How do you treat bags under your eyes?

How do you treat bags under your eyes?

I heard hemorrhoid cream works.

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Bump, I have dark circles a lot. Probably bc my sleep habits are shit

Wear glasses

hellooooo beautiful

Sleep more
Wear an ice mask
Use some of this maybe:

Veeky Forums here. aka the only person who will post in this thread that gets premium pussy on a regular basis

eye bags are effay as fuck. you WANT them

Veeky Forumsg

Begone twink

thanks for proving my point lads. keep drinking your milk and listening to rippletits lel

>implying OP is a slave model that can pull that shit off effortlessly

there are good eye bags and bad ones. sunken eyes look good, maggie gyllenhall eye bags are shit

You have more of what Veeky Forums thinks are attractive examples of dark circles?

I have these fuckers and I always feel I come off as a junkie, especially since I'm so pale so I'd love to compare.

I don't.

I look like a sleep-deprived serial killer though, so you should probably do something.

that sounds good, girls love that sunken eye look, it really depends on if you are handsome overall though. you could just look deranged otherwise. i would have to see you


is that maggie?

>getting any pussy
fucking kek

looks like they get all the boipucci they want

shoo shoo gains goblin

Veeky Forumsgs are delusional but in opposite way to Veeky Forums. While Veeky Forums thnks you're dyel weighing 90kg lean, they think they look good in some trash no one normal would wear, even though they have a frame of 10 year old.

>posting the wrong pic

>Dylan Roof puts them all to shame
lmao, Veeky Forumsggots on suicide watch

Put egg white on affected skin

He seriously is the most fa person there.

naw don't use hemorrhoid cream for extended periods. It thins the skin under your eyes and will eventually make it worse.

Sleep, hydration, ice, cold spoons. moisturizing and genetics is all you can do.

or surgery

yeah or rub your cum all over it frfr

how do I do genetics?

leave your humanity behind.

frozen chamomile tea bags work for me


ask mom or your sister how to do makeup

Drink more water, eat less shit and sleep more ?

i have them but if they are hereditary there's not anything you can do apart from undereye fillers or orbital rim implants

a friend has those, but in her case its genetic, she is the most beautiful girl i know and one of the most pretty i've ever seen in my life (even on tv and shit, she is a international model now though) and the only way she could treat it was with some injections, it costed fairly much, but it was worth it, she looks perfect now, even without makeup

Vitamin D
Better food

I wish I had a before/after pic of me improving on these three areas because my dark circles are now entirely gone. I used to look like a raccoon, pretty unbelievable desu.

How fucking bad are your bags if you'd rather have haemorroids. Praying for ya brub.

No user, they GIVE the boipucci

just accept it tbhfamlam

Please no one listen to this loser. Veeky Forums is probably THE single most autistic board, even moreso than /mlp/. It's legitimately disturbing how arrogantly oblivious they are about the world and people's perceptions of them.

That's shopped, right. I need to know my hero is not a Veeky Forumsggot.

Yeah it's shopped, very well. Almost fooled me.

Who is she

it's not something you can just get rid of...

its called tear trough and it's only curable foth surgery