How was your Xmas fit?

How was your Xmas fit?

>woke up
>lifted (pull day)
>family over for Xmas (live with parents)
>spent entire day sitting or standing around not saying much because don't know what to do or say and can't relate to anyone
>everybody else enjoying themselves having fun
>trying to not look like a shell of a person despite suffering severe depression for the last year or so
>my brain just kept screaming "avoid this situation"
>probably have AVPD
>end up fucking up any diet and 100% went into a calorie surplus
>everyone is gone now and I'm still feeling avoidant and depressed
>parents ask me what's wrong and I just say "nothing"
>tfw turning 30 in 2017 and life is misery

Getting back on cut again, if life doesn't improve when I'm 10% or less BF I don't think I can handle this shit much longer.

>expecting 10%bf to magically give you a career and friends and a life...

having a low bf% is important for health and looks, but it's not going to give you a career and friends that you have stuff in common with besides lifting things up and putting them down..
for God sakes start looking up things you enjoy and would like to pursue, start findings hobbies and other interests that will make you better and more interesting, and start looking up local groups on fb and stuff for said hobbies and interests

>severe depression
>probably have AVPD
This meme needs to end. get over yourself bitch. Depression and anxiety exist, but too many of you faggots wrongfully self diagnose for pity points. Get the fuck out of here and lighten up you melodramatic cunt. I woke up, lifted, watched my family open presents and went to work. I'm having a fantastic day.

The I'm fucked then? If after nearly 30 years I can't do any of those things I don't know what else to do.

Also, I don't have a Facebook account, nor have I had any reason to have one. Why would someone like me with no social interaction, therefore no friends, have a Facebook?

Also I'm a little older, I was already an adult and well into my autism by the time social media accounts became the norm, so i didn't grow up in the time where every kid has one like they do nowadays.

Keep on keeping on, OP

I'm 34 and I've basically given up on life now. Depression and shyness is a curse. Don't worry too much about 1 day of shit diet either

Move out of your parents house and stop being a pussy

pull yourself together man, christ you are almost 30

Its my first holiday season without my ex since 6 years. Im feeling anxious and close to breaking down every single day. So much worse these holidays than it has been all year.

I miss her so much, Im actually more scared of losing her completely than just losing her as lover. She really was my best friend, understands me better than anybody. Would it be ok to talk to her for this reason? Without any intent of getting back together, I just wanna talk to her.. Would it make my pain worse? This shit is driving me crazy


Life is hell

wait u actually thought getting to a certain bf% would change something? LOL.
Maybe if u go on a cycle of test your mood/confidence might change a little bit but holy fuck thats autistic.


I went at my parents house and ate somewhere between 14-15k calories in 2 days. I couldnt even sleep due to stomach pain last night and melatonin didnt work.

This was after cutting for 2 months at no carbs. felt good eating all that shit food tho and tomorrow im getting back on track with my cut

Am I reading this right? You actually ate food to comfort yourself? What the fucking fuck are you? A fatty?

>Gym is closed
>Family is decently well off
>Gifts consist of 3 gift cards, a winter hat and gloves, a fucking aromatizer with essential oils, and some exfoliating cream for my face
>Feels like the Christmas Tree and food cost more than my gifts
>Got in a bit of shit (0 fucks) for saying it felt like they just bought the cards and didn't give a fuck
>Got in shit for saying who buys a grown ass man an aromatizer
>Got in shit for saying I'm basically now responsible for the other 75% cost of my gifts
>Already have a few bills I have to pay and keep money for
>Other than that stuck here shitposting and working out
>Know I shouldn't make a big deal, kids in Africa etc
>Can't even go fucking lift
>Can't go play sports

Know what guys, I regret saying it but Christmas this year sucks balls but at least I get to wake up. Fuck Diwali

not op but do most faggots on the internet really think people enjoy living with their parents? fuck, I would move out of my parents IN A HEARTBEAT if rent alone didn't take 75% of my salary.

also, it's funny how so many people laugh at those who live with their parents while not being able to afford a flat without some roomies (who are literal strangers living with you) or girlfriends (enjoy having to deal with all the shit once you break up).

I'm financially independent. Quit trying to justify yourself crybaby millennial.

I'm with you OP, except I don't live with my parents. I've cut myself off from my family though and I don't have any friends and even if I did, they'd be spending time with their families not me, so I spend my holidays alone.

I'm going to spend today making a list of New Year's Goals and being sad.

>I'm financially independent.


>went to work

he's going to be getting that sweet sweet time and a half.

if i could be at work without getting in trouble, i would be.

>pull yourself together

>woke up
>played 12h of dota2 alone in a dark room
Not even joking this is depressing :(

>I am
>therefore everyone should be

Congrats you've done what most people do. But other circumstances come into play for certain people.

>spending Christmas with gf's family since mine are out of the country this year
>got loads of presents
>mostly stuff for our new place
>they dont really have the same amount of food as im use to since they're all short
>miss my family but nothing i can do about it
7/10 needs more vidya games and lifting

>wake up at 8
>call with long distance girlfriend to open gifts together
>her ex boyfriend comes over to her house and she ignores me for 2 hours to spend time with him
>I get pissed
>she victimizes herself and makes it seem like I'm a jerk for flipping out
>tell her I won't celebrate Christmas with her ever again
>she gets mad
Lol best Christmas I ever had

>be me
>talk to this girl for over a year
>finally get to meet her
>she sees me
>hugs me
>user I worry so much about you!
>Please come back!
I hate myself

> Being a grown man but throwing a tantrum when you don't get the Christmas Presents you want.

holy fucking shit you are just like a 10 year old crying about not liking your presents, wew lad

lmao plz be bait
if not break up and get yourself someone better

that's what I said I'm my OG reply to him telling him the basics of having a life and personality,
example I myself love combat sports like kickboxing and mma, cars& motorcycles, drawing tattoo designs, architecture, design, comix, doodles, graffiti art, fashion design, I love guns and airsoft/paintball, I enjoy learning about history and military history like gladiators, Knights, pirates, ww1 & ww2 etc and what things were like back then, I would like to get into making DnB and House music since it seems very fun and groovy
and I'd like to develop my own fighting game in mugen or something
and I like barbering
and that's most of my hobbies and interests
it's amazing what having A.D.D will help you with, like finding things to entertain yourself when you're bored out of your mind

also when you have some hobbies and interests to take up your time with when you're not working or gaming, you come to find just how incredibly boring most ppl are, esp girls lol
had one bitch tell me her hobbies were literally shopping and botox.... >_>

>pic related my profession.