Can someone give me a straight answers! Is taking steroids or test catastrophic for your health...

Can someone give me a straight answers! Is taking steroids or test catastrophic for your health? Or could someone direct me towards good resources to educate myself.

Can't make up my mind about it, probably going to pussy out because sweet lats are not worth forever wrecking my health.

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that depends on what gear you take

are you gonna run a test cycle at 250mg - 500mg per week? This is relatively safe.

Are you gonna run a gram of test, DECA, tren and clen with T3? This probably isn't going to be healthy in the medium to long term

Probably go with a test cycle. Have never cycled so I don't know shit
Heard test will give you cancer, destroy your fertility/make you sterile and you will go completely bald.
I lost a lot of muscle due to a bout of pneumonia. Would love to get back to full glory.

Can they be catastrophic? Yes.

This is dependent on a few things.

1). Prior health and reaction. If you're genetically normal and otherwise healthy you should be ok

2). Type of steroid used. Stuff like Tren is toxic and increase inflammation, and in general can sap your endurance. It's bodybuilder only drug, and there are things like Winny and other orals which are very fucking bad for you too. These things can really fuck up your lipids and lead to arterial plaque. Things like the various forms of injectable testosterones are actually pretty mild on your health, but that is still subject to the next one...

3). Dose and duration. Testosterone has been studied in doses up to 600mg weekly for up to 20 weeks with no long term health risk or health changes found in the studies, and the only side effects being acne which not even everyone got. Even the effect on lowering sperm count and slightly reduced testicle size was temporary and returned to normal after they stopped taking testosterone. Now, if you take ultra high doses a lot converts to Estrogen and you bloat with sub-Q water, your blood pressure can go ultra high. Over production of red blood cells, thick blood, and you might even grow boobs. So, again, even with a safer steroid like Testosterone, there is a point of negative returns on the dose.

4). Duration. Long term you cannot sustain supraphysiologic levels of Testosterone or other androgens. The more toxic the shorter the duration needs to be. But even safer stuff is an issue over enough time. This is why a lot of juicers either take time off, or they cruise at TRT levels (which is a dose that might as well be what they naturally used to make), to let their body recover between blasts (where the doses are supraphysiologic).

So, steroids can bite you in the ass, but intelligent use can give you quality of like no natural could ever achieve.

It's a general rule of thumb, not just in fitness, but with all things. The more natty/less processed you are or something is, the better.

Bottom line: If you're worried about your health at all, I'd say not worth it.

Great stuff dude. Stay away from the hard core shit. So do you inject it or eat tablets?

Other question.
Why does everyone not just stick to test? Everything else sounds so dangerous.

How many weeks would you reccomend. 4-8 or more. I'm completely cluesless.


all you faggots get your panties in a twist because of a needle, all those fucking cakes you eat and beer you drink is a 100 percent more toxic than some extra test in your system.

i cum in the ass of my enemies now that i am high test ok? let that sink in

Lmao knew I'd find it.

I'm 36, married and have 3 kids, so not really trying to be big/ripped/jacked anymore.

Actually just fitness to stay strong, healthy.

Actually only take 125mg of test injectible 1x weekly.

In the past I have gone up as high as 600mg weekly for blasts, which will quickly add more muscle than ever needed.

At 125mg weekly you basically are the upper end of the normal range all the time. Nothing crazy, but you just feel "good" a lot.

Energy, well being, blood pressure good etc...

Fuck growing old the normal way.

I would kill you if you were my dad stupid junkie

Unless you have a doctor monitoring you and having a lab analyze blood samples taken from you regularly, you're screwing around with your endocrine system and can really fuck yourself up. Of course the 'roid addicts will tell you that's all bullshit and it's 100% safe, but that's because they neither want to look like idiots, nor do they want to admit they're addicted -- oh and by the way 'roid use IS ADDICTIVE.

Stay away from it, OP. You don't NEED it. Just LIFT, EAT, and SLEEP, that's all you need to do.

If you're not 100% confident in yourself and what you're doing then don't pin.

Literally no one who knows anything about roids will tell you it's 100% safe. You're fucking retarded. Kill yourself.

