Beginner question

So I'm on a cut right now. Already down to 195 from 256.
Gonna keep cutting till probably 170 or so to get to a good body fat.
I started out doing SL 5x5 and swapped over to ppl to spend more time in the gym burning more calories.

My question for you guys is, should I be trying to stick with a strength building program like ss or sl while on a cut, or should I focus on more of a well rounded program like ppl to not look like a dyel with a 250lb squat and a shit body at the end of my cut?


I honestly don't have an answer, but you're doing good.

fuck off newfag.

You're literally not doing any kind of a program when you lift while cutting you fucking retard

Thanks bro. Just trying to make sure I'm making good choices. I plan on going on a bulk and doing strength building until I can't progress (after I lose enough fat), but I'm not sure if I should be trying to do that now on a cut.

It's going to make next to no difference. You're not going to have a ton of muscle mass once you finish cutting whichever routine you take.

Okay... So should I be trying to build strength or build more aesthetic muscles while initially cutting?
You fucking autist.

Congrats!!! Keep up the amazing work, user. You're over the worst of it and magnificent gains are in store for your future. Keep lifting and losing weight. Cut keep cutting on SL or SS until your lifts drop off and then switch to an intermediate program and begin a clean bulk with a calorie surplus of 250 or so with emphasis on protein intake. Gains are a lifetime undertaking and shortcuts will give you fewer results. Again congrats.

So might as well do the one that gives a better looking base then, right? Thanks for your input

You can't build shit while cutting, what's so hard to understand? How do you think you're gonna build anything when you're consuming less calories than your body uses?

So cut on strength building and then when I get to bulk, just keep doing the same until the gains stop? Am I getting that right?

Read the sticky

Bluntly, if you were to take two lifters in your situation, have one do 5x5 style and have another continue doing PPL... you'd need to be looking pretty fucking closely to notice any significant differences at the end. Do whichever one you prefer.

I can already feel that different muscles are getting bigger. It might be slow as shit, but you do build some. My DL went from 135 to 225 as well.

It's not hard to understand, I'm asking for guidance on wether I should TRY to build strength or should I TRY to build some better looking muscles for a better base build.

Cool, thanks man. I think I might just stick with ppl for the cut, bulk on a 5x5 until the strength gains stop and then hop back over to ppl to have a more rounded look.

Keep your protein intake above 250g/day but your calorie intake below maintenance. It's a fact muscle can be built when cutting with smart nutrition. You've got the basic idea. What works best for you is something you have to figure out on your own, unfortunately.

fuck SS and SL, rippletits literally looks like shit and when he didnt was juiced to the gills. Mehdi looks great but look at the weight he's moving, not beginner numbers. PPL or a bro split is the way to go, just continue to increase your weight as you go.

These things are not mutually exclusive.

I'm starting to agree with you, but I always thought you do those until you're stronger and then hop over to ppl after like 3 months so you can do heavier weights during that program.

Holy shit, 250g? I'm hitting like 150 and it's tough without using a protein powder.

You'll make gains regardless. Some ways are slightly faster or efficient. You'll make the same gains at some point. Smart programming and nutrition are paramount.
Start making your own food and lower the number of calories you get from carbs and you'll be hungry enough to eat that extra chicken breast at lunch and dinner.

So less carbs, more meat. Gotcha. I do make my own food, guess I was just trying to eat a little more balanced rather than mostly meat. Guess I'll change it up and see how it goes.

250gr is way over the top 150-200 is fine; Go for a strength base, low volume while cutting and add more volume when bulking

There are lost of ways to balance a diet for variety of reasons. I recommend starting with (healthy) fats making up about 30% of your calories then the number of grams of protein your want. I burn enough calories and am large enough to need 250g but 150g is plenty. I just prefer more. The rest of your calories come from carbs. The total amount of carbs will dictate how many calories from fat you consume also i.e. 30%.

total amount of *calories