Fat People Hate FPS/FPH

I can't hear you over the sound of the stampede edition

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I hate fat people because mentally they're weak and I'm strong. That's it.

Fuck fat fucks


Best of 2017

High test

>Bone loss

Am I reading this wrong or something

This is kinda true though, if you remove "is said to" and stress that the second paragraph is about people with eating disorders.

Be careful cutting friends, you may lose your bones

No one gets harrassed at the gym for anything other than spending an inordinate amount of time resting on a piece of equipment someone else is waiting for. When will fatties accept reality? We want them to succeed.

>They are not required to sacrifice their mental stability for you.
If your 'mental stability' gets fucked from someone in your social circle wanting to lose weight, your mind is even weaker than your body.

Cherry picking fallacy.

It must suck to play games with someone in a geek lounge that eats all of the dice and game pieces.

this, i am a fattie who started going to the gym 2 months ago, people were always nice and trying to motivate me.

>We found the highest percentages of osteopenia and osteoporosis, 48.3% and 44.7%, respectively in obese patients

Try again

Were gonna make it

>fat people get harassed at the gym
Where does this idea that people are mean at the gym come from? In my experience they're significantly nicer than the general population, and yes I was fat when I started going several years ago.

>Where does this idea that people are mean at the gym come from?
When people filled with self-loathing and insecurity encounter confident people acting on their desires (no matter how insignificant), they perceive it as malicious

As a current fat (not landwhale/obese level, thank god) I can confirm that the gym is not a threatening place. I go to a powerlifting gym full of people who are way stronger than I am and I've never even talked to anyone. Everyone just minds their own business and works out.

>or as I call it, the douchehouse

powerlifting and oly gyms are different than commercial ones. in commercial ones most people usually just do BB stuff with very little compounds. they also dress like faggots wearing tanktops and other useless shit. don't even get me started on cardio bunnies doing only ass exercises.

you don't see this in oly/pl gyms.

And still, no one cares if you are obese in either type of gym. By virtue of you being there, we know you are taking steps to correct the problem. All we feel is pride and a hope that you'll keep it up.

Fat people finally break and go the gym because they hate themselves. Since they hate themselves, they assume others must too.


That guy has way more problems than being fat.

People fuck, and when they look good they really fuck.

Why doesn't he just roll into another fat blob and become one with it, or however fat people have sex

>however fat people have sex

They don't

what i was trying to say is that you will find much more assholes in commercial gyms that might laugh at you

But you really won't. The only kind of jackasses that do this are going to HS and college gyms, because once your balls drop, you stop caring about what other people are doing. The fatties who fear gym shaming are stuck in HS mentally. They let the shame they felt then, caused by immature assholes influence how they percieve reality. I know this because i've been a fatty in commercial gyms in several different areas of the US and i was never treated with anything even approaching disdain. Everyone was supportive, and it got me out of hamplanet mode.

I'm be first user. If agree with this. I've been visiting commercial gyms while on the road visiting family so that I can keep up as much as possible. There are way more "bro" types hanging out in them. That said, I still haven't encountered anybody being rude in commercial gyms either.

I find it funny how this guy seems to think that taking steroids is an ALTERNATIVE to working out.

>being polite and not autistic is for thin people

wow, really makes you think huh?

>mfw I lost my left shin on my last cut

Going to the gym = intimidating
Intimidation = badfeelz
Going to the gym = Badfeelz

Must be those awful gym people causing the badfeelz

Usually it's the other way around. I see people talk well about fat people who come to the gym because it requires drive and motivation to change as well as an Idgaf attitude. Whenever I see a fat person at the gym I think right on they finally want to change and make themselves better

>claim obesity isn't unhealthy
>compare symptoms of obesity to symptoms of a crippling, life threatening mental illness
Wow. They just blew right past the exit to self awareness and kept going.

>Other unhealthy people also suffer from the same thing
nice Whataboutism.

Exactly, DYEL gym buddy dropped the bar doing bench with 10 pounds on the bar and instead of getting made fun of a broken helped him out. It's not that bad, and if it is, just complain to the owner

>tfw lost my cranium while jogging

Bro*, not broken. Autocorrect

I started out fat and even the bro types were nice and helpful



We had a doichebro incident on my gym a while bac. He kept bugging the NYR guys, stealing weigths, bottles and so on from them. Took all of 5 minute before the lokal friendly roider found out and broght him to heel. Bully was made to apologise to all. After which he this faggot quits guy to apparently go spread lies in another gym down the street.


He probably feels his stellar personality means he deserves someone attractive

I kinda agree with her that it's annoying when you have to be nice or supportive when you couldn't care less.

