When are facial bones fully sealed?

When are facial bones fully sealed?
If I began mewing and chewing with 18 could I achieve a noticable difference in facial attractiveness?

They close when you're 17.99 years old, sorry bro, missed the boat

That's for everyone too, everyone's seal at the exact same time.

facial bones are never sealed, they continue to develop throughout your lifetime

im pretty sure gaining masseter hypertrophy directly correlates to jaw bone growth. as for the maxilla shit, its probably possibly to move/grow it because your body responds to stress (sane thing for the mandible since gaining muscle increases tension on it)

I'm 19 and have been meing for a few months. It takes years to work
I am patient though

>not facepulling with a belt 5x a day
Never gonna make it

I've been mewing since I was about 16.
Before that I had a typical mouth breather face, meaning no cheekbones, non visible jawline.
Nowadays I have a pretty average face.
My upper palate has grown wider.
My whole face is wider actually.
I can also feel my cheekbones for the first time in my life and my jaw isn't too bad.
My mom told me recently: "I never actually believed you would grow up to be this good looking" which means I was a fugly ass kid and again confirms that my face has changed drastically.
Could just be puberty tho lmao

How could you not feel your cheekbones before?

they were literally completely flat.
Now they quite visibly protrude from the area below my eyes.
I'm currently working on losing weight, since I became pretty fucking fat over the last years (depression and comfort eating).
Can't wait to get them A E S T H E T I C S gains.

More info please

>be dentist
>read this

The shit people will believe....

>I'm a girl btw

I believe a lot of shit, but you being a dentist? LMFAO

Unrelated to mewing.

If you have a mild overbite, it can be easily corrected, without a dentist, without surgery, without anything.

I had one. 2 weeks ago.

I simply made a conscious effort to force my mouth into the correct allinged position, and hold it as long as I could.

At this point, it feels 100% natural to have my teeth lined up perfectly. No overbite, no underbite.

An overbite will make your chin looked weaker and your chin look more recessed.

In between those two photos (4 months)


>Vitamin K2/D3
>Lost 15% bf
>allinged my jaw correctly
>mastic gum
>stopped drinking dairy, touching my face, and change my sheets more often (acne).

I still am overweight (13%-14% bf) but I'm nearing single digits soon.

I will continue with mastic gum, mewing, and keep my jaw allinged correctly.

There is very simple stuff you can do to make yourself look better, and body building is only one of those things.

On jaw realingnment:

1. It is normal for it to be difficult. two weeks ago, I could only keep it in the normal position for 5 minutes before my teeth would chatter, and my jaw would give out on me.

2. Keep at it. Try for 6 minutes the next time you do it. Consciously try your hardest. You will progress with time.

Try to make sure that your jaw is lined up, for as long as possible. If you fail, reset, and hold it in place.

It will get easier.

My overbite was mild, so I was able to fix it in *two weeks*.

If yours is severe, more effort will be required. Keep at it.

Also, as you can see, mastic gum really widened out my face. Correcting my overbite pushed out my chin.

I used to have to rely on having a good career to attract women, to rely on being clever and witty, and now, well, i dont.

changed my life in 4 months and highly recommend all of it.

I hated being a guy that women only wanted because of personality and income.

I'm also able to get away with a *lot* in terms of how I treat them now.

Been chewing mastic gum for like 2 weeks now and noticed some differences already

Masseter is flexed more often, slight lines going down Centre of cheeks, i rest my lips in a tighter position (think smile as loose and kissing as tighter)

I think chewing so much is reforming and shaping my whole head along with head/face muscle gains since the temporalis is being worked and pulling my skull more symmetrical

you look exactly the same, but you're clenching your jaw, sticking your chin out, and puckering. you didn't discover some secret that changed your bone structure in four months, you just squinted your eyes and sucked in your cheeks. you look like a knockoff zoolander, and the fact that you think you can "get away with a lot" in terms of how you treat women because of this is almost as embarrassing as the fact that I'm writing all of this.

Yeah have just randomly downloaded all these dentistry book.

>this salt

OK bro

>clenching my jaw


My jaw blew the fuck up. Because it's a muscle. That can be trained. Like any other. So it got bigger. As a reuslt of hypertrophy training.

Idk how your pea brain can't understand this.


result of locking my jaw into correct position, unavoidable.

>sticking my chin out

Nope. Teeth are lined up. That is the healthy, correct, position.

