Non Veeky Forumsfag here, what do i do to get pic related bodytype? just powerlift my ass off?

non Veeky Forumsfag here, what do i do to get pic related bodytype? just powerlift my ass off?

i'm currently 5'10" 250 lbs and pretty overweight but have a good amount of strength and underlying muscle due to playing football in college

also: how the fuck do i make my heart stop pounding and get my blood pressure down

We're at that time of the year where I don't know who's trolling and who isn't

>250 pounds
>"slightly" overweight
>thinking yiu have significant amounts of muscle from football you don't play anymore

You're fat as a fat fuck

Step 1 dont get diabetes
Step 2 you failed step 1

you have to train from child.

>thinks everyone is a scrawny neet
i lifted for 8 years kiddo, i may be fat as fuck but i am by no means obese

i just saw my doctor and got bloodwork done, i'm fine i just have serious hypertension, my other metrics are good

jesus this board is retarded

>I have a good amount of strength and underlying muscle
>from my football playing days
lmao if you have been a sedentary fat fuck for more than a year, you will be at exactly the same fitness and strength level as a normie assuming you were already built pretty fuckin good. So unless you stopped playing football yesterday you're full of shit and are in denial.

To answer your question, you can only get that body through roids.


>claims to have lifted for 8 years
>Still goes around asking the most newfag fitness question ever AKA "How do I get this body?"

Sure thing fat boy. Those times you fucked around in your high school gym don't count for much


>"I may be obese but I'm not obese"

What did he mean by this

Weight loss and regular cardio are the best ways to get your blood pressure under control. More effective than medication.

how bad is weight lifting for hypertension and should i prioritize cardio/diet before i even start anything high intensity? (doctor said unless i can get it under control i'm going to need meds)

>I have serious hypertension
>but I'm not a lard ass

Ok, buddy.

Lose weight you sack of shit

Just admit you're actually a fatass and then start training like one. You are not a bear mode power lifter and you're going to hurt yourself if you start training like one

Lose 80 pounds then start lifting

i had mild hypertension even back at the beginning of high school when i was like 5'10" 130lbs soaking wet

rgr that. i'm probably not as fat as you lot think but i'll get lean first if that's what's best . i do need some tips on the hypertension though, because as i say above, i've had it since i was a scrawny kid. i don't necessarily trust my kike doctor or the rest of the internet to give me good advice or i wouldn't be here.

>what do i do to get pic related bodytype? just powerlift my ass off?

yeah absolutely. doable in under 2 years with your background in athletics.

Bro at 250 at 5'10 you are pretty fucking fat

I was 220 at the same height once and even as a fairly serious lifter I felt pretty damn bulky. You're 30 pounds extra as a sedentary guy.

He said he lifted for 8 years so I'm pretty sure he's under no delusions that this will be a quick process. I just think he's in total denial about how bad his obesity and his overall health in general.

He should start by literally waterfasting for 3-5 days to shrink his stomach and clean his gut out. Followed by a strict protein-based diet with an energy source of his choosing (either carbs or fat, not both). He needs to be rotating cycling, sprints, cardio(run or swim), and rowing-machine. Basically should be active everyday. If his legs get tired, he can take a rest day or actually do some upper body weight lifting. He needs to get his body used to being under stress and in motion again. He should be taking cold showers and eating cold foods as much as possible which helps to shrink and tighten up fat cells and oxygenate the body. Masturbation needs to be kept to a minimum to keep energy levels and muscle repair high. Sleep needs to be uninterrupted 7.5 hours, no powered-on electronics in the room he sleeps in. He should also be meditating and working on his breathing for his high BP. He should be supplementing with
CoQ, vitamins (one with magnesium but WITHOUT iron), fiber, and high quality fish oils. He says he had high blood pressure as a kid, so he may be a lost cause and actually be a situation where medicine is called for, hard to say. He should work on strengthening his back, core and posture, using iso exercises. In 6 months he will be ready to lift again. The guy in his pic is either a lifetime lifter with excellent genetics and externalities (program, nutrition, supplemntation) etc. or he's a PED user. Either way it's not bad to have unattainable goals.

guy in OP pic uses activated good as steroids.

It won't hurt to do some basic lifting now for neurological gains, but yes cardio should come first .

This is a good point, OP should also be doing power lifting exercises with just the bar on a daily basis to redevelop the neurological paths (i.e. muscle memory) and to fix his spine which is almost always warped in these cases due to heavy weight carried in the front of the body.

He should also be stretching daily aggressively. Pliability is an important variable in how effective cardio can be.

powerlift your ass off and do steroids, and you can get pretty close to looking like that guy.

how do i get a gf like this

>Train your ass off.
>Have decent genetics.

As far as the blood pressure thing goes: If you're a sedentary fat fuck it will go up at first when you start lifting, then it will normalize and go down. Still, cardio and weight loss are a must. If you only lift, then your diasistolic pressure will go down but your systolic will remain high due to left ventricle hypertrophy.

good job at spewing health memes

OP: Do not even think about Steroids until you are

Well done Hermione, however....