It's a cultural thing. TV and the movies promote a number of stereotypes for one reason or another. Among them is the dumb brute and the ripped chad. We often differ to what we've been told when we have no personal experience. If you've never met a cat but the cartoons and movies portray them consistently as scratchy fucks, then you'll regard all cats as scratchy fucks and refer to them accordingly.

Oi mate, I'm a self-loathing fuck who can't act on my desires. I stay locked at home and ignore even my most harmless and easy desires like go out to buy food or cheap little baubles that I like. Something always tells me "you don't really want this", "you can do it at another time", "it's too late today. Tommorow", "wait! You can do x, y, z on the PC which will be more fun", "follow your painless routine", or just "Be. Inactive."

It's a powerful stopping force that frequently disguises itself as better judgement. For example let's say I want to go buy a luchador bottle opener. Buying it is a reason to go out, get some sunlight, walk and interact with people. Plus I've been wanting to get it for a while now. But when the moment comes to get dressed or exit the house, I start thinking that I don't really need it, that the sun is down and it won't be a fun walk at night, and stuff like that. At the end of the day I regret letting the day go, but the next day the circle repeats itself even though I know I'll regret it.

What's holding me down and how do I kill it?

this guy hasn't had sex so he doesn't know the truth that it is awful and exhausting when you are fat

KEK. My parent's have one of these in their house from the previous owners. My nephew is too scared to use it and thinks he will fall in.

>Be me
>Be fat
>Never harassed at the gym

Do they even fucking know what they're talking about? No one gives a fuck when a fat cunt like myself is at the gym.

This. I'm 20% body fat at 220lbs and sex is much more tiring than it was at 15% 180lbs. Fuck, I can't imagine how bad it is when you're all blubber.

>I kinda agree with her that it's annoying when you have to be nice or supportive when you couldn't care less.
Absolutely, but that's a different thing entirely.

They either think you're bulking or they are admiring your calf gains.


Tee Hee

>Where does this idea that people are mean at the gym come from? In my experience they're significantly nicer than the general population, and yes I was fat when I started going several years ago.

part of it is pop culture as suggests, but I think a great deal of the problem is just projection and cognitive dissonance. Hamplanets (and chronic DYELs) hate gymbros because they are jelly as fuck and feel intimidated. But they also like to think of themselves as good people who don't hate others unjustifiably. So their brains concoct a delusion, that gymbros are shitheads who hate fat people, to give themselves permission to hate gymbros without feeling like petty pieces of shit.

They're only half right, obviously we like making fun of fat people and DYELs who are too lazy and lack the will to improve themselves, those willing to work and suffer are bros. It's like every other discipline that requires effort I suppose, veterans have no patience for haters or lazy excuse-makers, and yet are happy to help newbies who know nothing but express a humble desire to learn and work hard.





i aint readin all that nigga


Watching: My 600lb life-Supersized

....I've never felt so sick

>Powerlifting gym
>Correcting obesity

>get a job at a local pizza place doing deliver back in 2012
>order comes in, employees start laughing when they hear it
>"new guy has to take that one"
>confused but I take the order
>get to house and knock on the door, voice inside tells me to come in
>open door to reveal 400 pound man sitting butt ass naked on a chair in the living room with only a thin blanket covering his lap
>motions for me to come in
>he's wearing wool gloves on his hands (I assume the fat wasn't allowing enough blood to circulate to them to stay warm)
>as I get closer I realize his skin has a sheen to it like a glazed donut
>there are empty food containers all over the living room
>I am trying my hardest to look at anything but him without making it obvious

I delivered to this guy like 10 times and this was the scenario each time. I heard that he had a skin condition related to his obesity where if he wore clothes his skin would stick to them and try to peel off.

Was Jim Lahey there too?

Ah yes, the obligatory hurgin.

Jesus fuck. How much does one have to hate themselves to one day sit down and decide that making this is a good idea?


I want to punch the man who impregnated that. Really hard. In the face. With knuckle studs.

Well done m8, keep it up

I'm a woman, and I would be so mad if my boyfriend laughed at that in front of children. that is disgusting.

3rd point shouldn't ever happen if it's a fat person who legit tried to break a sweat.

>tfw I cut too hard

Well look at this. How does making fun of someone to their face for being fat (Do it behind their back, on Veeky Forums and reddit all you want) help them lose weight? It doesn't motivate. It makes you think "Why bother?" especially when it happens WHILE YOU'RE AT THE GYM.

I avoided the gym for years because I had been made fun of for being fat. Shit, I was 13 walking down my street trying to get healthier and people drove by screaming "FATASS" and other shit at me. At a 13 year old fat girl. That didn't help me.

All it did was make me stay inside and eat my feelings.