I'm just trying to help other people, but you're a crab trying to pull people back into the bucket, telling them that they can't do anything about how they look (when in reality, you can)

You have a sad life

never gonna make it etc

facial bones stop growing at 25 you can see z difference without doing anything

Its good to see you are not tripping anymore alex.
brick did a good job.

Recommend some mastic gum for chewing? I googled and see 'capsules' for vegetarians.

Other stuff is expesnive.

Kek this fucking guy

Lmao make a face like on the left, take a pic and check whether anything changed

Idk how legit mewing is but I do think a lot of people are giving it too much credit.
You see guys in their early 20s saying how much it worked for them, but go on Facebook or whatever and look at any pic of guys in their early 20s then go back a bit. Nearly every male goes through a sort of second puberty between 18 and their early 20s where your face changes a lot, can start to actually grow a beard etc. I don't think mewing is the cause.

>brick did a good job

I still trip in fraud lel.

All brick did was embarrasses himself by proclaiming oh so proudly he proud he was of having a better physique than a literal Auschwitz skeleton

I always try to compare myself to the best.

I don't find the one guy that has a worse body than I do, and say 'haha I made it'. I compare my physique to Lotus and say 'I have so far to come'.

Income? Compare myself to bill gates, not a homeless man.

But brick is a loser and he has the loser mentality to go with it.

He has no security or pride so he has to try to put others down to feel good about himself.

He can't just feel good about himself based on what he's done, or will do with his life.

I pity him.

>other stuff is expensive

It's really not. Here's the deal- you can reuse mastic 10+ times, for every wad.

Simply chew some, then run it under cold water in the sink, and then put it in some plastic wrap!

Mastic has a strong antibacterial agent. You can reuse it for 3 days.

Chew it up to you know, 5 times a day. That's 15 times of use per wad!

I got mine on amazon

'mastic tears' Should look like resin

you sure it's not their fat percent in most of the cases?

also anecdotes are bad data

embarrassing, you look like you belong on the profile pic of a 2005 myspace account.

Oh i forgot user, put that shit in the fridge.

Make sure, when using it from the fridge, that you WARM IT UP BEFORE YOU CHEW IT. Just let it sit in your mouth.

Otherwise, it breaks into a bunch of hard, sharp shards.

That shit will cut your tongue and cheeks up, or you wasted some mastic

sure thing bro, you just need to chew gum and your jaw will be manly, edgy and attractive overall. Just think about all the muscles you have in your cheeks and on your chin that never get fully trained

He doesnt compare himself to you,he just stated you are too much of a retard to listen real advice and fall for masT's memes.
You dont listen to workout advice,your program is the ultimate meme,you still cut at +1000 k deficit,dont you ?
I am sorry but brick is right.

>two weeks

Swolen told me to cut at a large deficit and swolen looks good.

Brick has hips wider than his shoulders. On steroids.

You want me to take brick's advise instead of swolen's?

Anyways, I de-meme'd my routine, but I'm still cutting at a large deficiet.

I simply don't have enough muscle mass on my body to be worried about losing it. I look like I drop 6 gold coins and a rusty iron dagger.

AFAIK (according to swolen) I will retain the mypoli of any lost muscle mass and quickly regain it on lean bulk.

I trust swolen more than a guy that is roiding to look atrocious, end of story

swollen is a fucking retard,he still injects bathub made chemicals in his body even thought he turned into a fucking frog.
Brick is a powerlifter and strong as fuck,he is one of the last informative guys on fraud with mossad.
I've explained gaining muscle as a natty is hard but you dont seem to listen,keep doing you my friend.

>listening to this guy

He is in a state of constant despair and rage because look at his chin and his thin shoulders

I would not be surprised if he was giving me bad advice on purpose out of malice for me not looking like my mother drank during pregnancy

Swolen is a retard, but this guy is smart right, that's why he's on fucking steroids to look like this?

>I look like I drop 6 gold coins and a rusty iron dagger.

He is a powerlifter,and his body is really good for a powerlifter,dude is strong as fuck.
His advice really helped me,so you should listen to him,banter aside.

Look, I'm not saying that gaining muscle is easy natty. I am aware it's a struggle and a process.

I simply, personally, would be much, much, happier with my physique once I hit full on out right concentration camp mode.

My physique is trash and will be for the next few years, as a new cuck.

So I at least want to have a lean fucking face, since that and my frame is the absolute only thing I will have going for me as a natty for years anyways

what the fuck is mewing? are you supposed to make cat noises? how does that help to build a jaw

dont bother mewing, just save up money for plastic surgery implants