It's like saying "is taking drugs catastrophic for my health?"

Well smoking week a few times a month gives you the benefits of getting high and having fun once in a while, but won't kill you much faster if at all. But smoking crack off of foil every few hours will shorten your life.

So like other people said, some test/primo/nandroline/anavar type stuff won't hurt you too bad in moderate doses. But move up to really high dosages and stuff like EQ, Tren, harsh shit, and yeah you'll shorten your life.

Only thing I can say is that there's no point to taking roids if the rest of your lifestyle isn't on point. For example whenever I'm on var I make sure to eat extra clean and do extra cardio.

>Can someone give me a straight answer
>a straight answer

on Veeky Forums? good luck with that one, sailor.

Test is literally the key to being a man.

Not OP but what age do you think is the best for that first test cycle?

just turned 26 and have around 3 years under the belt now, will probably look into it and pull the trigger towards the end of the year.

Can you hop off easily? Do you feel any kind of shutdown or the like? Do you require PCT?

I'd love to do my own kind of slow-and-steady TRT. It's not about growing huge or growing huge NOW for me.

Hold off until 30 unless you've been tested and need it for trt

I'm definitely on the high end of the test scale and get more results from the gym than most my bros, but I would love to have those capped delts and thick lats.

I hear 25 is when your hormone levels begin to drop off.

If you're still making gains I'd wait until you stall.

Louis Simmons has been on test for 40 years, dudes still an insane badass

Why though? Personally I feel like for anyone who picks up weight longer than a month straight should hop on Test and get to natural limit as quickly as possible.

My dad was in Spcial Forces for 20 years and stayed strong and healthy until this very day. He killed his first man when he was 24 and he never had to take steroid to be badass, you puss. Your kids need a really father. Put them up for adoption or put rat poison in the food, only two options.

I'm on a cyle of Test-E 500 atm, if you have good test levels PCT isn't 100% needed but it would be better to have it on hand just incase anything happens. it gets cheaper and cheaper the more you do it because of all the gear you buy up right.

If you do end up taking Test-E try it out, eat lots of food, be clean with needles and stuff, you'll love feeling like a super sayian

BTW whatever happened to the steroid general threads? I feel like this is what this is turning into.

makes you look older than you really are
see: all bodybuilders past their prime

>Your kids need a really father. Put them up for adoption or put rat poison in the food, only two options.


Do you have any link to the studies about 600mg/w?

i'm 26 too will wait till 30 to see what i can acheive natty; saw some natty guys being in awesome shape after a bunch of years of good training and dieting. at 30 mark i'm either stisfied or i leave humanity. - 10 week study - 20 week study

I know this is bait, but the Irony is I actually started while I was in the Army, on the QRF (Quick Reaction Force) for RPG alley in Baghdad 2004-2005, and the man who introduced me to it was my squad leader who started when he was an Army Ranger.

Good bait tho

Well, being 36 now my natty production is mediocre. I'd only come off if my wife wanted to have more kids, and after about a month or two my normal levels are back to typical for a 36 year old.

By the time most guys are 40 about 45% will have clinically low testosterone, most will be "low normal", and only a rare handful are still upper normal - and this can happen regardless of diet and exercise. Mostly genetic. If you think about it human primitive ancestors generally didn't live past 40, so we're not well adapted to getting old.

Prescription from a Urologist, and my dose is well within the normal TRT ranges.

BTW you don't start anti-aging once you already are old, you gotta start younger. You cannot reverse the effects of aging, only slow it down.

I would at least wait until you are through your newb gains period. Give it 6 months minimum. 1 year if you are still making regular gains.

The main reason is so you learn to train and eat properly.

Going on gear early can make you extremely lazy about training and diet.

I can give you my personal story and opinion.
In my opinion steroids, even when used under supervision from a professional is a catastrophe for your health.
When I did it I started slayings so much pussy that I contracted syfilis and gonorhea. But I was lucky to stop blasting before I got HIV. Not everyone quits this shit in time and I know quite a few that got full blown aids just from the effects of taking steroids.