Is he the closest equivalent to an actual super villain?

Is he the closest equivalent to an actual super villain?

>Had factories producing arms and attack helicopters
>Had own private nuclear weapons program with kidnapped scientists. May have engaged in the only private small scale nuclear bomb test in outback Australia.
>Had own private biological weapons program
>Made people drink his piss.

If he didn't blow his load early with the Tokyo Subway attack, could have have been a serious security threat to Japan?

Other urls found in this thread:

He is admired in Russia.

Can confirm.

He's proof of how gullible most people are and how easy it is to start a cult. It's even funnier that most of his members were high profile businessmen, military leaders and statesmen.

reading about this cult is always interesting. too bad the only 2 documentaries about them arent that gud

green green

He only pulled off one successful terrorist attack and it only killed 12 people. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi makes him look like an absolute nothingmaster.

At least two user.

I stand corrected. But Aum Shinrikyo is still small time compared to ISIS.

Yeah but both the attacks were just tests, they weren't supposed to be caught.
I suspect their real plan would have been to hide a nuclear weapon in Tokyo and and hide biological and chemical weapons all over the place and essentially hold the country hostage.

What was his objective, what did he want?

>Aum Shinrikyo's ultimate goal was to encourage or create, through nuclear war between the United States and Japan, a global Armageddon that would be necessary to cleanse the world. The cult wanted to take control of the Japanese government and defense forces by means of military coup.Sep

He played too many Jrpgs

>want to read more about him
>start typing "shoko asahara" in google
>one of the top suggestions is "shoko asahara anime"

I dunno why I found that so funny

Did they really have arms factories? I read it as being a small workshop trying to make a few guns and failing utterly?

They tried to build 1000 and only got 1 that worked


This should probably surprise me more than it does.

>It's even funnier that most of his members were high profile businessmen, military leaders and statesmen.
If you have met people with power, you will find that they are eager to believe in bullshit like this.

Holy shit SMT 1 and 2 entirely lifted their plot out of these guys, they even had character name Aleph.

You know what's even more crazy? The fact that the guy was blind

How is that crazy?

I bet you can't do half the shit this man accomplished and you have full sight

Because that man lacked the capacity to see the suffering of others. At best he could only imagine. You can accomplish a lot when you're a sociopath.

>>Had own private nuclear weapons program with kidnapped scientists. May have engaged in the only private small scale nuclear bomb test in outback Australia.
[citation needed]
It was a chemical weapons test, get your facts straight, faggot!

>all blind people are psychopaths
>t. Veeky Forums

>doesn't know all the facts
>tells others to get their facts straight

>However, the AFP investigation found no evidence of this or of any equipment that might indicate such research.
Wanna try again faggot?

Thanks for reminding me. I heard about him for the first time in a Japanese history lecture but forgot to check him out. The guy makes Mason look like an amateur

So fucking what? When did blindness become a destroyer of charisma and ambition?

Yea well Aum Shinrikyo wasnt backed by CIA

>t. CIA

Cuz he's based

Super villain of the Blofeld-esque flavor.

Japan has a serious affinity towards cults

Religious people (yes Marxists count too) are retarded

More at 11

It's the lack of a strong church culture. They just need more organized Shinto-Buddhism.

Aum Shinrikyo's gas attack's were comically ineffective tho
Sarin gas deployed effectively and in large enough quantities would have cleared out a city block, rather than kill 12 and mildly annoy the rest. They just inflated plastic bags with it and popped em on the subway.

He wasn't producing attack helicopters and they only managed to make a few guns

There is an actual anime about his movement

>literally DC villain tier

Serious Operator

Not villian.

But when he was in Spain he took more managerial position. I wonder what Mossad though about him helping nazis get to South America when he was working for them.

I only know this guy from this

>was getting caught part of your plan?

Of course

didn't know about this guy before, read up on him and holy shit, it literally reads like some plot from an action thriller movie
why has no one made a live action film about this guy?

>Both marriage and sexual relations between pupils were forbidden by Asahara, but Aum believed that the founder was exempt from this rule and was permitted to have sexual relationships with many women for the integrity of initiation.



Why else would you start a cult?

>religion is cool man
>don't be edgy
>let people believe what they want to believe
Let me guess, his religion was not a religion because it was too small or something.

>that nun over there is basically a follower of shoko


>They just need more organized Shinto-Buddhism.
Last time they did that they went a little crazy so maybe that's not a good idea.

It's the whole point of a cult!

State Shinto actually tried to downplay Buddhism IIRC.

Of coarse, I don't know what exactly "state shinto" really was because I'm not sure what was based on traditional Shinto, what was based on revisionist militarist-regime Shintoism, and what is allied-propaganda.

>implying churches are watered down cults

While I can't remember the title, i remember seeing a live action movie about these guys. It ended with them all going to hell and being horribly tortured (their defense attourneys getting it the worst).

For the record, the anime was produced as a recruitment video by the cult.

I think you mean Umbrella Corporation.

I miss those Umbrella threads on trying to increase their stock margins.

Got any screencaps?

I wonder if they were still at the top of their game and not tainted by the sarin attacks, how many anons would try to join them, thinking they'll score some sweet nippon pussy [spoiler] only to be extorted to their bone and dipped in boiled water later on [/spoiler]

I read Murakami's book on the attacks, and the interviews with the Aum members were hilarious because it revealed how sloppy and crazy the whole cult was. While they were doing nuclear research, countless researchers suffered from poisoning or something like that.

>He's proof of how gullible most people are

How little you know. Someone going into a militant eschatological cult like Aum, the Sword Brethren or ISIS are what past historians called eaters of men. What they believe is that they are the instrument of divine violence.
In no way are they deceived or brainwashed, they join so they can kill in the way that David, Nimrod or Achilles killed.

Any book recommendations about him and his cult?

The last podcast on the left episodes on him are pretty great