Listen to this man. This is a wise man

Listen to this man. This is a wise man.

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Without altcoin trading Bitcoin price would be a joke like it used to be.

He's wise because he knows his limitations.

Buy in btc now so I can dump on you faggots and make my gains

Not everyone sucks at this

Hes just a shitty trader and he knows it

this is your typical redditcuck post

why did you post this to Veeky Forums? go back to where you belong

Alt coin trading is fine if you dont get emotionally invested and only invest to make short term gains. Unfortunately the vast majority of people fail at this though and get attached

reddit fags, make them disapear from this planet

I wish i got emotionally attached to neo/omg from ico to their ATH

Noobs are gonna noob

Bitcoin is going to crash hard and ethereum will finally flippen. All these bitcoin loving noobs are going to get anally fucked

He let greed take over him.

Maybe in 2 years after they add Casper. By then Bitcoin will be worth $20,000 anyway and Ethereum will be stuck at $500.

>be Veeky Forums
>bitcoin shoots up, "all hail the king" "death to alts" "stay poor altfaggots
>bitcoin corrects, "bitcoin is dead", "5 reasons why litecoin will kill bitcoin" "THE FLIPPENING"

GTFO with this larpy nonsense.

So a guy takes 6 months to even double his Bitcoin, then manages to lose 50% of his holdings..

A guy who has no fucking clue how to trade failed at daytrading, therefore you should just hold Bitcoin.

If I had taken this advice I would have 1BTC instead of 25BTC.

It shouldn't be possible to lose 50% of your capital day-trading if you have any idea of how to correctly size positions and risk management.

pick one

I am a day trader and a successful one at that. I can still sympathize with the failures though for one main reason. Alts are far too tethered to the fluctuations of btc. Bitcoin drops, alts drop harder. Bitcoin goes to ath like today, what do alts do? They drop. Of course. That is a tough conundrum to get around if you aren't smart.

This. Dumb people shouldn't trade.

Volume dying out.
what wil happen next?

Lmao, you don't know how to read.

Well you need alts to buy bitcoins, alts like omg are trying to solve that problem untill then this will remain the same, i'd say this is a good time to get in alts many people know about bitcoin but a few know about alts and most people consider alts a scam and they are kind of right most alts are a scam just not all of them, getting in alts right now is like getting in a early stage of bitcoin

someone who manages to increase his bitcoin to 3.5 over a span of 6 months doesn't just lose it all like that and just give up, i call bullshit, probably some fag HODLer who felt out of his element daytrading in the first place and started FUDDING alts

This same logic applies to a GOOD altcoin. We've just come out of the crazy ICO phase, and if you manage to hold and stick onto the right ones for at least a year, it'll be very rewarding.

I just got into this a little over 2 months ago but even now with alts shitting themselves, I'm at a little over double where I'd be if I had just bought Bitcoin. So nah, fuck that.

Bitcoin is for people who can't identify moon missions but still wants to feel like a 1337 internet haX0r who's into cryptocurrencies

How do I become a successful trader if I am struggling at it. despite studying to get better literally every single day.

scared money dont make money nigga

And made yet another shitty decision at a shitty time

You don't really think everyone holding bitcoin now is an old school holder of it do you?

turned 3btc into 60 and still going, i should have just held that 3 btc right? sorry you don't know what you are doing, good luck.

I love day trading but the biggest vice i have is how many exchanged lack a fucking stop loss feature. Why would something with such important be lacking in so many exchanges?

redditors will realize that btg is already forked and we'll see the biggest dip yet on 26

How did you make that much? Please help me.

This is how every sane eprson should do it:

Start investimg
Invest in Altcoin
Wait until Altcoin makes some money
Invest 50% of the profit into BTC

repeat ad infinitum

That would make sense if every single alt out there is a direct rip-off/competitor of Bitcoin.
The reality is that a lot of them do completely different things, just with the help of Bitcoin (or another blockchain).

The whole "Bitcoin moon = alts dump" thing might fool you into thinking this is an "either-or" type deal, but it's really not.

This seems like a solid strategy

Easy to write when BTC is at all-time highs.
Same could be written about Alts when they stood triumphant over BTC earlier this year.
The hard truth is that the higher BTC rises the more it earmarks itself for the same market action that Altcoins see at the moment.

Yeah, at the moment it's very comfy to be in BTC. Largest Crypto and nice gains every day. How long is this going to last?

>>bitcoin shoots up, "all hail the king" "death to alts" "stay poor altfaggots
>>bitcoin corrects, "bitcoin is dead", "5 reasons why litecoin will kill bitcoin" "THE FLIPPENING"

bitcoin moon and alt dump only applies in btc hard fork as people want all money in btc. after the last fork both bitcoin and alts rose together. i expect it to happen again this time.

LOL, that's part of the plan.
Someone with few m$ will just market buy and this shit will start again.

crashing this coin

75% of my portfolio is in BTC, 10% in ETH , rest is spread over few shitcoins in hope of a moon

Did I do good Veeky Forums?