Im getting braces and they put the brackets on yesterday along with these rubber bands and it FUCKING HURTS

Im getting braces and they put the brackets on yesterday along with these rubber bands and it FUCKING HURTS
I think I'm going to have to cut my bulk short boys, fuck.
I cant eat shit.

Any tips?

You can start eating normally in like 3 days brah

Any tips on what to consume in the meantime? I can feel my gains fading away.

yeah three days and you should b fine. try smoothies and shakes until then famalam


Just make shakes for 3 days brother, you got this.

Protein shakes brah


Be thankful that shit hurts because it means it's working. My first month with braces had more results than the entire year following that.

>getting braces
>being an adult

pick one and leave kiddo

Ik its a little late but I hate my teeth and my family never had the money when I was young

oats with lotsa milk. I like mine with peanut butter and a dash of sugar, in the microwave for a minute or two.

Soup, mashed potatoes, whatever you can crush with your tonge.
Who cares, he'll take them if in a year or two.
It's better to be "kiddo" for a short period of time than to look like English coal miner for the rest of your life.

drink your calories you bitch.

can't imagine the embarrassment

my confidence would be 0/10

I just want to get this shit fixed

My teeth were worse than that when I got braces as an adult. Now they're 10/10. Dont worry about it, no one in real life really cares about it. As for the food, you get used to the brackets after a couple days, use advil for the pain, and soon you can eat normally.

Thanks user I was getting really worried.

I had braces for my second year of colleage. It iisn't taht bad to be honest. You and people around get used to it pretty quick. People demonize braces way too much, it's not big deal, no ona cares.

It will hurt badly for 2 days, be a bit sore for 2 more, and then you wont feel anything.

>use advil for the pain
I remember my dentists saying, to use painkillers as a last resort, because they might slow down recovery.

I had braces, in middle school. The pain isn't that bad. It's only uncomfortable for a couple days, at most. Didn't stop me from eating or doing any activities, even when I was fresh from an appointment and pain was at its worst.

Advice: don't stop using your retainer. I stopped, after a few months (he told me to wear it once/twice a week, after a while).

I eventually stopped. One tooth noticeably shifted. I hate it

>no ona cares.
i never had braces but this is true. no one gives much of a shit how you look except the insecure unless you are like hideously deformed like the elephant man.

there are worse things than braces. just make sure it doesn't influence your speech or it'll come to define you.

>Any tips?
Don't try to do parkour, especially if you're drunk.
I misjudge the jump and bash my face into the concret. My lower lip was shredded from the inside. I even manage to poke through in one place.
I wasn't the brightest kid.

soup and starve i didn't start feeling like i could eat for like two weeks, it sucks ass. good luck.

When i got braces I drank lots of chocolate milk, yogurt and shakes. You'll be fine