meat isnt bad
its as bad to your health as eggs are for your cholesterol

dont want weak, processed, soy filled products that are also bad for you according to a lot of studies

Because my gfs parents own a cattle farm and I can get all the free beef I want

seitan is really fucking expensive.

tofu tastes bad

those are the only vegan protein sources that matter. the rest contain to many cals to protein ratio.

>mfw vegans claim meat is bad yet they eat seitan with soy sauce

kek, pretty ironic

Being this retarded/uneducated/unaware

"Hey everybody since oxygen oxidizes things, breathing is literally like lighting your whole body on fire. Just that the fire takes 100 years to burn. It would be healthier if we all breathed 100% helium because our brains will think it's oxygen and it won't have the oxidizing effects."

This is vegan logic. Marvel in it's complexity.

>mfw people think all vegans eat the same way.

You can eat as healthy or unhealthy as you want on a vegan diet. There's a bunch of fat vegans that dont give a single fuck about health and gains. And there are vegans that lift and take care of themselves. The latter is ofc a minority, just as with people that follow a omnivore diet.

>Animal product consumption is also detrimental to one's health.
Everything in moderation retard.

>Vegan ignores my comment about doing what they claim to want to do without sacrificing animal products

I guess it's easier to ignore inconvenient truths rather than examine your flawed world view.

begos i HATE animels and want to suffer them harshly! up yours, vegan whores!

I disagree with the moral premise, the science is faulty, I despise eating fruits/veggies, and I love meat and dairy.

If milk, eggs, and meat tastes so good, why not eat them raw?

GMO's don't actually increase yields, they are only genetically modified to resist deadly herbicides, which you, eventually, ingest

>shoving big, juicy meat down my throat is the only way I can enjoy life

So you are saying you dont cook your food?

Estrogen problems.

Some of it, but I wouldn't get sick from not doing so.

I do eat them raw.

The main reason is I'm looking at that infograph and all I'm seeing is a bunch of shit that either isn't very tasty and I'd be forcing myself to eat, is very expensive and I'm a student so I have to get by on the minimum, or shit I have never even heard of and I've got no intention of walking 40 minutes there and back to some ching chong/eastern european shop on the other side of the city just in the offchance they have cheap seitan.

You can seitan this fucking dick, son.

The point is, those foods only taste good because they are cooked, salted, and spiced. Sure, maybe some fruits or vegetables taste better when prepared, but you can still enjoy them without. If you were to eat raw meat or eggs, you'd probably puke and then get ill.

>GMO's don't actually increase yields

But that's just wrong. And I'm not only speaking of current GMOs, but also the future potential of genetically modifying crops to make them superior for our needs.

>which you ingest

Every produce you buy is going to have some sort of pest chemicals on them, even organic ones. Just wash with soap or soak in vinegar and you'll be fine.

You can eat meat and eggs raw, they're just better and more bioavailable cooked. This is a common vegan misinformation tactic, but it means nothing if you aren't retarded or indoctrinated into the cult.

You can't eat potatoes or rice raw, but that doesn't mean you can't eat them. Cassava will literally kill you raw, but we still eat it. Determining whether you can eat something based off whether it has to be cooked is fucking moronic.

Also trips

Because being a vegetarian is the only actual choice.

You cannot be vegan. You can only believe you don't consume animals, animal products or products that cause the death of animals. But that's a lie.

>If milk, eggs, and meat tastes so good, why not eat them raw?

Are you an americlap?
Because that's the only fucking country I know that considers raw milk worse. Raw milk is fucking great.
Consumption of raw eggs is OK, aside from the occasional salmonella.
Consumption of raw meat is actually one of the national dishes here. And another has raw eggs.

Just want to say that there's room for debate on both sides of this issue.
That's only one type of GMO. There are many, many, many, many different ways a plant can be modified to increase its hardiness and yields.

This is a stupid argument and you should be ashamed. A human can live off of a plant-based diet, whereas a human cannot live while only breathing helium.

There are plenty of nutritional arguments you could raise against veganism -- go to wikipedia, grab a couple, and come back. Until then, shame on you.

plant-based diets are much more sustainable for the environment b/c they require less arable land, use less water, and produce less waste for the nutrients and calories produced. Remember that the food that feeds cows also needs its own land, fertilizer, processing plants, and distribution chains.

Try again, cuck.

This is probably true.

animal products confer nutritional advantages over plant-based products alone from a strength-based perspective -- true. A lot, but not all, of the disadvantages from veganism in this respect can be mitigated with extra care and supplements. If you're doing the extra work diet-wise, it becomes a much closer call when weighing the ethical/environmental counterarguments to eating meat.

This. I'm so pissed U.S. liberals have ceded being pro-GMOs to conservatives. It's dumb and counter-factual.

I love wild animals a lot.

The health hazards you're pointing do have more to do with over-consumption of animal products than the animal products themselves.

It'll be vegan. And I think vegans will eat it with the right marketing technique.

yes, queen

just stop with this

bro-science. you should be more concerned about the estrogen-mimicking effects of the particles that run off of your plastic products and cosmetics.

nice trips. But, so what if meat only tastes good/can be consumed after it's been prepared? Nearly every aspect of our environment has been altered/designed/re-arranged by human hands to make it suit our needs better. Including plant-based agriculture! Just because meat requires more preparation prior to consumption doesn't make it a less suitable food.

soy plantation destroys ecossistems m8 now imagine if everyone was vegan

with 7 billion people in the world, no matter the diet, the planet will suffer

go ahead and list the carbs and fiber each of those sources contain.. and then go ahead and list how many times per day you have to fart and shit if you get all your protein from fucking plants....

I enjoy being paleo. It feels good man.

Keto maybe if you want to lose weight but not paleo
Its a pseudoscience diet trying to appeal to our 'natural ways' but has very little scientific credit.


>climate change is a hoax.

This is bait

>millet and beans make you fat

No wonder Ethiopia has such high obesity rates

found the jew

>The health hazards you're pointing do have more to do with over-consumption of animal products than the animal products themselves.

No shit, eating too much of an unhealthy food is bad for you

I don't let a political ideology based on advancing statism determine what I can eat.

Learn to read dipshit.

Ebin response. You need to go back.

gif related

partly because of the amount of threads on Veeky Forums telling me to go vegan, breh