Started 200ng of test

Started 200ng of test
1k of hcg
Worried about the effect of

Ancestorozol (sure my spelling is bad)

What is everyone's experience with this little pill

Its steroids.
Its also probably fake

adex is not bad for you if you don't crash your estrogen (can cause osteoporosis). It doesn't shut down test, it can actually increase it (abiet a small amount).

Not necessary at 200mg

One of the best aromatase inhibitors imo. I've experienced nothing bad with it. It makes you look dry as fuck.

Depends on the person mate. I'm on trt 150mg per week and have to take .25 e3d to keep my estro in check as i aromatise a lot (im 12%bf, so not fat causing it)

The dose was a half a pill 1x a week
I'm just worried about shit side effects while I'm at work.
My estrodol was at 30 when this was recommended

Have you tried not taking it?

My estrodol was at like 4 when I started 200ng of test a week now it's up to 30

Number is one thing, but are there physical changes?
Im cruising on 250mg and i saw no difference between 1/2 tablet 1/4 or nothing

Yes, my estro comes in at over the limit by about a third over. I feel a lot better mentally and look less bloated when i take them.

Not that I can tell
I was gaining weight in the beginning
But a good part of that was finals
Heavy drinking and no time to lift
With 12 credits on the line and a 60hour work week

What are you trying to achieve exactly? Are you on TRT?

If so, why the HCG? To keep your nuts big/fertility?

200mg test is going to put you at supraphysiological levels of testosterone, but it doesnt mean you will definitely need the adex. Best to get a blood test and see if your estro stays in a good range, then add AI accordingly

After 2 months
My estrodol went from 6 to 30

My test came back before at 364

And now it's staying right arround 900

Hcg is for fertility/nut size
Which oddly enough I have very large testicles for having low test

I have 2 kids I want at least one more so definitely don't want to become sterile

Those numbers are decent. Lowering the estro a bit would be desirable. As low as .25mg every other day may be sufficient.

How old are you? Are you self prescribing or have a doctor? Did you try a HPTA restart by means of clomid first?
How often is your testosterone being administered and what ester?

It's by a doctor
Just turned 26 last week
Everything is once a week

200 test
1k hcg
1/2 anestrozole pill
50,000 iu vitamin d (this was stupid low
Haven't taken it or the anestrozole yet)

Felt great in the beginning now I just feel like I did before I started

What ester is the testosterone? (Cypionate, enanthate, etc) this is important. Alot of doctors will inject as less often as possible,just pump you with one big shot which spikes your test at first then it drops off so by your next inject youre feeling like shit again. How often you need to inject depends on the ester.
Get that estrogen down to low 20's and you should feel better.

>/frauds/ looking for advice
kill yourself

I'm going for an injection in an hour so I will ask then didn't think to ask about that
All that I know is it is in cottonseed oil

Low test =\=fraud

They also said I can take home vials and needles if I wanted to do it more frequently or just on my own terms

I can take everything home and do injections there

Thats what I would do. Find out the ester, then google how often you should inject. There is ALOT of discussion about this sort of thing both on steroid forums and TRT forums. Guys in the same situation as you, who have perfected their regimen over time for the best mental and physical results. Alot of good info that you could use.

All you need then is a doctor thats willing to work with you in getting blood tests whenever you want, which you seem to have.

Good luck.

Thanks bro
Any recommendations on not becoming sterile ?

How low was your test before trt OP. I'm planning on going to the Dr too on Jan 4th and I also fear being sterile cause I'm married and wife wants kids

HCG is the only way you can garuntee it.

How do you think you got low T in the first place by the way? What kind of lifestyle do you live

Two little kids
60 hour work weeks
Full time student who drinks too much
Sleep 4 hours a day

I want to get the injections until I hit my goal weight then try to naturally raise them

Money is good I'm a car salesman but I'm finishing school just Incase my industry turns into a full retail operation with hourly pay like Best Buy

It was right arround 364
The only reason I started is I have two sons who look just like me
Or I would be afraid to roll the dice

It's weird because I have always had an insanely high sex drive
It mainly boiled down to constant fatigue
And cloudy mind
With some depression

Fuck.. I hope my T is high I don't want to be having low T at 24. Work 49 hours a week deep nights in LE and go to school part time. I get 5-6hours of sleep usually.
I really want kids and so does my wife and it really saddens me I have to monitor my shit so I'm not sterile.

If you're so worried take a quarter every four days. It'll both spread the dose out and make you actually consume less of this drug in the long run.

If you do it weekly, in three weeks you'll take a pill and a half. Or you could do it e4d and in three weeks you'll take a pill and a quarter.

From this I can tell you that your lifestyle is entirely to blame.
Alcohol alone can cause hypogonadal test levels. Which yours pretty much were. Not sleeping is the second biggest factor. Then the stress and physical exertion of such a huge work/study load.

So here's the thing. You dont have a medical condition, you got yourself in this position and you have 2 options.
1. Stay on TRT and continue your current lifestyle. Your hormones will be immune to fluctuation, you will be superhuman almost. The cons are once you are shut down long enough, there is a good chance your body will lose the ability to ever produce its own testosterone. You will be life long drug dependent.

2. Get off TRT, fix your lifestyle, attempt a clomid restart. You need to sleep and eat properly and you need to stop drinking. This probably means you will need to cut back on either work or school also.
Get yourself some clomid tablets (your doc may give them to you if you explain why. A good doc should of tried this first anyway, given your lifestyle..not just jump to a lifelong sentence of injections). Let the testosterone injections clear your system (probably 2 weeks, depends what ester) keep going with HCG for those 2 weeks. Then start clomid 25mg/day and stop the HCG. Continue clomid for 8 weeks, then taper off.

If you did everything I said your HPTA should reboot and your testosterone go back up naturally. Better than a lifelong commitment to artificial test, in my opinion.

wrong about not being able to produce test again. do some reasearch mate, there is no recorded case of someone staying sterile that was not already sterile. You can start producing your own test and sperm again with the help of certain medication

Actually there is many, many cases of AAS users who are never able to function normally due to long term use. The endocrine system is fragile and permanent low T is a known, common side effect of continuous use. Ask any ex bodybuilder. TRT for life.

OP is young and has the option right now to heal himself and not become dependent on test. Clomid will boost his testosterone up to the same levels he is achieving with TRT and he has a good chance of maintaing those levels when discontinued, provided he makes the appropriate lifestyle changes.

Studies pls

clomid has a chance of not working depending on whether or not it is primary or secondary

OP is most definitely secondary.

Either way I'm hoping to quit in the spring when things calm down in life

What's so bad about being on trt for life. Your natty t levels won't be high anyway prlly 400-500 if you're life is less stressful. Is that seriously a level you'd be OK with? Why not just do trt/hcg forever. I'm 24 and if they tell me my T is below 500 I'm hopping on trt for life. And hcg