How fucked am I, boys?

How fucked am I, boys?

Almost permanently unfucked

I don't think you'll ever be fucked

Will take 2 years for you to fix that shit, good luck bro

Seconded. Start now, kid. I was like you once.

Not at all if you put the effort in.

>come back in two years

Are you exersizing/ changing your diet? You're never fucked OP, you just have some work to do.

You got some years ahead of you, but if you put in the work and I mean SERIOUSLY work for it, not just make a half-assed attempt, you'll get there.
I was about your size 2 years ago, now I'm here and losing more every month. Once I reach my goal of tfw I'm probably the first NYresolutionfag that ever actually stuck with it
I've almost finally reached my weight loss goal and ready to start bulking right back up again now that I have a proper routine and diet.
You gotta want it though, otherwise you're just going to give up and be a fatass forever.

This has to be shopped each one of your abdominal a is bigger than your bicep

Thanks dudes. I lost about 100 pounds in high school, so the motivation is there, it's just not getting it all back which is what's happened

>Fat as fuck
>Tits don't sag while standing

You'll need a lot of muscles to fill that belly out though.

OP, i was alot fatter and hairy-er than you... ive been steady lifting and eating proper for about 1 1/2 years.... sooo i have a stomach pouch and tits... the stretch marks kinda stayed inner thighs now have weird lose skin...

the healthier i get the worse i look .... soo im thinking about getting surgery but i dont know how comminted ill be and if i get fat again how fucked will i be:( feelsbad

read: deluded guy who thinks OP mode is fully recoverable. projecting your own gyno insecurites

I've lost over 70 lbs twice user.

Idk about you but I had to fix my depression eating before the second go around because I knew that shit was gonna be a cycle. If you can legit lose 100 lbs the willpower and dedication is there. Just gotta dig that shit out, good luck user.

Ofcourse it's not fully recoverable, but OP need hear that he is VERY close to having saggy mantits even while standing.
That's another thing he can picture to keep himself from eating the next cheeseburger.

Not shopped, user. Just been working that core for decades

You got 2 to 3 years of hard work ahead.

Nice ab implants.

just keep at it
depending on how much the skin sags, you should get surgery after staying thin a few years just to make sure you're used to living healthy, but it might just start tightening around you if it wasn't too bad or you're lucky

Any pics of ab stretchmarks after losing weight?

Asking for a friend

You wish. Don't hate because you can't t achieve it, fatty

Just lift hard and do a cycle

Fixable within 1 year. Read sticky, change diet, gym ever other day, steady progress.

Well your at the point where you need to not get any bigger or you wont be able to have a great physique because of loose skin and shit.

Jesus you look just like me, right down to similar stretch marks. Guess we're in the same boat now.

Wtf is wrong with your abs?