Guuys i'm really gaining some weight here on TM. I'm 220 at 5'9 at about 20% bf here

Guuys i'm really gaining some weight here on TM. I'm 220 at 5'9 at about 20% bf here

I'm not too worried about my weight but I'm concerned about putting on fat. Is there any way to recomp this? I have about 3,500 calories to play with here

>implying the program is making you put weight on

stop stuffing your fucking face

you have to you dumb fuck. you've obviously never done the program for more than a month, that's how I know you're dumb. 5x5 will pack on your size. you literally HAVE to eat.

go back to sheiko you skinny bottom twink

At 20% you are fat. The "size" you are putting on is either bloat or fat.

yeah because if im putting on weight and getting stronger is obviously just water or fat. right dumb fuck? kys

lol ur fucking retarded. u think the sets and reps are what makes u fat? if thats the case more reps actually increase ur size and not 5x5 u fucking noob. diet is 99% of ur weight and exercise just changes what weight is fat/muscle and how strong u r. go back to school u autismo bitch

gtfo of my thread, you literally make no fucking sense at all.

what is this you are what you eat broscience shit. FUCK OFF

tell me you're joking

'Tard. If you start cutting you would also be putting on strength. Either way the quickest way to move more weight is to weigh more yourself. Do you understand the concept behind weight classes?

Ironically, if you were doing Sheiko or even a retarded BB program you would be putting on more size, considering the amount of food you are stuffing yourself with.

kys. twink.

>start cutting
>putting on strength

i'm not going to listen to you, you dumb retard. you obviously aren't strong and you don't know how things work.

eat less before you spill over, tubby

kys. hope you starve to death. twink

Yeah you can easily put on strength on a cut even if you do something retarded like full keto. You won't build muscle but you will gain strength.

>20% bodyfat

LOL at this delusional fat fuck,you're probably closer to 30-35% piggy. post a pic.

Unless you're saying you have MORE muscle mass than this man under your layer of fat.

They program doesnt matter and i dont think any program recommends more than 500 cals over tdee. Share your daily activity, body and lifting sets so we can see if you just bulk too hard or if theres something wrong with your diet.

How much food does a low-volume program like TM demands?

he has no legs or ass. kys twink

*lifting stats

>mr olympia is dyel
>meanwhile he has 12 inch arms, mantits and a potbelly

I wonder what ethnicity shitposters like this belong to?

Nah he has proportinate legs because he doesn't do 90% lower body.

yea okay, nice to know. kys "bodybuilder"

Unless you compete in powerlifting, you are a wanabe bodybuilder that brags about his gym total.

unless you are a regular gym visitor, you are a wannabe PT that gives out advice on a Jamaican wrestling forum

he's some 27% bodyfat pajeet who shitsquats 2 plate while weighing 200lbs.

just ignore him.

kys twink

Then why do you come to us for advice?

Meh - he will see the light.

kys twink. not gonna be weak like you.

was about to say this
FUCKING 20% BF at 220 lbs lmao

also zane was 83kg at contest. I'm more like 75-78kg LBM. I should really get tested so I'd know for sure

>Is there any way to recomp this

wow you made it all the way to Texas Method without ever reading the sticky?

stfu you twink BB aesthetic vain cunt we dont all lift for looks. sure you can gain SOME size and strength on a cut but no where near as much as when on a BULK. GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Eat a smaller surplus or cut. At 20%, you're already pretty high in bodyfat, and I would consider a cut.

That being said, TM is hard to progress on while cutting

So you are a 30% BF fat fuck, good thing you fessed up.

Wtf? user you dont need to bulk for strength gains...