How does one become more intimidating?

How does one become more intimidating?

Other urls found in this thread:

Put statpoints in Intimidate when you level up

reputation, if you don't already have the look (aka, if you are shorter than 6') you actually have to do something in order to become intimidating.

>Shave head
>grow a beard
>Face tattoos
>roid for extra gains

These arent 100% foolproof, if you look like a fucking egg shaving wont save you but these are "better" than the alternative in many cases

Don't talk a lot

is that why he wore the mask? to be more intimidating?

Something I learned in prison: make just enough eye contact to show you're not a bitch but not so much that they think you're gonna target them. Essentially, stare into peoples eyes with a stoic face.

Meanwhile Ben Mendelsohn (left) is 1,8m, and Tom Hardy (right) is 1,75m

Get a knife and put scars on your face

step 1: Dont be a manlet

And does he look in charge?

Why do you want people to be wary of you? You'll probably repel most people - and attract all sorts of scumbags who will believe themselves to be in good company.


If you're not intimidating naturally then you can't pull it off. People who try to fake it are very obvious.

Except that in movie Bane's height was much bigger than that of Tom Brady, so for all intents and purposes Bane is much taller than average.

when will you learn

>People who try to fake it are very obvious.

When you feel in charge

>one of history's greatest commanders
>lol but he was a manlet

Be a big guy

For you.

He was above the average weight at his times

Was he a great commander? Or was he more of a great statesman or even a figurehead.

I'm not sure "great" commanders make some of the blunders he did. He's no Stonewall Jackson.

do you feel in charge?

I give that image and I don't like it because I cant get gf that isnt a trashy slut
I dont smile because my smile looks retarded and I talk little because I used to have thin voice as a kid and everyone laughed and I'm traumatised
Also have good pecs big head and broad shoulders helps

>buying into British propaganda

body language. good posture, not looking at the ground when you walk. maintaining eye contact. straight face. helps to be tall.

Originally the artist who drew bane had the mask hooked up to a tank on his back filled with the chemicals that gave him superstrength Bane isnt natty

Anabolic Venom

>slow movements
>have masculine features
>have low sounding voice
>make eye contact

Roid like a motherfucker, shave your head, get tanned and tattooed.

you need the HEIGHT FACE FRAME

it's a bit different from chads tho

The loss of respect would be extremely painful

Nobody thinks your aging biker boyfriends tattoos are intimidating

Put on the mask

Before you do, no one cares who you are

Fucking love the IT crowd

Stand on 2 appleboxes while being filmed next to someone.

Meth mate.
Doesn't matter how big you are people will get nervous around you if your high on meth.

Focus on building your back, legs and neck as big as possible .

Intimidating people have big necks.

grow another foot, manlet.

Lift and read the 48 laws of power.

> Stonewall Jackson
> Lost war
> Shot by nigger
> Died of wounds

>Tom Brady

trust me you dont want to be intimidating

who wants to go around acting intimidating? are you some self obsessed possessive faggot? Trump only did it because he needed to save the country.


Real talk, when you move with purpose. When shits' hitting the fan be the calmest guy in the room. As a guy that comes off as naturally intimidating, trust me when I say you want to come off as someone to be respected. No one likes some one that's purely intimidating, especially if they can tell you're forcing it. Then you just come off as a crazy asshole

Wear the mask.

seconding this

you are a big guy

>be tall
>have a deep voice
>don't talk much
>have a thousand yard stare brought about by years of childhood abuse and loneliness
>be fit, have broad shoulders and masculine facial features
>never smile
>be intelligent and well-informed when it comes to your area of expertise (electrical engineering for me)

worked for me. enjoy having no friends and having people snickering about how you're going to shoot up the place and / or kill yourself, all behind your back of course

>people snickering about how you're going to shoot up the place and / or kill yourself, all behind your back
>shoot up the place and / or kill yourself, all behind your back

Those are beta/omega attributes though.
Its the way you carry yourself my man, whether you have muscles or not if you carry yourself like a emo/scene kid no one's gonna respect you.

I know of someone who fits a similar description in your post, commands respect wherever he goes. "strong quiet type" etc.
Sure rumours go around, but it may as well be just a rumor because no one know anything about the guy.

The height thing is a meme. The biggest bitches are people who are over 6 because they think they can rely on their height for everything. Dudes who are short are dangerous because they can't rely on said height, have a shorter center of gravity (more stable) and don't have that extra reach that they're forced to extend while pinching (faster). Look at Tyson.


He said intiminading not unemployable..

The times were i was most intimidating was when i was calling someone out of a bullshit

If someone is lying, and you know it, just say that his shit is bullshit, that's real and everyone will respect you

Focus on getting respectable because of virtues and good things... It's slower but it has a lot of more potential than just being the crazy motherfucker of the group