Why arent you doing HIIT to increase HGH production yet, Veeky Forums?

why arent you doing HIIT to increase HGH production yet, Veeky Forums?

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At least 99% of Veeky Forums should NOT do HIIT because you hate all cardio, and therefore don't do the basic groundwork required to condition your cardio-vascular system enough for something like HIIT to be done safely.

HIIT is basically Lactate Tolerance reps. While they are very effective at raising your VO2max and overall anaerobic endurance, they're also the most stressful type of endurance training you can do to your body. Without doing the groundwork to support this highest level of interval training, you can injure yourself -- or even induce a heart attack, regardless of your age. Just lifing ain't enough, lads.

But...but...those obese gear heads said cardio is for pussies and will hurt gains!


I hurt myself

>implying I don’t



The routine itself could be just idiotic enough to work though.

What kind of baseline should you be at before doing HIIT user?

Link to a study showing that HIIT increases HGH in any appreciable way.

Want to actually increase HGH? Drop a few thousand a year and start injecting 4-8UI/day.

literally just google it, they're all over the place

>An exercise intensity above lactate threshold and for a minimum of 10 minutes appears to elicit the greatest stimulus to the secretion of hGH. Exercise training above the lactate threshold may amplify the pulsatile release of hGH at rest, increasing 24-hour hGH secretion.

lactate threshold is when your muscles start burning due to releasing lactic acid

all you need is maybe one week of ramp up. Also, (although I haven't read up on this, but this is my guess) if HIIT has to do with your maximum capacity output, getting a heart attack seems like it's only a potential problem if youre like obese and have clogged arteries or heart problems, but if you've been lifting for a while or have played other sports it seems to me like you should be fine sprinting for four minutes 3 days a week

Are there any studies showing that lifting increases HGH?
And does that increase even matter?

I don't do HIIT but I do sprints on a rower and boxing on a heavy bag in addition to my normal cardio. That shit is exhausting, and fast. Am I covered?

the increase of HGH from HIIT I've read has been very high for several hours after you finish, in the 300-770% range

I haven't read anything about HGH increase from lifting weights. I think that increases test.

tabata's original HIIT routine takes literally 4 minutes, just throw it at the end of your workouts, do it like 3 times a week

>doing an HIIT WEIGHTLIFTING routine

full retard. You lift heavy to break down muscle then do HIIT afterwards to stimulate release of hgh that better repairs the broken down muscle

I was curious as spikes usually doesnt do much. And often you can get close to similare spike from other types of exercises like lifting.

If youre doing something because of an hormonal increase. Then you need to be sure its better than what you already do. And if the effect lasts enough to give an effect. If not then it probably doesnt do much at all.

tfw probably get mad HGH production from my skateboarding fun :)

my favourite HIIT cardio regime when I ran track and field was called lactic acid. I was just running 60m front and back at 90% for 4 times with a 30 second break in between each 60m. And doing that for 4 sets. You got the nastiest shin splints and your legs and body burned. But that shit whipped you in shape after the off season.

HIIT is only effective for raising VO2Max on people who are fat fucks

going to start this over winter break

can I do it effectively on a treadmill or do I need to be on a track or field?

What would be the best time to do HIIT training before or after a workout?

i dont have a good reason other than my own intuition, but I'm pretty sure youd want to do it afterwards

reasoning: you need energy to lift weights, and you burn a TON of any energy you have doing HIIT. However, you only reap the maximum benefits of lifting if you fully stress your muscles which is accomplished by lifting heavy ass weight, which uses a lot of energy

On the flipside, HIIT works regardless of how much energy you have; the point of HIIT is just to expend all the energy you have in short bursts to (for me at least) force your body to secrete HGH. You want to get to that point where youre wheezing and out of breath after each sprint and after each workout. This can happen regardless of how much energy you have when you do HIIT

tldr: do HIIT after lifting weights, because you reap the benefits of HIIT no matter how much energy you use, but only reap the benefits of weightlifting if you have sufficient energy to lift more weight than you have previously

Thanks for the detailed response user and I agree totally with you about lifting first but I was wondering if maybe doing HIIT first would promote greater muscle growth but I suppose there's no point if it will hinder your actual strength performance. Thanks again :)

Because it's a meme.

I don't bother raising it 770% when I raise it 2000% from alternate day fasting

just do normal cardio like a real human bean.

the whole point is that HIIT is much better for fat loss than long periods of moderate cardio

>HIIT can take as little as 4 minutes per session, only 3 days a week
>normal cardio takes 30 mins or an hour
>normal cardio sucks for 30 min or an hour

It's actually not better for burning excess calories and for out of shape it's actually dangerous as fuck and they'll hit a wall soon and hard.

HIIT really is for healthy people, relatively in shape people, and young people with no history of problems and athletes who're trying to get back into shape relatively quickly.

Doing short bursts of pseudo hiit instead of cardio is retarded and can be deadly.

Want to know what's better for burning excess calories? N.E.A.T Non exercise activity thermogenesis
That means get off your ass and do more not do the least amount as possible then sit on your ass.

i think the thing about HIIT is that it is cardio, but the explosiveness also builds muscle very well, raising someones BMR. that, combined with the supposed HGH and likely test increase, neither of which i doubt, would result in a lot of burned calories. your right that obese people shouldnt start with HIIT, but after theyre not at risk for heart attack or broken bones and shit, itd probably help them a lot

Eating less and being more active throughout their day will help obese people more then HIIT.

And I'm not just talking about obese people. I'm talking about people who're just out of shape or have undiagnosed health problems.

And HIIT works because it places tremendous stress on their body and making someone who's been sedentary for a long time start with HIIT rather then something that slowly pushes them out of the red and into fitness is ridiculous.
They'll end up injured and sick and not willing to do anything else.

well i wasnt assuming anyone that would consider HIIT would be an obese person, I dont think they could even do it. But yeah if they tried it wouldnt be very effective

at fat levels diet is basically the most important thing followed by lifting weights

No, it would actually work, I’ve seen similar in competing bodybuilders I worked with, remember you are using 10RM or 50% thereof more or less for most of these, that’s hardly an insane workload.

And some of the oldschool crowd did triple or giant dropsets that averaged out to roughly the same intensity. Even natty ones, before that strawman comes in.

Buuuut it’s still idiotic and not an actual replacement for normal lifting and separate HIIT, don’t get me wrong. I’m just saying that for 6 weeks to tone down a few spots, it’s fun.

you just killed at least three dyel itt by telling them to at some point aim for 100 reps with their 10rm

good job, weed out the competition lmao

Treadmill works for me.
I do four quarter mile sprints at the maximum incline at 6.5-7.5 mph with 2-3 minutes of cooling down in between. Typically I can get all my cardio done in 16-20 minutes.

I lost 30kg doing hiit on a threadmill every other day