Now I'm 25 and I still am too afraid to go to the gym. I lost 20 pounds in a year just eating better (Would've been more but I gained during the holidays :/ not hosting next year because it was from trying to eat leftovers to not waste them) but I could've lost more if I wasn't too scared to go to the gym.

Luckily my new apartment is big enough for some small gym equipment (I got an elliptical for cardio and I'm looking for some weights that won't take up a lot of space. If I can get down at least half way I'll feel comfortable going to the gym).

It doesn't help. You're just being a dick and discouraging someone from getting healthy. Maybe one person out of 100 will take it as motivation.

IENCOURAGE and support others. Show the new fat guy around the gym and ask him if he needs any help knowing what to do next (We can't all afford trainers and many people starting out don't know what everything is for after all).

If you see a fat chick, give her a compliment on how well shes doing (Did she stay on a machine for a solid hour? Go give her a high five!)

You won't see an end to fat people if you're a dick to them when they're actively trying to better themselves.

Like I said make fun of them in FPS and shit, make fun of em online on Veeky Forums and shit, but doing it to their face at the gym is just a dick move.

why do you think people are obligued to tell you you are doing a good job?
people can say whatever the fuck they want, and if that disencourages you then boo fucking hoo.
learn to live your life on your own.

>What's holding me down and how do I kill it?
You are holding you down. You don't need to do anything extra to kill you.

Leading cause of death in america is heart disease.
Obesity causes heart disease.
America is 2/3rds overweight.
What the fuck is hard to comprehend here?

>but doing it to their face at the gym is just a dick move.
Well, no one here is actually making fun of fatties who are working to better themselves.

I worked as an Aesthetician for years and Gastric Bypass patients would often have this weird colored oil on the skin. I don't know if they were literally sweating fat or what, but the idea was disgusting to me

I'm a hippo and I would be so disgusted with you being mad at your boyfriend in front of children

Pretty rare that anyone - here or elsewhere - makes fun of fatties who are trying to better themselves. Won't say it doesn't happen but its the exception and not the rule.

The vast majority of stories about fatties who are harassed at the gym while they're trying to lose weight are made up either for shits and giggles, or by fat people who are making excuses not to go to the gym. There are not actually a whole bunch of sneering curlbros waiting to yell mean things at you as soon as you step inside.


> How does making fun of someone to their face for being fat help them lose weight?
It doesn't, asshole, it helps ME lose weight. I burn some calories during the social interaction that involves me yelling obscenities at the nearest planet.

>not being fat doesn't fix every health problem
>so why bother at all

>First time I go to the gym, some ok-ish built guy comes up
>"Oh user, come to the gym eh? You aughta lift some weights with those skinny arms, they're gonna fall off and be useless if you keep looking like that. Maybe you should work out."
>Another, more much more built dude comes up
>"user's here to lift like the rest of us dude, you don't gotta give him shit for trying to make a positive difference in his life."

>I kinda agree with her that it's annoying when you have to be nice or supportive when you couldn't care less.

She's admitting that people around her becoming healthier while she stays a fatty causes her distress, so she expects those people not to bring their improvement up, ever. "Not caring less" isn't what this is about.

>first time in the gym
>everyone knows your name
do you wear a name tag around?


That thing really needs more support under the front.

when I was 225 at 5'8 I had to take breaks when I was wanking because it was too tiring and sweaty.

Bottom right should say Medium again.


I live in a very small town. The population's about 500.

pretty sure that's a urinal

>fat white woman
>black kid
>no father figure in sight

uhh check, check, and...check!

>fat activism
thats an oxymoron if ive ever seen one

What makes you say this user? My parents have a toilet maybe a quarter less wide than this. The previous owners were fat assholes.

because it has no support in the front and no top lid like a normal toilet bowl

it's almost definitely a urinal at that size just one that's horizontally oriented instead of vertically oriented

Okay it's spreading to Veeky Forums now

Do Veeky Forums regs forget about fit?

Top kek

>Work as EMT
>Work on Orca 1/Whale wagon/Fatbulance
>Every time these fat fucks calls 911 because they have a sore or something related to their fat and lack of hygene I have to go
>Get to tell them to stop being such a fat fuck because they're going to kill themselves and no one is going to do cpr on their flabbty body while carrying them outside, they'll just be instantly pronounced dead
>If they get upset just radio in that scene is hostile and the landwhales either stfu and go to the hospital, sign off they don't want to go or get arrested for getting violent with us
>Never have to worry about customer service since 911 will literally always exist

I'm doing it for you Veeky Forums

Loss of bone density from eating disorders (too little) is a real thing, just like destroyed joints from eating disorders (too much) are a real thing.

The problem with the image is that nobody is telling obese people to change their eating disorder to a different one. They're saying that they should treat their disorders to have a reasonable relationship to food.