Ancient DNA results end 4,000-year-old Egyptian mummy mystery

>Using 'next generation' DNA sequencing scientists have found that the famous 'Two Brothers' mummies of the Manchester Museum have different fathers so are, in fact, half-brothers.

>Therefore, in 2015, the DNA was extracted from the teeth and, following hybridization capture of the mitochondrial and Y chromosome fractions, sequenced by a next generation method. Analysis showed that both Nakht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht belonged to mitochondrial haplotype M1a1, suggesting a maternal relationship. The Y chromosome sequences were less complete but showed variations between the two mummies, indicating that Nakht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht had different fathers, and were thus very likely to have been half-brothers.

Other urls found in this thread:

The MtDNA haplogroup they belong to was shared by those Lower Egypt Mummies and is also spread around North to East Africa.

So women were whores even 4000 years ago? Really makes you think.

>when your wife's pharaoh eats your lentils and you're afraid to stand up to him because his dad might beat you up

exactly how accurate is this stuff? I'm getting sick of this "we found a stick in the mud and through genetic testing a dot on it we conclude that it belonged to a French family's house that spoke Polish, had 5 cats and lived exactly
500 years ago"

>is a Trump voter.


No but really user read up about this, it's okay to be educated while maintaining traditional values

From what I understand, this sort of stuff is very accurate, but interpretation of large amounts of data can create some grey.

I'm not even American how could I vote for Trump? I'm just sick of this nonsense of treating science like a religion that answers all questions, For ages the whole out of Africa thing was regarded as fact because they found a few bones in the desert that were older than the other ones and they painted an image of entire societies and ways of life based on analyzing a few pieces of scraps and now they have found skeletons in Europe which predate those in africa and they had to abandon what was once considered complete truth

>he considers Russia to not be a garbage dump

>is one of the poorly educated
>denies Out of Africa

Alt-Righter detected. Mankind came from Africa. You can stop being triggered over being connected to the same continent as those icky Negroes.

Also, the Ancient Egyptians certainly had a significant amount of East African ancestry (see Copts).

BLACK Somalian man cucked a wh*Te slave

>Also, the Ancient Egyptians certainly had a significant amount of East African ancestry (see Copts).
I've always heard that Modern Egyptians have significantly more Subsaharan ancestry than ancient populations in Egypt.

They have more West African/Niger-Congo mixing that came from slavery. Coptic Christians (who have been endogenous and so avoided mixing with Arabians and slaves) repeatedly have been listed with about 10% East African.

Yeah, but ancient Egyptians would have had even less, or so I've heard.

you are the ignorant one merely trying to mock another to compensate for your ignorance.
The out of africa theory has mostly been disregarded by academia

Little is known about the true origin of man and unless we invent time machines I doubt we will ever now, time, man and natural decay has just left the evidence looking too scanty for any assumptions. What we do know is that humans have developed into very different races due evolution, racemixing(for example whites and Asians have Neanderthal dna).

Egypt certainly had eastern africans living there(north eastern african to be exact aka where Egypt is located) but no there were no sub sahran africans(which is considered a 'nigger') and all dna examples show them to be far more closely related to Europeans than black africans, and also that they had blonde and red hair(the pharaohs I'm talking about there is some evidence to show that a lot of slaves were black)

the ancient Egyptian pharaohs have been shown to have blonde, and red hair and were most likely what would be considered arayan/white, however a few remains of slaves (such as a servant girl that was mummified) show that blacks were at the bottom of society

1. There are few reliable studies of Pre-Dynastic to Middle Kingdom Egyptian remains. This is from contamination of samples outside of Egypt, antipathy to hostility by Egyptian authorities towards removing mummies for testing...

2. The study you're talking about had New Kingdom samples in Lower Egypt. We need more from older periods and other regions.

Until #2 happens, we'll have to make do with modern populations. And Copts have at least 10% East African.

dude its already settled Egyptians were white

>were most likely what would be considered arayan/white
Your own link says that they were most closely related to modern day Levantines, which would make them closer to Semitic than Aryan.

they also say the egyptians were close the near easterners.

they have been found to have red and blonde hair(the Pharaohs and upper class only) but anyway they still certainly weren't negroes

>you are the ignorant one merely trying to mock another to compensate for your ignorance.

Triggered another Alt-Rightie.

>The out of africa theory has mostly been disregarded by academia

Sure it was. I'm sure you have the polling to show that.

>The researchers conclude that Graecopithecus freybergi represents the first pre-humans to exist following the split from the last chimpanzee-human common ancestor.

ITT: Pre-Humans now count as humans.

>Little is known about the true origin of man and unless we invent time machines I doubt we will ever now, time, man and natural decay has just left the evidence looking too scanty for any assumptions. What we do know is that humans have developed into very different races due evolution, racemixing(for example whites and Asians have Neanderthal dna).

Alt-Right Science everybody.


Yeah, King Narmer looked like Brad Pitt didn't you know?

>New Kingdom Lower Egypt samples

Try Old Kingdom Upper Egypt.

>they have been found to have red and blonde hair(the Pharaohs and upper class only)

Even if they did, that doesn't mean they were anymore "White" something like a Ashkenazi Jew or Uyghur

>they have been found to have red and blonde hair
So have plenty of non white people as shown by. Red and blonde hair are most endemic amongst Europeans, but it's not like they can't be found in non-Europeans either. It's also presumptuous to assume that the ruling class of Egypt was always ethnically consistent. Egypt had 26 dynasties over it's entire history and we know for a fact that ethnicity could vary between dynasties.

dude I'm not saying they looked like Nordic warriors. However there certainly weren't any negors (except for a few slaves), and as in most societies those with the most European features(blonde/red hair, blue/green eyes, white skin) would have been the royals since they are most desirable genetic features

>However there certainly weren't any negors (except for a few slaves)
TIL the Medjay were slaves. You know just because you likely come from a culture with a history of racially systemic slavery, doesn't mean that every culture in history based its slave caste on race.

That mummy doesn't look much different than nearby West Asians. And still Copts.

not the original poster but you would be delusional to say the pic looks like anything that's not a European princess

>European princess

By not having a nose like Le Happy Merchant and brown hair? Come on.

Well it is strong red hair hair so probably also had blue/green eyes and fairly white skin, but yeah I don't really care I'm of to bed, I think the other guy was just trying to disprove the 'we wuz gangs' nonsense that Egyptians were blacks

The red hair comes from using Lime to lighten hair, you still see it seen along the Nile where people just assume it's henna.

Reminder that Egypt got a recent influx of Sub-Saharan admixture, this research made a long-term study of mummies since the New Kingdom and found that this increase happened in post-Roman times.


yeah but they already had it to begin with, it just increased. although the sub-saharan component in the ancient egyptians was east african while in modern it's west and central.

This is more meant as an argument to the afro-centrics who claim that Egypt got less "black" as the Arabs invaded their land, which is ridiculous.
