I work in construction. Should I still be expected to lift with such a fisical job? My body is always sore

I work in construction. Should I still be expected to lift with such a fisical job? My body is always sore

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work out before work and eat more.

this, and sleep more, and drink more water.
You'll also probably want to learn to love certain supplements.

Steroids, or actual supplements?
It isn't unheard of to hop on gear to be able to work an active job more and longer.

>Steroids, or actual supplements?
Well, either or, depending on how far you want to take it. But I meant just regular store supplements.

Wouldn't working out before make you more tired on the job site?

I work construction and I lift too, you can still go 6 days a week no problem. Good luck on trying to lift before work.. I wake up at 4am as is just to get to work by 600. I just race home so I can get a good hour of lifting in before I have to start slamming food into me.... it gets tough trying to eat 3500+ of healthy food... really this has been the hardest part for me, finding ways to get enough food with only a single 20 minute break during the day... meal prep ill be your friend.


hey pal there is a reason us dumb guys end up in construction

>one 20 minute break in a full work day of physical labour
Jesus Christ do you live in South America bro?

colorado.. and that was for a 10 hour day


Don't they have labour laws against that?

How about you get a job that isn't shit? Laboring is for retards.

nah, im a sparky
yeah but we get a 20 minute paid break so we can get home earlier

Someone's got to do it.

How do you think your daddy's house got here? Magic?

Hating on tradies. Neck yourself

You're not very bright are you?

you can still lift heavy 1-2 per week bare minimum.

ive always gymmed while working framing, concrete, roofing. dont be a pussy.

Do you train before or after work

go to bed as soon as you get home and wake up at 2am. There, now you lift before work. Not hard.

That sounds fucking awful. Nobody should have to live like that

If your going to lift and work i woulden't try cutting. Make sure you have a solid sleep schedule. If calories are hard something like nuts is easy to eat.

Your body should get used to the work you put in at your construction job so if you are always sore i would guess that you started not long ago and then i would not start lifting now.


have no idea what im still doing with my life

working shitty warehouse job kill me

Labor is man's job, faggot.


>working on a roof

>better wear a hard hat
>not a fall restraint harness

health and safety legislation, everyone.

but then theres no time for eating, retard.

>what is skilled labour

are you a nerd?
>get an electrical apprenticeship

not a nerd?
>building apprenticeship

skills for life, there is no problem that can't be solved with the honest logic of a tradesman

Last year I had to work 10 hours a day with 2 hours travel time I lost all my gains and got fat as fuck trying to make gains while working labor construction and these hours sucks

God framing was the shittiest job I ever had. Never again.

Tying yourself off is impractical when on a roof or joists. Yeah, it's the law but nobody does it

>it's the law but nobody does it
Maybe in your backwards country.

I don't give a shit. I'm going home to my kids at the end of the day, and I'm keeping my job. If I get seen on a roof without a fall-restraint or fall-arrest harness, I'm down the road, no ifs ands or buts.

have you heard of a latchways system? Look into it.

The guys I work with are old school Italians. No safeties. Walking perimeter walls up 30 ft. Fuck that shit. I get vertigo and need some reassurance

Keep working until you get used to it. You'll eventually not be sore anymore. Then you can start working. And like others mentioned, make sure you eat plenty and proper.

>No safeties. Walking perimeter walls up 30 ft.

>The guys I work with are old school Italians.

Find some new guys to work with, it's a timebomb.

I work construction too. get on the juice and eat more.

Fuck off faggot

Weird. Me too. We were doing it by choice tho.

t. millennials

t. sociology major

If you're always sore that means you're body is already having a hard time recovering
adding even more volume to your week would mean demanding even more recovery from your body, at which point it will fail

tl;dr no

Trumplets detected. Stay mad uneducated workforce

Where do you think your food comes from?

how long does it take you to eat? I work 10-12 hour shifts and still lift in the mornings as soon as I get out of bed.

you dont have a gf right?

>doing gpp err day all day for free
>complainant about it
You do realize you have better work capacity than any office monkey?

What is gpp


Work isnt lifting or training. YOur body gets used to it after a few weeks.
It makes you move, which is good, and lets you burn more calories.

But its not training.

Get a union job

The problem is you're supposed to rest between training days. How do you do that if you have a physically demanding job?

"Rest" is relative. If you work a labor job, you just have to eat more and try to get better/more sleep.

>b-but muh big gubbement regolaishons

>Trump hate out of nowhere
Spic rage is real

Construction is physical enough to do any damage to your recovery. It may even help your recovery as youre moving isntead of being sedentary.

I cycle to and from work. And there i stack hundreds of 25kg sacks, or push around 55kg cases. A long with often running around.
And i would say it does affect the recovery to a degree, but not much at all when i eat and sleep enough.

>Construction isnt physical enough to do any damage to your recovery

It may act as what they call "active recovery"

Not most construction jobs.

Besides, 'skilled' laborers work for themselves.

Most construction jobs are basically slav labor


>construction tards

i'm an operator and make like 90-110k a year depending on how much i feel like working

that was only 3 years from the very start.

Post secondary education fags how much did you make after incurring 60k debt? i'm waiting to hear it

I do. I see her on my days off and we lift together.

that's exactly how I live. I cherish my mornings because I love lifting with morning energy.

Spics are the ones on construction sites though.

I'm a bricklayer in bongerland and spend 2 hours a day commuting but I still go 4 times a week

>tfw compsci major into security analyst who works from home and literally jacks off 3 times a day in my living room to anime porn while getting paid way too much

yes, haha i surely fell for the secondary education meme friend :)

Yes, he's retarded, that shit can cause some serious accidents.

how did you get into that line of work?

My brother does this. Wakes up at 5am. Starts work at 6am. Home at 6pm. Gym at 6:15 then asleep at 9pm latest. 7 days a week. Not ideal but the best routine he has found

If you are a materials technician in construction just go on concrete pours and don't slump every load. Just make your cubes and do slumps if an engineer etc. Is watching. Then you have all day to eat food you brought with you and chill out inbetween making cubes etc

Let's keep shitting on this retarded faggot.

by falling for the secondary education meme and knuckling down to get good grades.

first internship i applied for i got, then just moved up from there in the same company (security software)