Kills 600k Jews

>Kills 600k Jews
>Is regarded as a good emperor

what do historians mean by this?

How the fuck do these jews keep getting killed throughout history but there is still a significant amount of them and their religion is still going strong?

Hadrian did nothing wrong.

Build the wall!

Jews are unironically the master race, whatever the goyim throw at them they keep on living

In fairness, they started it.

>Jews control the narrative of histor-

>Jews revolt
>Die in the revolt
>its Hadrians fault

Is this like (((Josephus))) who claimed two million dead Jews in Jerusalem which at the time had only 500k people living there?

As with most "good" historical figures he gets remembered as being "good" because his good deeds are considered to out weight his bad

>hadrian personally enacts a bunch of policies that would naturally make jews revolt
>jews revolt
>it's not hadrians fault

>it's not my fault I raped that woman, she was dressed like a whore


You are literally victim blaming

Romans were always mongol level cruel when repressing rebellious tribes.

>It's not my fault I beat that woman up, she pushed me after I tried to rape her
don't act like the romans were innocent

Sound like a damn good K/D:R if you ask me

Historians tend to be assholes.

>Hated Jews
>Loved boipucci
Was he /ourguy/?

>Kills 600 millions Jews
>Is regarded as evil emperor

what do historians mean by this?


Fug that young chick could get it

Abhodah Zarah (22a) it says:

A Jew must not associate himself with gentiles because they are given to the shedding of blood.

Tosefta, Tractate Erubin VIII

When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.

Sanhedrin 58b

If a goy killed a goy or a Jew he is responsible, but if a Jew killed a goy he is not responsible.

Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348

A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.

What did jews mean by this?

Jews seem to be an-cap asf

Uh the jews were genocidal maniacs in the 2nd c. CE, I'm pretty sure that whatever the Emperor did it was wholly appropriate.

God was real and favored them. Now he doesn't. Which is why they are bankers and sinful, vile creatures.

Believe it or not at one point, the Jewish people were a SIGN of God's existence.

The Quran says they lived longer than other people when they were favored.

Ignore the christard hereFirstly, you have to understand that the Romans could very easily have killed them all if they wanted, but they considered destroying their kingdom and enslaving them all while dispersing them to all corners of the empire to be punishment enough.

Secondly, their religion is not going strong. Rabbinical judaism is a sad pitiful off-shoot of what they had before.

Whoops, meant to quote this post.My bad.

WTF I love historians now

A big what-if for me is if classical Judaism hadn't been crushed by Rome in the 1st-2nd centuries, what happens when the empire goes christian. Would the christian mobs that destroyed thousands of pagan temples during the reign of Theodosius I also destroy the Jerusalem temple?

the romans suffered very heavy casualties during the bar-kokhba uprising, 3 legions were completely destroyed

Yeah, but the war was triggered by Hadrian announcing a plan to build a temple to Jupiter on the site of the former Jerusalem temple. That was definitely a provocation.


Its shameful that the numbers were this low, but he did what he could. Its also interesting how many times you see the number 6 when reading about jews, its like there is some kind of a pattern but nah, its just my paranoid schizophrenic thoughts.

Only 600k? :(

The death of paganism marked the death for europe.

I agree OP he let the Jews off easy.

maybe if the Jewish god didn't want the Romans to build a temple there he wouldn't have let the Jews lose it to begin with?

Isn't that a bit high, considering the world population at the time and the Roman Empire having at its highest only about 50 million

Kill yourself faggot

Oy vey remember the 600 gorillion

there are no gods

The jews started the war that Hadrianus finished.


Why hate Jews?

>Build wall
>Kill jews
>Not white (According to /pol/ standars)
>Love boipucci

Literally /pol/: The emperor